package cli import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( sshDefaultConfigFileName = "~/.ssh/config" sshStartToken = "# ------------START-CODER-----------" sshEndToken = "# ------------END-CODER------------" sshConfigSectionHeader = "# This section is managed by coder. DO NOT EDIT." sshConfigDocsHeader = ` # # You should not hand-edit this section unless you are removing it, all # changes will be lost when running "coder config-ssh". ` sshConfigOptionsHeader = `# # Last config-ssh options: ` ) // sshConfigOptions represents options that can be stored and read // from the coder config in ~/.ssh/coder. type sshConfigOptions struct { waitEnum string userHostPrefix string sshOptions []string disableAutostart bool header []string headerCommand string } // addOptions expects options in the form of "option=value" or "option value". // It will override any existing option with the same key to prevent duplicates. // Invalid options will return an error. func (o *sshConfigOptions) addOptions(options ...string) error { for _, option := range options { err := o.addOption(option) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (o *sshConfigOptions) addOption(option string) error { key, value, err := codersdk.ParseSSHConfigOption(option) if err != nil { return err } for i, existing := range o.sshOptions { // Override existing option if they share the same key. // This is case-insensitive. Parsing each time might be a little slow, // but it is ok. existingKey, _, err := codersdk.ParseSSHConfigOption(existing) if err != nil { // Don't mess with original values if there is an error. // This could have come from the user's manual edits. continue } if strings.EqualFold(existingKey, key) { if value == "" { // Delete existing option. o.sshOptions = append(o.sshOptions[:i], o.sshOptions[i+1:]...) } else { // Override existing option. o.sshOptions[i] = option } return nil } } // Only append the option if it is not empty. if value != "" { o.sshOptions = append(o.sshOptions, option) } return nil } func (o sshConfigOptions) equal(other sshConfigOptions) bool { if !slicesSortedEqual(o.sshOptions, other.sshOptions) { return false } if !slicesSortedEqual(o.header, other.header) { return false } return o.waitEnum == other.waitEnum && o.userHostPrefix == other.userHostPrefix && o.disableAutostart == other.disableAutostart && o.headerCommand == other.headerCommand } // slicesSortedEqual compares two slices without side-effects or regard to order. func slicesSortedEqual[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](a, b S) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } a = slices.Clone(a) slices.Sort(a) b = slices.Clone(b) slices.Sort(b) return slices.Equal(a, b) } func (o sshConfigOptions) asList() (list []string) { if o.waitEnum != "auto" { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("wait: %s", o.waitEnum)) } if o.userHostPrefix != "" { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("ssh-host-prefix: %s", o.userHostPrefix)) } if o.disableAutostart { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("disable-autostart: %v", o.disableAutostart)) } for _, opt := range o.sshOptions { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("ssh-option: %s", opt)) } for _, h := range o.header { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("header: %s", h)) } if o.headerCommand != "" { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("header-command: %s", o.headerCommand)) } return list } type sshWorkspaceConfig struct { Name string Hosts []string } func sshFetchWorkspaceConfigs(ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client) ([]sshWorkspaceConfig, error) { res, err := client.Workspaces(ctx, codersdk.WorkspaceFilter{ Owner: codersdk.Me, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } var errGroup errgroup.Group workspaceConfigs := make([]sshWorkspaceConfig, len(res.Workspaces)) for i, workspace := range res.Workspaces { i := i workspace := workspace errGroup.Go(func() error { resources, err := client.TemplateVersionResources(ctx, workspace.