package coderd import ( "context" "database/sql" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/mail" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( userAuthLoggerName = "userauth" OAuthConvertCookieValue = "coder_oauth_convert_jwt" mergeStateStringPrefix = "convert-" ) type OAuthConvertStateClaims struct { jwt.RegisteredClaims UserID uuid.UUID `json:"user_id"` State string `json:"state"` FromLoginType codersdk.LoginType `json:"from_login_type"` ToLoginType codersdk.LoginType `json:"to_login_type"` } // postConvertLoginType replies with an oauth state token capable of converting // the user to an oauth user. // // @Summary Convert user from password to oauth authentication // @ID convert-user-from-password-to-oauth-authentication // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Tags Authorization // @Param request body codersdk.ConvertLoginRequest true "Convert request" // @Param user path string true "User ID, name, or me" // @Success 201 {object} codersdk.OAuthConversionResponse // @Router /users/{user}/convert-login [post] func (api *API) postConvertLoginType(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( user = httpmw.UserParam(r) ctx = r.Context() auditor = api.Auditor.Load() aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.AuditOAuthConvertState](rw, &audit.RequestParams{ Audit: *auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionCreate, }) ) aReq.Old = database.AuditOAuthConvertState{} defer commitAudit() var req codersdk.ConvertLoginRequest if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) { return } switch req.ToType { case codersdk.LoginTypeGithub, codersdk.LoginTypeOIDC: // Allowed! case codersdk.LoginTypeNone, codersdk.LoginTypePassword, codersdk.LoginTypeToken: // These login types are not allowed to be converted to at this time. httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot convert to login type %q.", req.ToType), }) return default: httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Unknown login type %q.", req.ToType), }) return } // This handles the email/pass checking. user, _, ok := api.loginRequest(ctx, rw, codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest{ Email: user.Email, Password: req.Password, }) if !ok { return } // Only support converting from password auth. if user.LoginType != database.LoginTypePassword { // This is checked in loginRequest, but checked again here in case that shared // function changes its checks. Just some defensive programming. // This login type is **required** to be password based to prevent // users from converting other login types to OIDC. httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: "User account must have password based authentication.", }) return } stateString, err := cryptorand.String(32) if err != nil { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error generating state string.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } // The prefix is used to identify this state string as a conversion state // without needing to hit the database. The random string is the CSRF protection. stateString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", mergeStateStringPrefix, stateString) // This JWT is the signed payload to authorize the convert to oauth request. // When the user does the oauth flow, this jwt will be sent back to coderd. // The included information in this payload links it to a state string, so // this request is tied 1:1 with an oauth state. // This JWT also includes information to tie it 1:1 with a coder deployment // and user account. This is mainly to inform the user if they are accidentally // switching between coder deployments if the OIDC is misconfigured. // Eg: Developers with more than 1 deployment. now := time.Now() claims := &OAuthConvertStateClaims{ RegisteredClaims: jwt.RegisteredClaims{ Issuer: api.DeploymentID, Subject: stateString, Audience: []string{user.ID.String()}, ExpiresAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(time.Minute * 5)), NotBefore: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(time.Second * -1)), IssuedAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(now), ID: uuid.NewString(), }, UserID: user.ID, State: stateString, FromLoginType: codersdk.LoginType(user.LoginType), ToLoginType: req.ToType, } token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS512, claims) // Key must be a byte slice, not an array. So make sure to include the [:] tokenString, err := token.SignedString(api.OAuthSigningKey[:]) if err != nil { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error signing state jwt.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } aReq.New = database.AuditOAuthConvertState{ CreatedAt: claims.IssuedAt.Time, ExpiresAt: claims.ExpiresAt.Time, FromLoginType: database.LoginType(claims.FromLoginType), ToLoginType: database.LoginType(claims.ToLoginType), UserID: claims.UserID, } http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{ Name: OAuthConvertCookieValue, Path: "/", Value: tokenString, Expires: claims.ExpiresAt.Time, Secure: api.SecureAuthCookie, HttpOnly: true, // Must be SameSite to work on the redirected auth flow from the // oauth provider. SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode, }) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, codersdk.OAuthConversionResponse{ StateString: stateString, ExpiresAt: claims.ExpiresAt.Time, ToType: claims.ToLoginType, UserID: claims.UserID, }) } // Authenticates the user with an email and password. // // @Summary Log in user // @ID log-in-user // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Tags Authorization // @Param request body codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest true "Login request" // @Success 201 {object} codersdk.LoginWithPasswordResponse // @Router /users/login [post] func (api *API) postLogin(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( ctx = r.Context() auditor = api.Auditor.Load() logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{ Audit: *auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionLogin, }) ) aReq.Old = database.APIKey{} defer commitAudit() var loginWithPassword codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &loginWithPassword) { return } user, roles, ok := api.loginRequest(ctx, rw, loginWithPassword) // 'user.ID' will be empty, or will be an actual value. Either is correct // here. aReq.UserID = user.ID if !ok { // user failed to login return } userSubj := rbac.Subject{ ID: user.ID.String(), Roles: rbac.RoleNames(roles.Roles), Groups: roles.Groups, Scope: rbac.ScopeAll, } //nolint:gocritic // Creating the API key as the user instead of as system. cookie, key, err := api.createAPIKey(dbauthz.As(ctx, userSubj), apikey.CreateParams{ UserID: user.ID, LoginType: database.LoginTypePassword, RemoteAddr: r.RemoteAddr, DefaultLifetime: api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value(), }) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to create API key", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to create API key.