## Changelog ### Important changes - Coder now only displays license warnings to privileged users (#10096) (@sreya) ### Features - Add "Create Workspace" button to the workspaces page (#10011) (@Parkreiner) create workspace - Add support for [database encryption for user tokens](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/admin/encryption#database-encryption). > This is an [Enterprise feature](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/enterprise). - Show descriptions for parameter options (#10068) (@aslilac) parameter descriptions - Allow reading the agent token from a file (#10080) (@kylecarbs) - Adjust favicon based on system color-scheme (#10087) (@kylecarbs) - Add API support for workspace automatic updates (#10099) (@spikecurtis) - Show user limit on active users chart (#10101) (@mtojek) - Add logging for forwarded TCP connections (@spikecurtis) - Add /icons page to browse static icons for templates, `coder_apps`, and parameters (#10093) (@aslilac) icons page > Navigate to `https://coder.your-company.com/icons` to view this page. - You can select icons from the emoji picker in template settings (#10119) (@aslilac) icon picker - Add shebang support to scripts (#10134) (@kylecarbs) - Improve logging for reconnectingPTY (web terminal) connections (@spikecurtis) - Improve logging for speedtest connections (@spikecurtis) - Add `request_id` to HTTP trace spans (#10145) (@coadler) - Add `external-auth` cli (#10052) (@kylecarbs) - Add warning message when trying to delete active template (#10142) (@Parkreiner) - Add `--version` flag to `coder templates pull`, default to active version (#10153) (@coadler) - Support configurable web terminal rendering (#10095) (@sreya) - Allow prefixes at the beginning of subdomain app hostnames (#10150) (@deansheather) - Failed template versions can be archived to hide them from the UI (#10179) (@Emyrk) archive version - Add --parameter flag to `exp scaletest` command (#10132) (@johnstcn) - Add `coder users delete` command (#10115) (@coadler) - Create a "Load More" button for previous builds (#10076) (@BrunoQuaresma) - Parameters can now be disabled via "Open in Coder" buttons (#10114) (@Kira-Pilot) ### Bug fixes - Allow auditors to query deployment stats and insights (#10058) (@kylecarbs) - Update the validation url for GitHub enterprise (#10061) (@kylecarbs) - Allow all environment variables to fallback prefix to `HOMEBREW_` (#10050) (@kylecarbs) - Change alpha badge color to violet (#10029) (@sreya) - Add `--version` flag to the root to support migrating customers (#10063) (@kylecarbs) - Only allow promoting successful template versions (#9998) (@aslilac) - Fix failed workspaces continuously auto-deleting (#10069) (@sreya) - Add build status favicons based on system theme (#10089) (@kylecarbs) - Use proper state in system theme (#10090) (@kylecarbs) - Apply the same border for button groups (#10092) (@kylecarbs) - Use proper react hook for favicon theme (#10094) (@kylecarbs) - Invert the favicon on dark mode (#10097) (@kylecarbs) - Update ErrorDialog logic and tests (#10111) (@Parkreiner) - Check for nil pointer in AwaitWorkspaceAgents (@spikecurtis) - Properly trim spaces so multi-line shebang executes (#10146) (@kylecarbs) - Apply default `ExtraTokenKeys` to oauth (#10155) (@kylecarbs) - Use query to get external-auth by id (#10156) (@kylecarbs) - Correct escaping in test regex (#10138) (@spikecurtis) - Use CRC32 to shorten app subdomain (@mtojek) - Use is-dormant instead of dormant_at (#10191) (@sreya) - Append external auth env vars (#10201) (@kylecarbs) - Ignore spurious node updates while waiting for errors (#10175) (@spikecurtis) - Stop leaking User into API handlers unless authorized (@spikecurtis) - Fix log spam related to skipping custom nice scores (#10206) (@sreya) - Remove Parallel() call after timeout context (#10203) (@spikecurtis) - Prevent sqlDB leaks in ConnectToPostgres (#10072) (@mafredri) - Properly check for missing organization membership (@coadler) - Impvove ctx cancel in agent logs flush, fix test (#10214) (@mafredri) - Properly detect legacy agents (#10083) (@coadler) - 5d5a7da67 fix(scaletest): output error and trace instead of {} for json output (#10075) (@mafredri) - ed8092c83 fix(scaletest/createworkspaces): address race condition between agent closer and cleanup (#10210) (@johnstcn) - b3471bd23 fix(scaletest/dashboard): increase viewport size and handle deadlines (#10197) (@johnstcn) - e829cbf2d fix(scaletest/dashboard): fix early exit due to validate (#10212) (@johnstcn) - Disable auto fields when they are disabled in the template settings (#10022) (@BrunoQuaresma) - Fix chart label depending on interval (#10059) (@BrunoQuaresma) - Fix users page for template admins (#10060) (@BrunoQuaresma) - Change `utils/delay` import path (#10065) (@coadler) - Fix logo width on sign in (#10091) (@BrunoQuaresma) - Fix week range for insights (#10173) (@BrunoQuaresma) ### Documentation - Update offline Terraform provider config (#10062) (@ericpaulsen) --- Compare: [`v2.2.1...v2.3.0`](https://github.com/coder/coder/compare/v2.2.1...v2.3.0) ## Container image - `docker pull ghcr.io/coder/coder:v2.2.2` ## Install/upgrade Refer to our docs to [install](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/install) or [upgrade](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/admin/upgrade) Coder, or use a release asset below.