package cli import ( "context" "fmt" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // workspaceListRow is the type provided to the OutputFormatter. This is a bit // dodgy but it's the only way to do complex display code for one format vs. the // other. type workspaceListRow struct { // For JSON format: codersdk.Workspace `table:"-"` // For table format: Favorite bool `json:"-" table:"favorite"` WorkspaceName string `json:"-" table:"workspace,default_sort"` Template string `json:"-" table:"template"` Status string `json:"-" table:"status"` Healthy string `json:"-" table:"healthy"` LastBuilt string `json:"-" table:"last built"` CurrentVersion string `json:"-" table:"current version"` Outdated bool `json:"-" table:"outdated"` StartsAt string `json:"-" table:"starts at"` StartsNext string `json:"-" table:"starts next"` StopsAfter string `json:"-" table:"stops after"` StopsNext string `json:"-" table:"stops next"` DailyCost string `json:"-" table:"daily cost"` } func workspaceListRowFromWorkspace(now time.Time, workspace codersdk.Workspace) workspaceListRow { status := codersdk.WorkspaceDisplayStatus(workspace.LatestBuild.Job.Status, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition) lastBuilt := now.UTC().Sub(workspace.LatestBuild.Job.CreatedAt).Truncate(time.Second) schedRow := scheduleListRowFromWorkspace(now, workspace) healthy := "" if status == "Starting" || status == "Started" { healthy = strconv.FormatBool(workspace.Health.Healthy) } favIco := " " if workspace.Favorite { favIco = "★" } workspaceName := favIco + " " + workspace.OwnerName + "/" + workspace.Name return workspaceListRow{ Favorite: workspace.Favorite, Workspace: workspace, WorkspaceName: workspaceName, Template: workspace.TemplateName, Status: status, Healthy: healthy, LastBuilt: durationDisplay(lastBuilt), CurrentVersion: workspace.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionName, Outdated: workspace.Outdated, StartsAt: schedRow.StartsAt, StartsNext: schedRow.StartsNext, StopsAfter: schedRow.StopsAfter, StopsNext: schedRow.StopsNext, DailyCost: strconv.Itoa(int(workspace.LatestBuild.DailyCost)), } } func (r *RootCmd) list() *serpent.Command { var ( filter cliui.WorkspaceFilter formatter = cliui.NewOutputFormatter( cliui.TableFormat( []workspaceListRow{}, []string{ "workspace", "template", "status", "healthy", "last built", "current version", "outdated", "starts at", "stops after", }, ), cliui.JSONFormat(), ) ) client := new(codersdk.Client) cmd := &serpent.Command{ Annotations: workspaceCommand, Use: "list", Short: "List workspaces", Aliases: []string{"ls"}, Middleware: serpent.Chain( serpent.RequireNArgs(0), r.InitClient(client), ), Handler: func(inv *serpent.Invocation) error { res, err := queryConvertWorkspaces(inv.Context(), client, filter.Filter(), workspaceListRowFromWorkspace) if err != nil { return err } if len(res) == 0 { pretty.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, cliui.DefaultStyles.Prompt, "No workspaces found! Create one:\n") _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr) _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, " "+pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Code, "coder create ")) _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr) return nil } out, err := formatter.Format(inv.Context(), res) if err != nil { return err } _, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, out) return err }, } filter.AttachOptions(&cmd.Options) formatter.AttachOptions(&cmd.Options) return cmd } // queryConvertWorkspaces is a helper function for converting // codersdk.Workspaces to a different type. // It's used by the list command to convert workspaces to // workspaceListRow, and by the schedule command to // convert workspaces to scheduleListRow. func queryConvertWorkspaces[T any](ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client, filter codersdk.WorkspaceFilter, convertF func(time.Time, codersdk.Workspace) T) ([]T, error) { var empty []T workspaces, err := client.Workspaces(ctx, filter) if err != nil { return empty, xerrors.Errorf("query workspaces: %w", err) } converted := make([]T, len(workspaces.Workspaces)) for i, workspace := range workspaces.Workspaces { converted[i] = convertF(time.Now(), workspace) } return converted, nil }