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } aReq.New = *key http.SetCookie(rw, cookie) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, codersdk.LoginWithPasswordResponse{ SessionToken: cookie.Value, }) } // loginRequest will process a LoginWithPasswordRequest and return the user if // the credentials are correct. If 'false' is returned, the authentication failed // and the appropriate error will be written to the ResponseWriter. // // The user struct is always returned, even if authentication failed. This is // to support knowing what user attempted to login. func (api *API) loginRequest(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest) (database.User, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow, bool) { logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) //nolint:gocritic // In order to login, we need to get the user first! user, err := api.Database.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{ Email: req.Email, }) if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to fetch user by email", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } // If the user doesn't exist, it will be a default struct. equal, err := userpassword.Compare(string(user.HashedPassword), req.Password) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to compare passwords", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } if !equal { // This message is the same as above to remove ease in detecting whether // users are registered or not. Attackers still could with a timing attack. httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Incorrect email or password.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } // If password authentication is disabled and the user does not have the // owner role, block the request. if api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Password authentication is disabled.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } if user.LoginType != database.LoginTypePassword { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect login type, attempting to use %q but user is of login type %q", database.LoginTypePassword, user.LoginType), }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } if user.Status == database.UserStatusDormant { //nolint:gocritic // System needs to update status of the user account (dormant -> active). user, err = api.Database.UpdateUserStatus(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserStatusParams{ ID: user.ID, Status: database.UserStatusActive, UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(), }) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to update user status to active", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error occurred. Try again later, or contact an admin for assistance.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } } //nolint:gocritic // System needs to fetch user roles in order to login user. roles, err := api.Database.GetAuthorizationUserRoles(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), user.ID) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to fetch authorization user roles", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error.", }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } // If the user logged into a suspended account, reject the login request. if roles.Status != database.UserStatusActive { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your account is %s. Contact an admin to reactivate your account.", roles.Status), }) return user, database.GetAuthorizationUserRolesRow{}, false } return user, roles, true } // Clear the user's session cookie. // // @Summary Log out user // @ID log-out-user // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Produce json // @Tags Users // @Success 200 {object} codersdk.Response // @Router /users/logout [post] func (api *API) postLogout(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( ctx = r.Context() auditor = api.Auditor.Load() aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{ Audit: *auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionLogout, }) ) defer commitAudit() // Get a blank token cookie. cookie := &http.Cookie{ // MaxAge < 0 means to delete the cookie now. MaxAge: -1, Name: codersdk.SessionTokenCookie, Path: "/", } http.SetCookie(rw, cookie) // Delete the session token from database. apiKey := httpmw.APIKey(r) aReq.Old = apiKey logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) err := api.Database.DeleteAPIKeyByID(ctx, apiKey.ID) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to delete API key", slog.F("api_key", apiKey.ID), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error deleting API key.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } // Invalidate all subdomain app tokens. This saves us from having to // track which app tokens are associated which this browser session and // doesn't inconvenience the user as they'll just get redirected if they try // to access the app again. err = api.Database.DeleteApplicationConnectAPIKeysByUserID(ctx, apiKey.UserID) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to invalidate subdomain app tokens", slog.F("user_id", apiKey.UserID), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error deleting app tokens.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } aReq.New = database.APIKey{} httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Logged out!", }) } // GithubOAuth2Team represents a team scoped to an organization. type GithubOAuth2Team struct { Organization string Slug string } // GithubOAuth2Provider exposes required functions for the Github authentication flow. type GithubOAuth2Config struct { promoauth.OAuth2Config AuthenticatedUser func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) (*github.User, error) ListEmails func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) ([]*github.UserEmail, error) ListOrganizationMemberships func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) ([]*github.Membership, error) TeamMembership func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, org, team, username string) (*github.Membership, error) AllowSignups bool AllowEveryone bool AllowOrganizations []string AllowTeams []GithubOAuth2Team } // @Summary Get authentication methods // @ID get-authentication-methods // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Produce json // @Tags Users // @Success 200 {object} codersdk.AuthMethods // @Router /users/authmethods [get] func (api *API) userAuthMethods(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var signInText string var iconURL string if api.OIDCConfig != nil { signInText = api.OIDCConfig.SignInText } if api.OIDCConfig != nil { iconURL = api.OIDCConfig.IconURL } httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.AuthMethods{ TermsOfServiceURL: api.DeploymentValues.TermsOfServiceURL.Value(), Password: codersdk.AuthMethod{ Enabled: !api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth.Value(), }, Github: codersdk.AuthMethod{Enabled: api.GithubOAuth2Config != nil}, OIDC: codersdk.OIDCAuthMethod{ AuthMethod: codersdk.AuthMethod{Enabled: api.OIDCConfig != nil}, SignInText: signInText, IconURL: iconURL, }, }) } // @Summary OAuth 2.0 GitHub Callback // @ID oauth-20-github-callback // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Tags Users // @Success 307 // @Router /users/oauth2/github/callback [get] func (api *API) userOAuth2Github(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( // userOAuth2Github is a system function. //nolint:gocritic ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(r.Context()) state = httpmw.OAuth2(r) auditor = api.Auditor.Load() aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{ Audit: *auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionLogin, }) ) aReq.Old = database.APIKey{} defer commitAudit() oauthClient := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(state.Token)) logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) var selectedMemberships []*github.Membership var organizationNames []string redirect := state.Redirect if !api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowEveryone { memberships, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.ListOrganizationMemberships(ctx, oauthClient) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to list organization members", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error fetching authenticated Github user organizations.