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID) if err != nil { return err } wc := sshWorkspaceConfig{Name: workspace.Name} var agents []codersdk.WorkspaceAgent for _, resource := range resources { if resource.Transition != codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart { continue } agents = append(agents, resource.Agents...) } // handle both WORKSPACE and WORKSPACE.AGENT syntax if len(agents) == 1 { wc.Hosts = append(wc.Hosts, workspace.Name) } for _, agent := range agents { hostname := workspace.Name + "." + agent.Name wc.Hosts = append(wc.Hosts, hostname) } workspaceConfigs[i] = wc return nil }) } err = errGroup.Wait() if err != nil { return nil, err } return workspaceConfigs, nil } func sshPrepareWorkspaceConfigs(ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client) (receive func() ([]sshWorkspaceConfig, error)) { wcC := make(chan []sshWorkspaceConfig, 1) errC := make(chan error, 1) go func() { wc, err := sshFetchWorkspaceConfigs(ctx, client) wcC <- wc errC <- err }() return func() ([]sshWorkspaceConfig, error) { return <-wcC, <-errC } } func (r *RootCmd) configSSH() *serpent.Command { var ( sshConfigFile string sshConfigOpts sshConfigOptions usePreviousOpts bool dryRun bool skipProxyCommand bool forceUnixSeparators bool coderCliPath string ) client := new(codersdk.Client) cmd := &serpent.Command{ Annotations: workspaceCommand, Use: "config-ssh", Short: "Add an SSH Host entry for your workspaces \"ssh coder.workspace\"", Long: formatExamples( example{ Description: "You can use -o (or --ssh-option) so set SSH options to be used for all your workspaces", Command: "coder config-ssh -o ForwardAgent=yes", }, example{ Description: "You can use --dry-run (or -n) to see the changes that would be made", Command: "coder config-ssh --dry-run", }, ), Middleware: serpent.Chain( serpent.RequireNArgs(0), r.InitClient(client), ), Handler: func(inv *serpent.Invocation) error { if sshConfigOpts.waitEnum != "auto" && skipProxyCommand { // The wait option is applied to the ProxyCommand. If the user // specifies skip-proxy-command, then wait cannot be applied. return xerrors.Errorf("cannot specify both --skip-proxy-command and --wait") } sshConfigOpts.header = r.header sshConfigOpts.headerCommand = r.headerCommand recvWorkspaceConfigs := sshPrepareWorkspaceConfigs(inv.Context(), client) out := inv.Stdout if dryRun { // Print everything except diff to stderr so // that it's possible to capture the diff. out = inv.Stderr } var err error coderBinary := coderCliPath if coderBinary == "" { coderBinary, err = currentBinPath(out) if err != nil { return err } } escapedCoderBinary, err := sshConfigExecEscape(coderBinary, forceUnixSeparators) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("escape coder binary for ssh failed: %w", err) } root := r.createConfig() escapedGlobalConfig, err := sshConfigExecEscape(string(root), forceUnixSeparators) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("escape global config for ssh failed: %w", err) } homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("user home dir failed: %w", err) } if strings.HasPrefix(sshConfigFile, "~/") { sshConfigFile = filepath.Join(homedir, sshConfigFile[2:]) } // Only allow not-exist errors to avoid trashing // the users SSH config. configRaw, err := os.ReadFile(sshConfigFile) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { return xerrors.Errorf("read ssh config failed: %w", err) } // Keep track of changes we are making. var changes []string // Parse the previous configuration only if config-ssh // has been run previously. var lastConfig *sshConfigOptions section, ok, err := sshConfigGetCoderSection(configRaw) if err != nil { return err } if ok { c := sshConfigParseLastOptions(bytes.NewReader(section)) lastConfig = &c } // Avoid prompting in diff mode (unexpected behavior) // or when a previous config does not exist. if usePreviousOpts && lastConfig != nil { sshConfigOpts = *lastConfig } else if lastConfig != nil && !sshConfigOpts.equal(*lastConfig) { for _, v := range sshConfigOpts.sshOptions { // If the user passes an invalid option, we should catch // this early. if _, _, err := codersdk.ParseSSHConfigOption(v); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("invalid option from flag: %w", err) } } newOpts := sshConfigOpts.asList() newOptsMsg := "\n\n New options: none" if len(newOpts) > 0 { newOptsMsg = fmt.Sprintf("\n\n New options:\n * %s", strings.Join(newOpts, "\n * ")) } oldOpts := lastConfig.asList() oldOptsMsg := "\n\n Previous options: none" if len(oldOpts) > 0 { oldOptsMsg = fmt.Sprintf("\n\n Previous options:\n * %s", strings.Join(oldOpts, "\n * ")) } line, err := cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{ Text: fmt.Sprintf("New options differ from previous options:%s%s\n\n Use new options?", newOptsMsg, oldOptsMsg), IsConfirm: true, }) if err != nil { if line == "" && xerrors.Is(err, cliui.Canceled) { return nil } // Selecting "no" will use the last config. sshConfigOpts = *lastConfig } else { changes = append(changes, "Use new options") } // Only print when prompts are shown. if