package cli import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) func (r *RootCmd) templateList() *serpent.Command { formatter := cliui.NewOutputFormatter( cliui.TableFormat([]templateTableRow{}, []string{"name", "last updated", "used by"}), cliui.JSONFormat(), ) client := new(codersdk.Client) cmd := &serpent.Command{ Use: "list", Short: "List all the templates available for the organization", Aliases: []string{"ls"}, Middleware: serpent.Chain( r.InitClient(client), ), Handler: func(inv *serpent.Invocation) error { organization, err := CurrentOrganization(r, inv, client) if err != nil { return err } templates, err := client.TemplatesByOrganization(inv.Context(), organization.ID) if err != nil { return err } if len(templates) == 0 { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "%s No templates found in %s! Create one:\n\n", Caret, color.HiWhiteString(organization.Name)) _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, color.HiMagentaString(" $ coder templates push \n")) return nil } rows := templatesToRows(templates...) out, err := formatter.Format(inv.Context(), rows) if err != nil { return err } _, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, out) return err }, } formatter.AttachOptions(&cmd.Options) return cmd }