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } for _, membership := range memberships { if membership.GetState() != "active" { continue } for _, allowed := range api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowOrganizations { if *membership.Organization.Login != allowed { continue } selectedMemberships = append(selectedMemberships, membership) organizationNames = append(organizationNames, membership.Organization.GetLogin()) break } } if len(selectedMemberships) == 0 { httpmw.CustomRedirectToLogin(rw, r, redirect, "You aren't a member of the authorized Github organizations!", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } } ghUser, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.AuthenticatedUser(ctx, oauthClient) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to fetch authenticated user", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error fetching authenticated Github user.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } // The default if no teams are specified is to allow all. if !api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowEveryone && len(api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowTeams) > 0 { var allowedTeam *github.Membership for _, allowTeam := range api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowTeams { if allowedTeam != nil { break } for _, selectedMembership := range selectedMemberships { if allowTeam.Organization != *selectedMembership.Organization.Login { // This needs to continue because multiple organizations // could exist in the allow/team listings. continue } allowedTeam, err = api.GithubOAuth2Config.TeamMembership(ctx, oauthClient, allowTeam.Organization, allowTeam.Slug, *ghUser.Login) // The calling user may not have permission to the requested team! if err != nil { continue } } } if allowedTeam == nil { httpmw.CustomRedirectToLogin(rw, r, redirect, fmt.Sprintf("You aren't a member of an authorized team in the %v Github organization(s)!", organizationNames), http.StatusUnauthorized) return } } emails, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.ListEmails(ctx, oauthClient) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to list emails", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Internal error fetching personal Github user.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } var verifiedEmail *github.UserEmail for _, email := range emails { if email.GetVerified() && email.GetPrimary() { verifiedEmail = email break } } if verifiedEmail == nil { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Your primary email must be verified on GitHub!", }) return } // If we have a nil GitHub ID, that is a big problem. That would mean we link // this user and all other users with this bug to the same uuid. // We should instead throw an error. This should never occur in production. // // Verified that the lowest ID on GitHub is "1", so 0 should never occur. if ghUser.GetID() == 0 { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "The GitHub user ID is missing, this should never happen. Please report this error.", // If this happens, the User could either be: // - Empty, in which case all these fields would also be empty. // - Not a user, in which case the "Type" would be something other than "User" Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Other user fields: name=%q, email=%q, type=%q", ghUser.GetName(), ghUser.GetEmail(), ghUser.GetType(), ), }) return } user, link, err := findLinkedUser(ctx, api.Database, githubLinkedID(ghUser), verifiedEmail.GetEmail()) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to find linked user", slog.F("gh_user", ghUser.Name), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to find linked user.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } // If a new user is authenticating for the first time // the audit action is 'register', not 'login' if user.ID == uuid.Nil { aReq.Action = database.AuditActionRegister } params := (&oauthLoginParams{ User: user, Link: link, State: state, LinkedID: githubLinkedID(ghUser), LoginType: database.LoginTypeGithub, AllowSignups: api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowSignups, Email: verifiedEmail.GetEmail(), Username: ghUser.GetLogin(), AvatarURL: ghUser.GetAvatarURL(), DebugContext: OauthDebugContext{}, }).SetInitAuditRequest(func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func()) { return audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, params) }) cookies, key, err := api.oauthLogin(r, params) defer params.CommitAuditLogs() var httpErr httpError if xerrors.As(err, &httpErr) { httpErr.Write(rw, r) return } if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: login failed", slog.F("user", user.Username), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to process OAuth login.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } aReq.New = key aReq.UserID = key.UserID for _, cookie := range cookies { http.SetCookie(rw, cookie) } if redirect == "" { redirect = "/" } http.Redirect(rw, r, redirect, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) } type OIDCConfig struct { promoauth.OAuth2Config Provider *oidc.Provider Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier // EmailDomains are the domains to enforce when a user authenticates. EmailDomain []string AllowSignups bool // IgnoreEmailVerified allows ignoring the email_verified claim // from an upstream OIDC provider. See #5065 for context. IgnoreEmailVerified bool // UsernameField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's // username. UsernameField string // EmailField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's // email. EmailField string // AuthURLParams are additional parameters to be passed to the OIDC provider // when requesting an access token. AuthURLParams map[string]string // IgnoreUserInfo causes Coder to only use claims from the ID token to // process OIDC logins. This is useful if the OIDC provider does not // support the userinfo endpoint, or if the userinfo endpoint causes // undesirable behavior. IgnoreUserInfo bool // GroupField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's // groups. If the group field is the empty string, then no group updates // will ever come from the OIDC