## Changelog ### Important features - Moved workspace cleanup to an experimental feature (#10363) (@sreya) ### Features - Add telemetry for external provisioners (#10322) (@coadler) - Expose template insights as Prometheus metrics (#10325) (@mtojek) - Add user groups column to users table (#10284) (@Parkreiner) - Add cli support for `--require-active-version` (#10337) (@sreya) - Add frontend support for mandating active template version (#10338) (@sreya) ### Bug fixes - Add requester IP to workspace build audit logs (#10242) (@coadler) - Resolve User is not unauthenticated error seen on logout (#10349) (@Kira-Pilot) - Show dormant and suspended users in groups (#10333) (@Kira-Pilot) - Fix additional cluster SA, role names (#10366) (@ericpaulsen) - Update external-auth docs to use `coder_external_auth` (#10347) (@matifali) - b8c7b56fd fix(site): fix tabs in the template layout (#10334) (@BrunoQuaresma) ### Documentation - Update vscode web docs (#10327) (@matifali) - Rework telemetry doc and add CLI warning (#10354) (@ammario) Compare: [`v2.3.1...v2.3.2`](https://github.com/coder/coder/compare/v2.3.1...v2.3.2) ## Container image - `docker pull ghcr.io/coder/coder:v2.3.2` ## Install/upgrade Refer to our docs to [install](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/install) or [upgrade](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/admin/upgrade) Coder, or use a release asset below.