yes, _ := inv.ParsedFlags().GetBool("yes"); !yes { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(out, "\n") } } configModified := configRaw buf := &bytes.Buffer{} before, _, after, err := sshConfigSplitOnCoderSection(configModified) if err != nil { return err } // Write the first half of the users config file to buf. _, _ = buf.Write(before) // Write comment and store the provided options as part // of the config for future (re)use. newline := len(before) > 0 sshConfigWriteSectionHeader(buf, newline, sshConfigOpts) workspaceConfigs, err := recvWorkspaceConfigs() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace configs failed: %w", err) } coderdConfig, err := client.SSHConfiguration(inv.Context()) if err != nil { // If the error is 404, this deployment does not support // this endpoint yet. Do not error, just assume defaults. // TODO: Remove this in 2 months (May 31, 2023). Just return the error // and remove this 404 check. var sdkErr *codersdk.Error if !(xerrors.As(err, &sdkErr) && sdkErr.StatusCode() == http.StatusNotFound) { return xerrors.Errorf("fetch coderd config failed: %w", err) } coderdConfig.HostnamePrefix = "coder." } if sshConfigOpts.userHostPrefix != "" { // Override with user flag. coderdConfig.HostnamePrefix = sshConfigOpts.userHostPrefix } // Ensure stable sorting of output. slices.SortFunc(workspaceConfigs, func(a, b sshWorkspaceConfig) int { return slice.Ascending(a.Name, b.Name) }) for _, wc := range workspaceConfigs { sort.Strings(wc.Hosts) // Write agent configuration. for _, workspaceHostname := range wc.Hosts { sshHostname := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", coderdConfig.HostnamePrefix, workspaceHostname) defaultOptions := []string{ "HostName " + sshHostname, "ConnectTimeout=0", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", // Without this, the "REMOTE HOST IDENTITY CHANGED" // message will appear. "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", // This disables the "Warning: Permanently added 'hostname' (RSA) to the list of known hosts." // message from appearing on every SSH. This happens because we ignore the known hosts. "LogLevel ERROR", } if !skipProxyCommand { rootFlags := fmt.Sprintf("--global-config %s", escapedGlobalConfig) for _, h := range sshConfigOpts.header { rootFlags += fmt.Sprintf(" --header %q", h) } if sshConfigOpts.headerCommand != "" { rootFlags += fmt.Sprintf(" --header-command %q", sshConfigOpts.headerCommand) } flags := "" if sshConfigOpts.waitEnum != "auto" { flags += " --wait=" + sshConfigOpts.waitEnum } if sshConfigOpts.disableAutostart { flags += " --disable-autostart=true" } defaultOptions = append(defaultOptions, fmt.Sprintf( "ProxyCommand %s %s ssh --stdio%s %s", escapedCoderBinary, rootFlags, flags, workspaceHostname, )) } // Create a copy of the options so we can modify them. configOptions := sshConfigOpts configOptions.sshOptions = nil // Add standard options. err := configOptions.addOptions(defaultOptions...) if err != nil { return err } // Override with deployment options for k, v := range coderdConfig.SSHConfigOptions { opt := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", k, v) err := configOptions.addOptions(opt) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("add coderd config option %q: %w", opt, err) } } // Override with flag options for _, opt := range sshConfigOpts.sshOptions { err := configOptions.addOptions(opt) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("add flag config option %q: %w", opt, err) } } hostBlock := []string{ "Host " + sshHostname, } // Prefix with '\t' for _, v := range configOptions.sshOptions { hostBlock = append(hostBlock, "\t"+v) } _, _ = buf.WriteString(strings.Join(hostBlock, "\n")) _ = buf.WriteByte('\n') } } sshConfigWriteSectionEnd(buf) // Write the remainder of the users config file to buf. _, _ = buf.Write(after) if !bytes.Equal(configModified, buf.Bytes()) { changes = append(changes, fmt.Sprintf("Update the coder section in %s", sshConfigFile)) configModified = buf.Bytes() } if len(changes) == 0 { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "No changes to make.