provider. GroupField string // CreateMissingGroups controls whether groups returned by the OIDC provider // are automatically created in Coder if they are missing. CreateMissingGroups bool // GroupFilter is a regular expression that filters the groups returned by // the OIDC provider. Any group not matched by this regex will be ignored. // If the group filter is nil, then no group filtering will occur. GroupFilter *regexp.Regexp // GroupAllowList is a list of groups that are allowed to log in. // If the list length is 0, then the allow list will not be applied and // this feature is disabled. GroupAllowList map[string]bool // GroupMapping controls how groups returned by the OIDC provider get mapped // to groups within Coder. // map[oidcGroupName]coderGroupName GroupMapping map[string]string // UserRoleField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's // roles. If the field is the empty string, then no role updates // will ever come from the OIDC provider. UserRoleField string // UserRoleMapping controls how groups returned by the OIDC provider get mapped // to roles within Coder. // map[oidcRoleName][]coderRoleName UserRoleMapping map[string][]string // UserRolesDefault is the default set of roles to assign to a user if role sync // is enabled. UserRolesDefault []string // SignInText is the text to display on the OIDC login button SignInText string // IconURL points to the URL of an icon to display on the OIDC login button IconURL string // SignupsDisabledText is the text do display on the static error page. SignupsDisabledText string } func (cfg OIDCConfig) RoleSyncEnabled() bool { return cfg.UserRoleField != "" } // @Summary OpenID Connect Callback // @ID openid-connect-callback // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Tags Users // @Success 307 // @Router /users/oidc/callback [get] func (api *API) userOIDC(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( // userOIDC is a system function. //nolint:gocritic ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(r.Context()) state = httpmw.OAuth2(r) auditor = api.Auditor.Load() aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{ Audit: *auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionLogin, }) ) aReq.Old = database.APIKey{} defer commitAudit() // See the example here: rawIDToken, ok := state.Token.Extra("id_token").(string) if !ok { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: "id_token not found in response payload. Ensure your OIDC callback is configured correctly!", }) return } idToken, err := api.OIDCConfig.Verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken) if err != nil { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to verify OIDC token.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) // "email_verified" is an optional claim that changes the behavior // of our OIDC handler, so each property must be pulled manually out // of the claim mapping. idtokenClaims := map[string]interface{}{} err = idToken.Claims(&idtokenClaims) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to extract OIDC claims", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to extract OIDC claims.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } logger.Debug(ctx, "got oidc claims", slog.F("source", "id_token"), slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(idtokenClaims)), slog.F("blank", blankFields(idtokenClaims)), ) // Not all claims are necessarily embedded in the `id_token`. // In GitLab, the username is left empty and must be fetched in UserInfo. // // The OIDC specification says claims can be in either place, so we fetch // user info if required and merge the two claim sets to be sure we have // all of the correct data. // // Some providers (e.g. ADFS) do not support custom OIDC claims in the // UserInfo endpoint, so we allow users to disable it and only rely on the // ID token. userInfoClaims := make(map[string]interface{}) // If user info is skipped, the idtokenClaims are the claims. mergedClaims := idtokenClaims if !api.OIDCConfig.IgnoreUserInfo { userInfo, err := api.OIDCConfig.Provider.UserInfo(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(state.Token)) if err == nil { err = userInfo.Claims(&userInfoClaims) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to unmarshal user info claims", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to unmarshal user info claims.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } logger.Debug(ctx, "got oidc claims", slog.F("source", "userinfo"), slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(userInfoClaims)), slog.F("blank", blankFields(userInfoClaims)), ) // Merge the claims from the ID token and the UserInfo endpoint. // Information from UserInfo takes precedence. mergedClaims = mergeClaims(idtokenClaims, userInfoClaims) // Log all of the field names after merging. logger.Debug(ctx, "got oidc claims", slog.F("source", "merged"), slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(mergedClaims)), slog.F("blank", blankFields(mergedClaims)), ) } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "user info endpoint is not supported by this provider") { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to obtain user information claims", slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to obtain user information claims.", Detail: "The attempt to fetch claims via the UserInfo endpoint failed: " + err.Error(), }) return } else { // The OIDC provider does not support the UserInfo endpoint. // This is not an error, but we should log it as it may mean // that some claims are missing. logger.Warn(ctx, "OIDC provider does not support the user info endpoint, ensure that all required claims are present in the id_token") } } usernameRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.UsernameField] var username string if ok { username, _ = usernameRaw.(string) } emailRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.EmailField] if !ok { // Email is an optional claim in OIDC and // instead the email is frequently sent in // "preferred_username". See: // _, err = mail.ParseAddress(username) if err != nil { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: "No email found in OIDC payload!", }) return } emailRaw = username } email, ok := emailRaw.(string) if !ok { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Email in OIDC payload isn't a string. Got: %t", emailRaw), }) return } verifiedRaw, ok := mergedClaims["email_verified"] if ok { verified, ok := verifiedRaw.