package agentapi_test import ( "context" "database/sql" "sync" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" agentproto "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type statsBatcher struct { mu sync.Mutex called int64 lastTime time.Time lastAgentID uuid.UUID lastTemplateID uuid.UUID lastUserID uuid.UUID lastWorkspaceID uuid.UUID lastStats *agentproto.Stats } var _ agentapi.StatsBatcher = &statsBatcher{} func (b *statsBatcher) Add(now time.Time, agentID uuid.UUID, templateID uuid.UUID, userID uuid.UUID, workspaceID uuid.UUID, st *agentproto.Stats) error { defer b.called++ b.lastTime = now b.lastAgentID = agentID b.lastTemplateID = templateID b.lastUserID = userID b.lastWorkspaceID = workspaceID b.lastStats = st return nil } func TestUpdateStates(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( user = database.User{ ID: uuid.New(), Username: "bill", } template = database.Template{ ID: uuid.New(), Name: "tpl", } workspace = database.Workspace{ ID: uuid.New(), OwnerID: user.ID, TemplateID: template.ID, Name: "xyz", } agent = database.WorkspaceAgent{ ID: uuid.New(), Name: "abc", } ) t.Run("OK", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( now = dbtime.Now() dbM = dbmock.NewMockStore(gomock.NewController(t)) ps = pubsub.NewInMemory() templateScheduleStore = schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{ GetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) { panic("should not be called") }, SetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, database.Template, schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions) (database.Template, error) { panic("not implemented") }, } batcher = &statsBatcher{} updateAgentMetricsFnCalled = false req = &agentproto.UpdateStatsRequest{ Stats: &agentproto.Stats{ ConnectionsByProto: map[string]int64{ "tcp": 1, "dean": 2, }, ConnectionCount: 3, ConnectionMedianLatencyMs: 23, RxPackets: 120, RxBytes: 1000, TxPackets: 130, TxBytes: 2000, SessionCountVscode: 1, SessionCountJetbrains: 2, SessionCountReconnectingPty: 3, SessionCountSsh: 4, Metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{ { Name: "awesome metric", Value: 42, }, { Name: "uncool metric", Value: 0, }, }, }, } ) api := agentapi.StatsAPI{ AgentFn: func(context.Context) (database.WorkspaceAgent, error) { return agent, nil }, Database: dbM, Pubsub: ps, StatsBatcher: batcher, TemplateScheduleStore: templateScheduleStorePtr(templateScheduleStore), AgentStatsRefreshInterval: 10 * time.Second, UpdateAgentMetricsFn: func(ctx context.Context, labels prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels, metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric) { updateAgentMetricsFnCalled = true assert.Equal(t, prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{ Username: user.Username, WorkspaceName: workspace.Name, AgentName: agent.Name, TemplateName: template.Name, }, labels) assert.Equal(t, req.Stats.Metrics, metrics) }, TimeNowFn: func() time.Time { return now }, } // Workspace gets fetched. dbM.EXPECT().GetWorkspaceByAgentID(gomock.Any(), agent.ID).Return(database.GetWorkspaceByAgentIDRow{ Workspace: workspace, TemplateName: template.Name, }, nil) // We expect an activity bump because ConnectionCount > 0. dbM.EXPECT().ActivityBumpWorkspace(gomock.Any(), database.ActivityBumpWorkspaceParams{ WorkspaceID: workspace.ID, NextAutostart: time.Time{}.UTC(), }).Return(nil) // Workspace last used at gets bumped. dbM.EXPECT().UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), database.UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{ ID: workspace.ID, LastUsedAt: now, }).Return(nil) // User gets fetched to hit the UpdateAgentMetricsFn. dbM.EXPECT().GetUserByID(gomock.Any(), user.ID).Return(user, nil) // Ensure that pubsub notifications are sent. notifyDescription := make(chan []byte) ps.Subscribe(codersdk.WorkspaceNotifyChannel(workspace.ID), func(_ context.Context, description []byte) { go func() { notifyDescription <- description }() }) resp, err := api.UpdateStats(context.Background(), req) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, &agentproto.UpdateStatsResponse{ ReportInterval: durationpb.New(10 * time.Second), }, resp) defer require.Equal(t, int64(1), batcher.called) require.Equal(t, now, batcher.lastTime) require.Equal(t, agent.ID, batcher.lastAgentID) require.Equal(t, template.ID, batcher.lastTemplateID) require.Equal(t, user.ID, batcher.lastUserID) require.Equal(t, workspace.ID, batcher.lastWorkspaceID) require.Equal(t, req.Stats, batcher.lastStats) ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort) select { case <-ctx.Done(): t.Error("timed out while waiting for pubsub notification") case description := <-notifyDescription: require.Equal(t, description, []byte{}) } require.True(t, updateAgentMetricsFnCalled) }) t.Run("ConnectionCountZero", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( now = dbtime.Now() dbM = dbmock.NewMockStore(gomock.NewController(t)) ps = pubsub.NewInMemory() templateScheduleStore = schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{ GetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) { panic("should not be called") }, SetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, database.Template, schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions) (database.Template, error) { panic("not