\n") return nil } if dryRun { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "Dry run, the following changes would be made to your SSH configuration:\n\n * %s\n\n", strings.Join(changes, "\n * ")) color := isTTYOut(inv) diff, err := diffBytes(sshConfigFile, configRaw, configModified, color) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("diff failed: %w", err) } if len(diff) > 0 { // Write diff to stdout. _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stdout, "%s", diff) } return nil } if len(changes) > 0 { _, err = cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{ Text: fmt.Sprintf("The following changes will be made to your SSH configuration:\n\n * %s\n\n Continue?", strings.Join(changes, "\n * ")), IsConfirm: true, }) if err != nil { return nil } // Only print when prompts are shown. if yes, _ := inv.ParsedFlags().GetBool("yes"); !yes { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(out, "\n") } } if !bytes.Equal(configRaw, configModified) { err = writeWithTempFileAndMove(sshConfigFile, bytes.NewReader(configModified)) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("write ssh config failed: %w", err) } _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "Updated %q\n", sshConfigFile) } if len(workspaceConfigs) > 0 { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(out, "You should now be able to ssh into your workspace.") _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "For example, try running:\n\n\t$ ssh %s%s\n", coderdConfig.HostnamePrefix, workspaceConfigs[0].Name) } else { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(out, "You don't have any workspaces yet, try creating one with:\n\n\t$ coder create \n") } return nil }, } cmd.Options = serpent.OptionSet{ { Flag: "ssh-config-file", Env: "CODER_SSH_CONFIG_FILE", Default: sshDefaultConfigFileName, Description: "Specifies the path to an SSH config.", Value: serpent.StringOf(&sshConfigFile), }, { Flag: "coder-binary-path", Env: "CODER_SSH_CONFIG_BINARY_PATH", Default: "", Description: "Optionally specify the absolute path to the coder binary used in ProxyCommand. " + "By default, the binary invoking this command ('config ssh') is used.", Value: serpent.Validate(serpent.StringOf(&coderCliPath), func(value *serpent.String) error { if runtime.GOOS == goosWindows { // For some reason filepath.IsAbs() does not work on windows. return nil } absolute := filepath.IsAbs(value.String()) if !absolute { return xerrors.Errorf("coder cli path must be an absolute path") } return nil }), }, { Flag: "ssh-option", FlagShorthand: "o", Env: "CODER_SSH_CONFIG_OPTS", Description: "Specifies additional SSH options to embed in each host stanza.", Value: serpent.StringArrayOf(&sshConfigOpts.sshOptions), }, { Flag: "dry-run", FlagShorthand: "n", Env: "CODER_SSH_DRY_RUN", Description: "Perform a trial run with no changes made, showing a diff at the end.", Value: serpent.BoolOf(&dryRun), }, { Flag: "skip-proxy-command", Env: "CODER_SSH_SKIP_PROXY_COMMAND", Description: "Specifies whether the ProxyCommand option should be skipped. Useful for testing.", Value: serpent.BoolOf(&skipProxyCommand), Hidden: true, }, { Flag: "use-previous-options", Env: "CODER_SSH_USE_PREVIOUS_OPTIONS", Description: "Specifies whether or not to keep options from previous run of config-ssh.", Value: serpent.BoolOf(&usePreviousOpts), }, { Flag: "ssh-host-prefix", Env: "CODER_CONFIGSSH_SSH_HOST_PREFIX", Description: "Override the default host prefix.", Value: serpent.StringOf(&sshConfigOpts.userHostPrefix), }, { Flag: "wait", Env: "CODER_CONFIGSSH_WAIT", // Not to be mixed with CODER_SSH_WAIT. Description: "Specifies whether or not to wait for the startup script to finish executing. Auto means that the agent startup script behavior configured in the workspace template is used.", Default: "auto", Value: serpent.EnumOf(&sshConfigOpts.waitEnum, "yes", "no", "auto"), }, { Flag: "disable-autostart", Description: "Disable starting the workspace automatically when connecting via SSH.", Env: "CODER_CONFIGSSH_DISABLE_AUTOSTART", Value: serpent.BoolOf(&sshConfigOpts.disableAutostart), Default: "false", }, { Flag: "force-unix-filepaths", Env: "CODER_CONFIGSSH_UNIX_FILEPATHS", Description: "By default, 'config-ssh' uses the os path separator when writing the ssh config. " + "This might be an issue in Windows machine that use a unix-like shell. " + "This flag forces the use of unix file paths (the forward slash '/').", Value: serpent.BoolOf(&forceUnixSeparators), // On non-windows showing this command is useless because it is a noop. // Hide vs disable it though so if a command is copied from a Windows // machine to a unix machine it will still work and not throw an // "unknown flag" error. Hidden: hideForceUnixSlashes, }, cliui.SkipPromptOption(), } return cmd } //nolint:revive func sshConfigWriteSectionHeader(w io.Writer, addNewline bool, o sshConfigOptions) { nl := "\n" if !addNewline { nl = "" } _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, nl+sshStartToken+"\n") _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, sshConfigSectionHeader) _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, sshConfigDocsHeader) var ow strings.Builder if o.waitEnum != "auto" { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%s\n", "wait", o.waitEnum) } if o.userHostPrefix != "" { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%s\n", "ssh-host-prefix", o.userHostPrefix) } if o.disableAutostart { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%v\n", "disable-autostart", o.disableAutostart) } for _, opt := range o.sshOptions { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%s\n", "ssh-option", opt) } for _, h := range o.header { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%s\n", "header", h) } if o.headerCommand != "" { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&ow, "# :%s=%s\n", "header-command", o.headerCommand) } if ow.Len() > 0 { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, sshConfigOptionsHeader) _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, ow.String()) } _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "#\n") } func sshConfigWriteSectionEnd(w io.Writer) { _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, sshEndToken+"\n") } func sshConfigParseLastOptions(r io.Reader) (o sshConfigOptions) { // Default values. o.waitEnum = "auto" s := bufio.NewScanner(r) for s.Scan() { line := s.Text() if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# :") { line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "# :") parts := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2) switch parts[0] { case "wait": o.waitEnum = parts[1] case "ssh-host-prefix": o.userHostPrefix = parts[1] case "ssh-option": o.sshOptions = append(o.sshOptions, parts[1]) case "disable-autostart": o.disableAutostart, _ = strconv.ParseBool(parts[1]) case "header": o.header = append(o.header, parts[1]) case "header-command": o.headerCommand = parts[1] default: // Unknown option, ignore. } } } if err := s.Err(); err != nil { panic(err) } return o } // sshConfigGetCoderSection is a helper function that only returns the coder // section of the SSH config and a boolean if it exists. func sshConfigGetCoderSection(data []byte) (section []byte, ok bool, err error) { _, section, _, err = sshConfigSplitOnCoderSection(data) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } return section, len(section) > 0, nil } // sshConfigSplitOnCoderSection splits the SSH config into 3 sections. // All lines before sshStartToken, the coder section, and all lines after // sshEndToken. func sshConfigSplitOnCoderSection(data []byte) (before, section []byte, after []byte, err error) { startCount := bytes.Count(data, []byte(sshStartToken)) endCount := bytes.Count(data, []byte(sshEndToken)) if startCount > 1 || endCount > 1 { return nil, nil, nil, xerrors.New("Malformed config: ssh config has multiple coder sections, please remove all but one") } startIndex := bytes.Index(data, []byte(sshStartToken)) endIndex := bytes.Index(data, []byte(sshEndToken)) if startIndex == -1 && endIndex != -1 { return nil, nil, nil, xerrors.New("Malformed config: ssh config has end header, but missing start header") } if startIndex != -1 && endIndex == -1 { return nil, nil, nil, xerrors.New("Malformed config: ssh config has start header, but missing end header") } if startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 { if startIndex > endIndex { return nil, nil, nil, xerrors.New("Malformed config: ssh config has coder section, but it is malformed and the END header is before the START header") } // We use -1 and +1 here to also include the preceding // and trailing newline, where applicable. start := startIndex if start > 0 { start-- } end := endIndex + len(sshEndToken) if end < len(data) { end++ } return data[:start], data[start:end], data[end:], nil } return data, nil, nil, nil } // writeWithTempFileAndMove writes to a temporary file in the same // directory as path and renames the temp file to the file provided in // path. This ensure we avoid trashing the file we are writing due to // unforeseen circumstance like filesystem full, command killed, etc. func writeWithTempFileAndMove(path string, r io.Reader) (err error) { dir := filepath.Dir(path) name := filepath.Base(path) // Ensure that e.g. the ~/.ssh directory exists. if err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0o700); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("create directory: %w", err) } // Create a tempfile in the same directory for ensuring write // operation does not fail. f, err := os.CreateTemp(dir, fmt.Sprintf(".