(bool) if ok && !verified { if !api.OIDCConfig.IgnoreEmailVerified { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Verify the %q email address on your OIDC provider to authenticate!", email), }) return } logger.Warn(ctx, "allowing unverified oidc email %q") } } // The username is a required property in Coder. We make a best-effort // attempt at using what the claims provide, but if that fails we will // generate a random username. usernameValid := httpapi.NameValid(username) if usernameValid != nil { // If no username is provided, we can default to use the email address. // This will be converted in the from function below, so it's safe // to keep the domain. if username == "" { username = email } username = httpapi.UsernameFrom(username) } if len(api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain) > 0 { ok = false emailSp := strings.Split(email, "@") if len(emailSp) == 1 { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your email %q is not in domains %q!", email, api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain), }) return } userEmailDomain := emailSp[len(emailSp)-1] for _, domain := range api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain { if strings.EqualFold(userEmailDomain, domain) { ok = true break } } if !ok { httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your email %q is not in domains %q!", email, api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain), }) return } } var picture string pictureRaw, ok := mergedClaims["picture"] if ok { picture, _ = pictureRaw.(string) } ctx = slog.With(ctx, slog.F("email", email), slog.F("username", username)) usingGroups, groups, groupErr := api.oidcGroups(ctx, mergedClaims) if groupErr != nil { groupErr.Write(rw, r) return } roles, roleErr := api.oidcRoles(ctx, mergedClaims) if roleErr != nil { roleErr.Write(rw, r) return } user, link, err := findLinkedUser(ctx, api.Database, oidcLinkedID(idToken), email) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to find linked user", slog.F("email", email), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to find linked user.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } // If a new user is authenticating for the first time // the audit action is 'register', not 'login' if user.ID == uuid.Nil { aReq.Action = database.AuditActionRegister } params := (&oauthLoginParams{ User: user, Link: link, State: state, LinkedID: oidcLinkedID(idToken), LoginType: database.LoginTypeOIDC, AllowSignups: api.OIDCConfig.AllowSignups, Email: email, Username: username, AvatarURL: picture, UsingRoles: api.OIDCConfig.RoleSyncEnabled(), Roles: roles, UsingGroups: usingGroups, Groups: groups, CreateMissingGroups: api.OIDCConfig.CreateMissingGroups, GroupFilter: api.OIDCConfig.GroupFilter, DebugContext: OauthDebugContext{ IDTokenClaims: idtokenClaims, UserInfoClaims: userInfoClaims, }, }).SetInitAuditRequest(func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func()) { return audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, params) }) cookies, key, err := api.oauthLogin(r, params) defer params.CommitAuditLogs() var httpErr httpError if xerrors.As(err, &httpErr) { httpErr.Write(rw, r) return } if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: login failed", slog.F("user", user.Username), slog.Error(err)) httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{ Message: "Failed to process OAuth login.", Detail: err.Error(), }) return } aReq.New = key aReq.UserID = key.UserID for i := range cookies { http.SetCookie(rw, cookies[i]) } redirect := state.Redirect if redirect == "" { redirect = "/" } http.Redirect(rw, r, redirect, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) } // oidcGroups returns the groups for the user from the OIDC claims. func (api *API) oidcGroups(ctx context.Context, mergedClaims map[string]interface{}) (bool, []string, *httpError) { logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) usingGroups := false var groups []string // If the GroupField is the empty string, then groups from OIDC are not used. // This is so we can support manual group assignment. if api.OIDCConfig.GroupField != "" { // If the allow list is empty, then the user is allowed to log in. // Otherwise, they must belong to at least 1 group in the allow list. inAllowList := len(api.OIDCConfig.GroupAllowList) == 0 usingGroups = true groupsRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.GroupField] if ok { parsedGroups, err := parseStringSliceClaim(groupsRaw) if err != nil { api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "groups field was an unknown type in oidc claims", slog.F("type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", groupsRaw)), slog.Error(err), ) return false, nil, &httpError{ code: http.StatusBadRequest, msg: "Failed to sync groups from OIDC claims", detail: err.Error(), renderStaticPage: false, } } api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "groups returned in oidc claims", slog.F("len", len(parsedGroups)), slog.F("groups", parsedGroups), ) for _, group := range parsedGroups { if mappedGroup, ok := api.OIDCConfig.GroupMapping[group]; ok { group = mappedGroup } if _, ok := api.OIDCConfig.GroupAllowList[group]; ok { inAllowList = true } groups = append(groups, group) } } if !inAllowList { logger.Debug(ctx, "oidc group claim not in allow list, rejecting login", slog.F("allow_list_count", len(api.OIDCConfig.GroupAllowList)), slog.F("user_group_count", len(groups)), ) detail := "Ask an administrator to add one of your groups to the whitelist" if len(groups) == 0 { detail = "You are currently not a member of any groups! Ask an administrator to add you to an authorized group to login." } return usingGroups, groups, &httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, msg: "Not a member of an allowed group", detail: detail, renderStaticPage: true, } } } // This conditional is purely to warn the user they might have misconfigured their OIDC // configuration. if _, groupClaimExists := mergedClaims["groups"]; !usingGroups && groupClaimExists { logger.Debug(ctx, "claim 'groups' was returned, but 'oidc-group-field' is not set, check your coder oidc settings") } return usingGroups, groups, nil } // oidcRoles returns the roles for the user from the OIDC claims. // If the function returns false, then the caller should return early. // All writes to the response writer are handled by this function. // It would be preferred to just return an error, however this function // decorates returned errors with the appropriate HTTP status codes and details // that are hard to carry in a standard `error` without more work. func (api *API) oidcRoles(ctx context.Context, mergedClaims map[string]interface{}) ([]string, *httpError) { roles := api.OIDCConfig.UserRolesDefault if !api.OIDCConfig.RoleSyncEnabled() { return roles, nil } rolesRow, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.UserRoleField] if !ok { // If no claim is provided than we can assume the user is just // a member. This is because there is no way to tell the difference // between []string{} and nil for OIDC claims. IDPs omit claims // if they are empty ([]string{}). // Use []interface{}{} so the next typecast works. rolesRow = []interface{}{} } parsedRoles, err := parseStringSliceClaim(rolesRow) if err != nil { api.Logger.Error(ctx, "oidc claims user roles field was an unknown type", slog.F("type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", rolesRow)), slog.Error(err), ) return nil, &httpError{ code: http.StatusInternalServerError, msg: "Login disabled until OIDC config is fixed", detail: fmt.Sprintf("Roles claim must be an array of strings, type found: %T. Disabling role sync will allow login to proceed.", rolesRow), renderStaticPage: false, } } api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "roles returned in oidc claims", slog.F("len", len(parsedRoles)), slog.F("roles", parsedRoles), ) for _, role := range parsedRoles { if mappedRoles, ok := api.OIDCConfig.UserRoleMapping[role]; ok { if len(mappedRoles) == 0 { continue } // Mapped roles are added to the list of roles roles = append(roles, mappedRoles...) continue } roles = append(roles, role) } return roles, nil } // claimFields returns the sorted list of fields in the claims map. func claimFields(claims map[string]interface{}) []string { fields := []string{} for field := range claims { fields = append(fields, field) } sort.Strings(fields) return fields } // blankFields returns the list of fields in the claims map that are // an empty string. func blankFields(claims map[string]interface{}) []string { fields := make([]string, 0) for field, value := range claims { if valueStr, ok := value.