implemented") }, } batcher = &statsBatcher{} req = &agentproto.UpdateStatsRequest{ Stats: &agentproto.Stats{ ConnectionsByProto: map[string]int64{}, ConnectionCount: 0, ConnectionMedianLatencyMs: 23, }, } ) api := agentapi.StatsAPI{ AgentFn: func(context.Context) (database.WorkspaceAgent, error) { return agent, nil }, Database: dbM, Pubsub: ps, StatsBatcher: batcher, TemplateScheduleStore: templateScheduleStorePtr(templateScheduleStore), AgentStatsRefreshInterval: 10 * time.Second, // Ignored when nil. UpdateAgentMetricsFn: nil, TimeNowFn: func() time.Time { return now }, } // Workspace gets fetched. dbM.EXPECT().GetWorkspaceByAgentID(gomock.Any(), agent.ID).Return(database.GetWorkspaceByAgentIDRow{ Workspace: workspace, TemplateName: template.Name, }, nil) // Workspace last used at gets bumped. dbM.EXPECT().UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), database.UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{ ID: workspace.ID, LastUsedAt: now, }).Return(nil) _, err := api.UpdateStats(context.Background(), req) require.NoError(t, err) }) t.Run("NoStats", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( dbM = dbmock.NewMockStore(gomock.NewController(t)) ps = pubsub.NewInMemory() req = &agentproto.UpdateStatsRequest{ Stats: nil, } ) api := agentapi.StatsAPI{ AgentFn: func(context.Context) (database.WorkspaceAgent, error) { return agent, nil }, Database: dbM, Pubsub: ps, StatsBatcher: nil, // should not be called TemplateScheduleStore: nil, // should not be called AgentStatsRefreshInterval: 10 * time.Second, UpdateAgentMetricsFn: nil, // should not be called TimeNowFn: func() time.Time { panic("should not be called") }, } resp, err := api.UpdateStats(context.Background(), req) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, &agentproto.UpdateStatsResponse{ ReportInterval: durationpb.New(10 * time.Second), }, resp) }) t.Run("AutostartAwareBump", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Use a workspace with an autostart schedule. workspace := workspace workspace.AutostartSchedule = sql.NullString{ String: "CRON_TZ=Australia/Sydney 0 8 * * *", Valid: true, } // Use a custom time for now which would trigger the autostart aware // bump. now, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST", "2023-12-19 07:30:00 +1100 AEDT") require.NoError(t, err) now = dbtime.Time(now) nextAutostart := now.Add(30 * time.Minute).UTC() // always sent to DB as UTC var ( dbM = dbmock.NewMockStore(gomock.NewController(t)) ps = pubsub.NewInMemory() templateScheduleStore = schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{ GetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) { return schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{ UserAutostartEnabled: true, AutostartRequirement: schedule.TemplateAutostartRequirement{ DaysOfWeek: 0b01111111, // every day }, }, nil }, SetFn: func(context.Context, database.Store, database.Template, schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions) (database.Template, error) { panic("not implemented") }, } batcher = &statsBatcher{} updateAgentMetricsFnCalled = false req = &agentproto.UpdateStatsRequest{ Stats: &agentproto.Stats{ ConnectionsByProto: map[string]int64{ "tcp": 1, "dean": 2, }, ConnectionCount: 3, }, } ) api := agentapi.StatsAPI{ AgentFn: func(context.Context) (database.WorkspaceAgent, error) { return agent, nil }, Database: dbM, Pubsub: ps, StatsBatcher: batcher, TemplateScheduleStore: templateScheduleStorePtr(templateScheduleStore), AgentStatsRefreshInterval: 15 * time.Second, UpdateAgentMetricsFn: func(ctx context.Context, labels prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels, metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric) { updateAgentMetricsFnCalled = true assert.Equal(t, prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{ Username: user.Username, WorkspaceName: workspace.Name, AgentName: agent.Name, TemplateName: template.Name, }, labels) assert.Equal(t, req.Stats.Metrics, metrics) }, TimeNowFn: func() time.Time { return now }, } // Workspace gets fetched. dbM.EXPECT().GetWorkspaceByAgentID(gomock.Any(), agent.ID).Return(database.GetWorkspaceByAgentIDRow{ Workspace: workspace, TemplateName: template.Name, }, nil) // We expect an activity bump because ConnectionCount > 0. However, the // next autostart time will be set on the bump. dbM.EXPECT().ActivityBumpWorkspace(gomock.Any(), database.ActivityBumpWorkspaceParams{ WorkspaceID: workspace.ID, NextAutostart: nextAutostart, }).Return(nil) // Workspace last used at gets bumped. dbM.EXPECT().UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), database.UpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{ ID: workspace.ID, LastUsedAt: now, }).Return(nil) // User gets fetched to hit the UpdateAgentMetricsFn. dbM.EXPECT().GetUserByID(gomock.Any(), user.ID).Return(user, nil) resp, err := api.UpdateStats(context.Background(), req) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, &agentproto.UpdateStatsResponse{ ReportInterval: durationpb.New(15 * time.Second), }, resp) require.True(t, updateAgentMetricsFnCalled) }) } func templateScheduleStorePtr(store schedule.TemplateScheduleStore) *atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore] { var ptr atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore] ptr.Store(&store) return &ptr }