## Requirements Before proceeding, please ensure that you have an OpenShift cluster running K8s 1.19+ (OpenShift 4.7+) and have Helm 3.5+ installed. In addition, you'll need to install the OpenShift CLI (`oc`) to authenticate to your cluster and create OpenShift resources. You'll also want to install the [latest version of Coder](https://github.com/coder/coder/releases/latest) locally in order to log in and manage templates. ## Install Coder with OpenShift ### 1. Authenticate to OpenShift and create a Coder project Run the following command to login to your OpenShift cluster: ```shell oc login --token=w4r...04s --server= ``` Next, you will run the below command to create a project for Coder: ```shell oc new-project coder ``` ### 2. Configure SecurityContext values Depending upon your configured Security Context Constraints (SCC), you'll need to modify some or all of the following `securityContext` values from the default values: The below values are modified from Coder defaults and allow the Coder deployment to run under the SCC `restricted-v2`. > Note: `readOnlyRootFilesystem: true` is not technically required under > `restricted-v2`, but is often mandated in OpenShift environments. ```yaml coder: securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true # Unchanged from default runAsUser: # Default: 1000, replace this with the correct UID for your project. runAsGroup: # Default: 1000, replace this with the correct GID for your project. readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # Default: false, this is often required in OpenShift environments. seccompProfile: RuntimeDefault # Unchanged from default ``` - For `runAsUser` / `runAsGroup`, you can retrieve the correct values for project UID and project GID with the following command: ```console oc get project coder -o json | jq -r '.metadata.annotations' { "openshift.io/sa.scc.supplemental-groups": "1000680000/10000", "openshift.io/sa.scc.uid-range": "1000680000/10000" } ``` Alternatively, you can set these values to `null` to allow OpenShift to automatically select the correct value for the project. - For `readOnlyRootFilesystem`, consult the SCC under which Coder needs to run. In the below example, the `restricted-v2` SCC does not require a read-only root filesystem, while `restricted-custom` does: ```console oc get scc -o wide NAME PRIV CAPS SELINUX RUNASUSER FSGROUP SUPGROUP PRIORITY READONLYROOTFS VOLUMES restricted-custom false ["NET_BIND_SERVICE"] MustRunAs MustRunAsRange MustRunAs RunAsAny true ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","ephemeral","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"] restricted-v2 false ["NET_BIND_SERVICE"] MustRunAs MustRunAsRange MustRunAs RunAsAny false ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","ephemeral","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"] ``` If you are unsure, we recommend setting `readOnlyRootFilesystem` to `true` in an OpenShift environment. - For `seccompProfile`: in some environments, you may need to set this to `null` to allow OpenShift to pick its preferred value. ### 3. Configure the Coder service, connection URLs, and cache values To establish a connection to PostgreSQL, set the `CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL` value. [See our Helm documentation](./kubernetes.md) on configuring the PostgreSQL connection URL as a secret. Additionally, if accessing Coder over a hostname, set the `CODER_ACCESS_URL` value. By default, Coder creates the cache directory in `/home/coder/.cache`. Given the OpenShift-provided UID and `readOnlyRootFS` security context constraint, the Coder container does not have permission to write to this directory. To fix this, you can mount a temporary volume in the pod and set the `CODER_CACHE_DIRECTORY` environment variable to that location. In the below example, we mount this under `/tmp` and set the cache location to `/tmp/coder`. This enables Coder to run with `readOnlyRootFilesystem: true`. > Note: Depending on the number of templates and provisioners you use, you may > need to increase the size of the volume, as the `coder` pod will be > automatically restarted when this volume fills up. Additionally, create the Coder service as a `ClusterIP`. In the next step, you will create an OpenShift route that points to the service HTTP target port. ```yaml coder: service: type: ClusterIP env: - name: CODER_CACHE_DIRECTORY value: /tmp/coder - name: CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: url name: coder-db-url - name: CODER_ACCESS_URL value: "https://coder-example.apps.openshiftapps.com" securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: runAsGroup: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true volumes: - name: "cache" emptyDir: sizeLimit: 1Gi volumeMounts: - name: "cache" mountPath: "/tmp" readOnly: false ``` > Note: OpenShift provides a Developer Catalog offering you can use to install > PostgreSQL into your cluster. ### 4. Create the OpenShift route Below is the YAML spec for creating an OpenShift route that sends traffic to the HTTP port of the Coder service: ```yaml kind: Route apiVersion: route.openshift.io/v1 metadata: namespace: coder spec: host: https://coder-example.apps.openshiftapps.com to: kind: Service name: coder tls: # if set to edge, OpenShift will terminate TLS prior to the traffic reaching # the service. termination: edge # if set to Redirect, insecure client connections are redirected to the secure # port insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect port: targetPort: http ``` Once complete, you can create this route in OpenShift via: ```console oc apply -f route.yaml ``` ### 5. Install Coder You can now install Coder using the values you've set from the above steps. To do so, run the series of `helm` commands below: ```shell helm repo add coder-v2 https://helm.coder.com/v2 helm repo update helm install coder coder-v2/coder \ --namespace coder \ --values values.yaml ``` > Note: If the Helm installation fails with a Kubernetes RBAC error, check the > permissions of your OpenShift user using the `oc auth can-i` command. > > The below permissions are the minimum required: > > ```console > oc auth can-i --list > Resources Non-Resource URLs Resource Names Verbs > selfsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io [] [] [create] > selfsubjectrulesreviews.authorization.k8s.io [] [] [create] > * [] [] [get list watch create update patch delete deletecollection] > *.apps [] [] [get list watch create update patch delete deletecollection] > *.rbac.authorization.k8s.io [] [] [get list watch create update patch delete deletecollection] > [/.well-known/*] [] [get] > [/.well-known] [] [get] > [/api/*] [] [get] > [/api] [] [get] > [/apis/*] [] [get] > [/apis] [] [get] > [/healthz] [] [get] > [/healthz] [] [get] > [/livez] [] [get] > [/livez] [] [get] > [/openapi/*] [] [get] > [/openapi] [] [get] > [/readyz] [] [get] > [/readyz] [] [get] > [/version/] [] [get] > [/version/] [] [get] > [/version] [] [get] > [/version] [] [get] > securitycontextconstraints.security.openshift.io [] [restricted-v2] [use] > ``` ### 6. Create an OpenShift-compatible image While the deployment is spinning up, we will need to create some images that are compatible with OpenShift. These images can then be run without modifying the Security Context Constraints (SCCs) in OpenShift. 1. Determine the UID range for the project: ```console oc get project coder -o json | jq -r '.metadata.annotations' { "openshift.io/description": "", "openshift.io/display-name": "coder", "openshift.io/requester": "kube:admin", "openshift.io/sa.scc.mcs": "s0:c26,c15", "openshift.io/sa.scc.supplemental-groups": "1000680000/10000", "openshift.io/sa.scc.uid-range": "1000680000/10000" } ``` Note the `uid-range` and `supplemental-groups`. In this case, the project `coder` has been allocated 10,000 UIDs and GIDs, both starting at `1000680000`. In this example, we will pick both UID and GID `1000680000`. 1. Create a `BuildConfig` referencing the source image you want to customize. This will automatically kick off a `Build` that will remain pending until step 3. > For more information, please consult the > [OpenShift Documentation](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/cicd/builds/understanding-buildconfigs.html). ```shell oc create -f - <