(string); ok && valueStr == "" { fields = append(fields, field) } } sort.Strings(fields) return fields } // mergeClaims merges the claims from a and b and returns the merged set. // claims from b take precedence over claims from a. func mergeClaims(a, b map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} { c := make(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range a { c[k] = v } for k, v := range b { c[k] = v } return c } // OauthDebugContext provides helpful information for admins to debug // OAuth login issues. type OauthDebugContext struct { IDTokenClaims map[string]interface{} `json:"id_token_claims"` UserInfoClaims map[string]interface{} `json:"user_info_claims"` } type oauthLoginParams struct { User database.User Link database.UserLink State httpmw.OAuth2State LinkedID string LoginType database.LoginType // The following are necessary in order to // create new users. AllowSignups bool Email string Username string AvatarURL string // Is UsingGroups is true, then the user will be assigned // to the Groups provided. UsingGroups bool CreateMissingGroups bool // These are the group names from the IDP. Internally, they will map to // some organization groups. Groups []string GroupFilter *regexp.Regexp // Is UsingRoles is true, then the user will be assigned // the roles provided. UsingRoles bool Roles []string DebugContext OauthDebugContext commitLock sync.Mutex initAuditRequest func(params *audit.RequestParams) *audit.Request[database.User] commits []func() } func (p *oauthLoginParams) SetInitAuditRequest(f func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func())) *oauthLoginParams { p.initAuditRequest = func(params *audit.RequestParams) *audit.Request[database.User] { p.commitLock.Lock() defer p.commitLock.Unlock() req, commit := f(params) p.commits = append(p.commits, commit) return req } return p } func (p *oauthLoginParams) CommitAuditLogs() { p.commitLock.Lock() defer p.commitLock.Unlock() for _, f := range p.commits { f() } } type httpError struct { code int msg string detail string renderStaticPage bool renderDetailMarkdown bool } func (e httpError) Write(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if e.renderStaticPage { site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{ Status: e.code, HideStatus: true, Title: e.msg, Description: e.detail, RetryEnabled: false, DashboardURL: "/login", RenderDescriptionMarkdown: e.renderDetailMarkdown, }) return } httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, e.code, codersdk.Response{ Message: e.msg, Detail: e.detail, }) } func (e httpError) Error() string { if e.detail != "" { return e.detail } return e.msg } func (api *API) oauthLogin(r *http.Request, params *oauthLoginParams) ([]*http.Cookie, database.APIKey, error) { var ( ctx = r.Context() user database.User cookies []*http.Cookie logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName) ) var isConvertLoginType bool err := api.Database.InTx(func(tx database.Store) error { var ( link database.UserLink err error ) user = params.User link = params.Link // If you do a convert to OIDC and your email does not match, we need to // catch this and not make a new account. if isMergeStateString(params.State.StateString) { // Always clear this cookie. If it succeeds, we no longer need it. // If it fails, we no longer care about it. cookies = append(cookies, clearOAuthConvertCookie()) user, err = api.convertUserToOauth(ctx, r, tx, params) if err != nil { return err } params.User = user isConvertLoginType = true } if user.ID == uuid.Nil && !params.AllowSignups { signupsDisabledText := "Please contact your Coder administrator to request access." if api.OIDCConfig != nil && api.OIDCConfig.SignupsDisabledText != "" { signupsDisabledText = parameter.HTML(api.OIDCConfig.SignupsDisabledText) } return httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, msg: "Signups are disabled", detail: signupsDisabledText, renderStaticPage: true, renderDetailMarkdown: true, } } if user.ID != uuid.Nil && user.LoginType != params.LoginType { return wrongLoginTypeHTTPError(user.LoginType, params.LoginType) } // This can happen if a user is a built-in user but is signing in // with OIDC for the first time. if user.ID == uuid.Nil { // Until proper multi-org support, all users will be added to the default organization. // The default organization should always be present. //nolint:gocritic defaultOrganization, err := tx.GetDefaultOrganization(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("unable to fetch default organization: %w", err) } //nolint:gocritic _, err = tx.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{ Username: params.Username, }) if err == nil { var ( original = params.Username validUsername bool ) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { alternate := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", original, namesgenerator.GetRandomName(1)) params.Username = httpapi.UsernameFrom(alternate) //nolint:gocritic _, err := tx.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{ Username: params.Username, }) if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { validUsername = true break } if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("get user by email/username: %w", err) } } if !validUsername { return httpError{ code: http.StatusConflict, msg: fmt.Sprintf("exhausted alternatives for taken username %q", original), } } } //nolint:gocritic user, _, err = api.CreateUser(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), tx, CreateUserRequest{ CreateUserRequest: codersdk.CreateUserRequest{ Email: params.Email, Username: params.Username, OrganizationID: defaultOrganization.ID, }, LoginType: params.LoginType, }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("create user: %w", err) } } // Activate dormant user on sigin if user.Status == database.UserStatusDormant { //nolint:gocritic // System needs to update status of the user account (dormant -> active). user, err = tx.UpdateUserStatus(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserStatusParams{ ID: user.ID, Status: database.UserStatusActive, UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(), }) if err != nil { logger.Error(ctx, "unable to update user status to active", slog.Error(err)) return xerrors.Errorf("update user status: %w", err) } } debugContext, err := json.Marshal(params.DebugContext) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("marshal debug context: %w", err) } if link.UserID == uuid.Nil { //nolint:gocritic // System needs to insert the user link (linked_id, oauth_token, oauth_expiry). link, err = tx.InsertUserLink(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.InsertUserLinkParams{ UserID: user.ID, LoginType: params.LoginType, LinkedID: params.LinkedID, OAuthAccessToken: params.State.Token.AccessToken, OAuthAccessTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required OAuthRefreshToken: params.State.Token.RefreshToken, OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required OAuthExpiry: params.State.Token.Expiry, DebugContext: debugContext, }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("insert user link: %w", err) } } if link.UserID != uuid.Nil { //nolint:gocritic // System needs to update the user link (linked_id, oauth_token, oauth_expiry). link, err = tx.UpdateUserLink(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserLinkParams{ UserID: user.ID, LoginType: params.LoginType, OAuthAccessToken: params.State.Token.AccessToken, OAuthAccessTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required OAuthRefreshToken: params.State.Token.RefreshToken, OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required OAuthExpiry: params.State.Token.Expiry, DebugContext: debugContext, }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("update user link: %w", err) } } // Ensure groups are correct. // This places all groups into the default organization. // To go multi-org, we need to add a mapping feature here to know which // groups go to which orgs. if params.UsingGroups { filtered := params.Groups if params.GroupFilter != nil { filtered = make([]string, 0, len(params.Groups)) for _, group := range params.Groups { if params.GroupFilter.MatchString(group) { filtered = append(filtered, group) } } } //nolint:gocritic // No user present in the context. defaultOrganization, err := tx.GetDefaultOrganization(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)) if err != nil { // If there is no default org, then we can't assign groups. // By default, we assume all groups belong to the default org. return xerrors.Errorf("get default organization: %w", err) } //nolint:gocritic // No user present in the context. memberships, err := tx.GetOrganizationMembershipsByUserID(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), user.ID) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("get organization memberships: %w", err) } // If the user is not in the default organization, then we can't assign groups. // A user cannot be in groups to an org they are not a member of. if !slices.ContainsFunc(memberships, func(member database.OrganizationMember) bool { return member.OrganizationID == defaultOrganization.ID }) { return xerrors.Errorf("user %s is not a member of the default organization, cannot assign to groups in the org", user.ID) } //nolint:gocritic err = api.Options.SetUserGroups(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), logger, tx, user.ID, map[uuid.UUID][]string{ defaultOrganization.ID: filtered, }, params.CreateMissingGroups) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("set user groups: %w", err) } } // Ensure roles are correct. if params.UsingRoles { ignored := make([]string, 0) filtered := make([]string, 0, len(params.Roles)) for _, role := range params.Roles { if _, err := rbac.RoleByName(role); err == nil { filtered = append(filtered, role) } else { ignored = append(ignored, role) } } //nolint:gocritic err := api.Options.SetUserSiteRoles(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), logger, tx, user.ID, filtered) if err != nil { return httpError{ code: http.StatusBadRequest, msg: "Invalid roles through OIDC claims", detail: fmt.Sprintf("Error from role assignment attempt: %s", err.Error()), renderStaticPage: true, } } if len(ignored) > 0 { logger.Debug(ctx, "OIDC roles ignored in assignment", slog.F("ignored", ignored), slog.F("assigned", filtered), slog.F("user_id", user.ID), ) } } needsUpdate := false if user.AvatarURL != params.AvatarURL { user.AvatarURL = params.AvatarURL needsUpdate = true } // If the upstream email or username has changed we should mirror // that in Coder. Many enterprises use a user's email/username as // security auditing fields so they need to stay synced. // NOTE: username updating has been halted since it can have infrastructure // provisioning consequences (updates to usernames may delete persistent // resources such as user home volumes). if user.Email != params.Email { user.Email = params.Email needsUpdate = true } if needsUpdate { // TODO(JonA): Since we're processing updates to a user's upstream // email/username, it's possible for a different built-in user to // have already claimed the username. // In such cases in the current implementation this user can now no // longer sign in until an administrator finds the offending built-in // user and changes their username. //nolint:gocritic user, err = tx.UpdateUserProfile(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserProfileParams{ ID: user.ID, Email: user.Email, Name: user.Name, Username: user.Username, UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(), AvatarURL: user.AvatarURL, }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("update user profile: %w", err) } } return nil }, nil) if err != nil { return nil, database.APIKey{}, xerrors.Errorf("in tx: %w", err) } var key database.APIKey oldKey, _, ok := httpmw.APIKeyFromRequest(ctx, api.Database, nil, r) if ok && oldKey != nil && isConvertLoginType { // If this is a convert login type, and it succeeds, then delete the old // session. Force the user to log back in. err := api.Database.DeleteAPIKeyByID(r.Context(), oldKey.ID) if err != nil { // Do not block this login if we fail to delete the old API key. // Just delete the cookie and continue. api.Logger.Warn(r.Context(), "failed to delete old API key in convert to oidc", slog.Error(err), slog.F("old_api_key_id", oldKey.ID), slog.F("user_id", user.ID), ) } cookies = append(cookies, &http.Cookie{ Name: codersdk.SessionTokenCookie, Path: "/", MaxAge: -1, Secure: api.SecureAuthCookie, HttpOnly: true, }) // This is intentional setting the key to the deleted old key, // as the user needs to be forced to log back in. key = *oldKey } else { //nolint:gocritic cookie, newKey, err := api.createAPIKey(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), apikey.CreateParams{ UserID: user.ID, LoginType: params.LoginType, DefaultLifetime: api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value(), RemoteAddr: r.RemoteAddr, }) if err != nil { return nil, database.APIKey{}, xerrors.Errorf("create API key: %w", err) } cookies = append(cookies, cookie) key = *newKey } return cookies, key, nil } // convertUserToOauth will convert a user from password base loginType to // an oauth login type. If it fails, it will return a httpError func (api *API) convertUserToOauth(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, db database.Store, params *oauthLoginParams) (database.User, error) { user := params.User // Trying to convert to OIDC, but the email does not match. // So do not make a new user, just block the request. if user.ID == uuid.Nil { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusBadRequest, msg: fmt.Sprintf("The oidc account with the email %q does not match the email of the account you are trying to convert. Contact your administrator