package cli import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) var ( errInvalidScheduleFormat = xerrors.New("Schedule must be in the format Mon-Fri 09:00AM America/Chicago") errInvalidTimeFormat = xerrors.New("Start time must be in the format hh:mm[am|pm] or HH:MM") errUnsupportedTimezone = xerrors.New("The location you provided looks like a timezone. Check for your location.") ) // userSetOption returns true if the option was set by the user. // This is helpful if the zero value of a flag is meaningful, and you need // to distinguish between the user setting the flag to the zero value and // the user not setting the flag at all. func userSetOption(inv *serpent.Invocation, flagName string) bool { for _, opt := range inv.Command.Options { if opt.Name == flagName { return !(opt.ValueSource == serpent.ValueSourceNone || opt.ValueSource == serpent.ValueSourceDefault) } } return false } // durationDisplay formats a duration for easier display: // - Durations of 24 hours or greater are displays as Xd // - Durations less than 1 minute are displayed as <1m // - Duration is truncated to the nearest minute // - Empty minutes and seconds are truncated // - The returned string is the absolute value. Use sign() // if you need to indicate if the duration is positive or // negative. func durationDisplay(d time.Duration) string { duration := d sign := "" if duration == 0 { return "0s" } if duration < 0 { duration *= -1 } // duration > 0 now if duration < time.Minute { return sign + "<1m" } if duration > 24*time.Hour { duration = duration.Truncate(time.Hour) } if duration > time.Minute { duration = duration.Truncate(time.Minute) } days := 0 for duration.Hours() >= 24 { days++ duration -= 24 * time.Hour } durationDisplay := duration.String() if days > 0 { durationDisplay = fmt.Sprintf("%dd%s", days, durationDisplay) } for _, suffix := range []string{"m0s", "h0m", "d0s", "d0h"} { if strings.HasSuffix(durationDisplay, suffix) { durationDisplay = durationDisplay[:len(durationDisplay)-2] } } return sign + durationDisplay } // timeDisplay formats a time in the local timezone // in RFC3339 format. func timeDisplay(t time.Time) string { localTz, err := tz.TimezoneIANA() if err != nil { localTz = time.UTC } return t.In(localTz).Format(time.RFC3339) } // relative relativizes a duration with the prefix "ago" or "in" func relative(d time.Duration) string { if d > 0 { return "in " + durationDisplay(d) } if d < 0 { return durationDisplay(d) + " ago" } return "now" } // parseCLISchedule parses a schedule in the format HH:MM{AM|PM} [DOW] [LOCATION] func parseCLISchedule(parts ...string) (*cron.Schedule, error) { // If the user was careful and quoted the schedule, un-quote it. // In the case that only time was specified, this will be a no-op. if len(parts) == 1 { parts = strings.Fields(parts[0]) } var loc *time.Location dayOfWeek := "*" t, err := parseTime(parts[0]) if err != nil { return nil, err } hour, minute := t.Hour(), t.Minute() // Any additional parts get ignored. switch len(parts) { case 3: dayOfWeek = parts[1] loc, err = time.LoadLocation(parts[2]) if err != nil { _, err = time.Parse("MST", parts[2]) if err == nil { return nil, errUnsupportedTimezone } return nil, xerrors.Errorf("Invalid timezone %q specified: a valid IANA timezone is required", parts[2]) } case 2: // Did they provide day-of-week or location? if maybeLoc, err := time.LoadLocation(parts[1]); err != nil { // Assume day-of-week. dayOfWeek = parts[1] } else { loc = maybeLoc } case 1: // already handled default: return nil, errInvalidScheduleFormat } // If location was not specified, attempt to automatically determine it as a last resort. if loc == nil { loc, err = tz.TimezoneIANA() if err != nil { loc = time.UTC } } sched, err := cron.Weekly(fmt.Sprintf( "CRON_TZ=%s %d %d * * %s", loc.String(), minute, hour, dayOfWeek, )) if err != nil { // This will either be an invalid dayOfWeek or an invalid timezone. return nil, xerrors.Errorf("Invalid schedule: %w", err) } return sched, nil } // parseDuration parses a duration from a string. // If units are omitted, minutes are assumed. func parseDuration(raw string) (time.Duration, error) { // If the user input a raw number, assume minutes if isDigit(raw) { raw = raw + "m" } d, err := time.ParseDuration(raw) if err != nil { return 0, err } return d, nil } func isDigit(s string) bool { return strings.IndexFunc(s, func(c rune) bool { return c < '0' || c > '9' }) == -1 } // parseTime attempts to parse a time (no date) from the given string using a number of layouts. func parseTime(s string) (time.Time, error) { // Try a number of possible layouts. for _, layout := range []string{ time.Kitchen, // 03:04PM "03:04pm", "3:04PM", "3:04pm", "15:04", "1504", "03PM", "03pm", "3PM", "3pm", } { t, err := time.Parse(layout, s) if err == nil { return t, nil } } return time.Time{}, errInvalidTimeFormat } func formatActiveDevelopers(n int) string { developerText := "developer" if n != 1 { developerText = "developers" } var nStr string if n < 0 { nStr = "-" } else { nStr = strconv.Itoa(n) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s active %s", nStr, developerText) }