to resolve this issue.", params.Email), } } jwtCookie, err := r.Cookie(OAuthConvertCookieValue) if err != nil { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusBadRequest, msg: fmt.Sprintf("Convert to oauth cookie not found. Missing signed jwt to authorize this action. " + "Please try again."), } } var claims OAuthConvertStateClaims token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(jwtCookie.Value, &claims, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return api.OAuthSigningKey[:], nil }) if xerrors.Is(err, jwt.ErrSignatureInvalid) || !token.Valid { // These errors are probably because the user is mixing 2 coder deployments. return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusBadRequest, msg: "Using an invalid jwt to authorize this action. Ensure there is only 1 coder deployment and try again.", } } if err != nil { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusInternalServerError, msg: fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing jwt: %v", err), } } // At this point, this request could be an attempt to convert from // password auth to oauth auth. Always log these attempts. var ( auditor = *api.Auditor.Load() oauthConvertAudit = params.initAuditRequest(&audit.RequestParams{ Audit: auditor, Log: api.Logger, Request: r, Action: database.AuditActionWrite, }) ) oauthConvertAudit.UserID = claims.UserID oauthConvertAudit.Old = user if claims.RegisteredClaims.Issuer != api.DeploymentID { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, msg: "Request to convert login type failed. Issuer mismatch. Found a cookie from another coder deployment, please try again.", } } if params.State.StateString != claims.State { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, msg: "Request to convert login type failed. State mismatch.", } } // Make sure the merge state generated matches this OIDC login request. // It needs to have the correct login type information for this // user. if user.ID != claims.UserID || codersdk.LoginType(user.LoginType) != claims.FromLoginType || codersdk.LoginType(params.LoginType) != claims.ToLoginType { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, msg: fmt.Sprintf("Request to convert login type from %s to %s failed", user.LoginType, params.LoginType), } } // Convert the user and default to the normal login flow. // If the login succeeds, this transaction will commit and the user // will be converted. // nolint:gocritic // system query to update user login type. The user already // provided their password to authenticate this request. user, err = db.UpdateUserLoginType(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserLoginTypeParams{ NewLoginType: params.LoginType, UserID: user.ID, }) if err != nil { return database.User{}, httpError{ code: http.StatusInternalServerError, msg: "Failed to convert user to new login type", } } oauthConvertAudit.New = user return user, nil } // githubLinkedID returns the unique ID for a GitHub user. func githubLinkedID(u *github.User) string { return strconv.FormatInt(u.GetID(), 10) } // oidcLinkedID returns the uniqued ID for an OIDC user. // See . func oidcLinkedID(tok *oidc.IDToken) string { return strings.Join([]string{tok.Issuer, tok.Subject}, "||") } // findLinkedUser tries to find a user by their unique OAuth-linked ID. // If it doesn't not find it, it returns the user by their email. func findLinkedUser(ctx context.Context, db database.Store, linkedID string, emails ...string) (database.User, database.UserLink, error) { var ( user database.User link database.UserLink ) link, err := db.GetUserLinkByLinkedID(ctx, linkedID) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return user, link, xerrors.Errorf("get user auth by linked ID: %w", err) } if err == nil { user, err = db.GetUserByID(ctx, link.UserID) if err != nil { return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, xerrors.Errorf("get user by id: %w", err) } if !user.Deleted { return user, link, nil } // If the user was deleted, act as if no account link exists. user = database.User{} } for _, email := range emails { user, err = db.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(ctx, database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{ Email: email, }) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return user, link, xerrors.Errorf("get user by email: %w", err) } if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { continue } break } if user.ID == uuid.Nil { // No user found. return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, nil } // LEGACY: This is annoying but we have to search for the user_link // again except this time we search by user_id and login_type. It's // possible that a user_link exists without a populated 'linked_id'. link, err = db.GetUserLinkByUserIDLoginType(ctx, database.GetUserLinkByUserIDLoginTypeParams{ UserID: user.ID, LoginType: user.LoginType, }) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, xerrors.Errorf("get user link by user id and login type: %w", err) } return user, link, nil } func isMergeStateString(state string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(state, mergeStateStringPrefix) } func clearOAuthConvertCookie() *http.Cookie { return &http.Cookie{ Name: OAuthConvertCookieValue, Path: "/", MaxAge: -1, } } func wrongLoginTypeHTTPError(user database.LoginType, params database.LoginType) httpError { addedMsg := "" if user == database.LoginTypePassword { addedMsg = " You can convert your account to use this login type by visiting your account settings." } return httpError{ code: http.StatusForbidden, renderStaticPage: true, msg: "Incorrect login type", detail: fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to use login type %q, but the user has the login type %q.%s", params, user, addedMsg), } } // parseStringSliceClaim parses the claim for groups and roles, expected []string. // // Some providers like ADFS return a single string instead of an array if there // is only 1 element. So this function handles the edge cases. func parseStringSliceClaim(claim interface{}) ([]string, error) { groups := make([]string, 0) if claim == nil { return groups, nil } // The simple case is the type is exactly what we expected asStringArray, ok := claim.([]string) if ok { return asStringArray, nil } asArray, ok := claim.([]interface{}) if ok { for i, item := range asArray { asString, ok := item.(string) if !ok { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid claim type. Element %d expected a string, got: %T", i, item) } groups = append(groups, asString) } return groups, nil } asString, ok := claim.(string) if ok { if asString == "" { // Empty string should be 0 groups. return []string{}, nil } // If it is a single string, first check if it is a csv. // If a user hits this, it is likely a misconfiguration and they need // to reconfigure their IDP to send an array instead. if strings.Contains(asString, ",") { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid claim type. Got a csv string (%q), change this claim to return an array of strings instead.", asString) } return []string{asString}, nil } // Not sure what the user gave us. return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid claim type. Expected an array of strings, got: %T", claim) }