%s.", name)) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("create temp file failed: %w", err) } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = os.Remove(f.Name()) // Cleanup in case a step failed. } }() _, err = io.Copy(f, r) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() return xerrors.Errorf("write temp file failed: %w", err) } err = f.Close() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("close temp file failed: %w", err) } err = os.Rename(f.Name(), path) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("rename temp file failed: %w", err) } return nil } // sshConfigExecEscape quotes the string if it contains spaces, as per // `man 5 ssh_config`. However, OpenSSH uses exec in the users shell to // run the command, and as such the formatting/escape requirements // cannot simply be covered by `fmt.Sprintf("%q", path)`. // // Always escaping the path with `fmt.Sprintf("%q", path)` usually works // on most platforms, but double quotes sometimes break on Windows 10 // (see #2853). This function takes a best-effort approach to improving // compatibility and covering edge cases. // // Given the following ProxyCommand: // // ProxyCommand "/path/with space/coder" ssh --stdio work // // This is ~what OpenSSH would execute: // // /bin/bash -c '"/path/with space/to/coder" ssh --stdio workspace' // // However, since it's actually an arg in C, the contents inside the // single quotes are interpreted as is, e.g. if there was a '\t', it // would be the literal string '\t', not a tab. // // See: // - // - // - // - // // Additional Windows-specific notes: // // In some situations a Windows user could be using a unix-like shell such as // git bash. In these situations the coder.exe is using the windows filepath // separator (\), but the shell wants the unix filepath separator (/). // Trying to determine if the shell is unix-like is difficult, so this function // takes the argument 'forceUnixPath' to force the filepath to be unix-like. // // On actual unix machines, this is **always** a noop. Even if a windows // path is provided. // // Passing a "false" for forceUnixPath will result in the filepath separator // untouched from the original input. // --- // This is a control flag, and that is ok. It is a control flag // based on the OS of the user. Making this a different file is excessive. // nolint:revive func sshConfigExecEscape(path string, forceUnixPath bool) (string, error) { if forceUnixPath { // This is a workaround for #7639, where the filepath separator is // incorrectly the Windows separator (\) instead of the unix separator (/). path = filepath.ToSlash(path) } // This is unlikely to ever happen, but newlines are allowed on // certain filesystems, but cannot be used inside ssh config. if strings.ContainsAny(path, "\n") { return "", xerrors.Errorf("invalid path: %s", path) } // In the unlikely even that a path contains quotes, they must be // escaped so that they are not interpreted as shell quotes. if strings.Contains(path, "\"") { path = strings.ReplaceAll(path, "\"", "\\\"") } // A space or a tab requires quoting, but tabs must not be escaped // (\t) since OpenSSH interprets it as a literal \t, not a tab. if strings.ContainsAny(path, " \t") { path = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", path) //nolint:gocritic // We don't want %q here. } return path, nil } // currentBinPath returns the path to the coder binary suitable for use in ssh // ProxyCommand. func currentBinPath(w io.Writer) (string, error) { exePath, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { return "", xerrors.Errorf("get executable path: %w", err) } binName := filepath.Base(exePath) // We use safeexec instead of os/exec because os/exec returns paths in // the current working directory, which we will run into very often when // looking for our own path. pathPath, err := safeexec.LookPath(binName) // On Windows, the coder-cli executable must be in $PATH for both Msys2/Git // Bash and OpenSSH for Windows (used by Powershell and VS Code) to function // correctly. Check if the current executable is in $PATH, and warn the user // if it isn't. if err != nil && runtime.GOOS == "windows" { cliui.Warn(w, "The current executable is not in $PATH.", "This may lead to problems connecting to your workspace via SSH.", fmt.Sprintf("Please move %q to a location in your $PATH (such as System32) and run `%s config-ssh` again.", binName, binName), ) _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") // Return the exePath so SSH at least works outside of Msys2. return exePath, nil } // Warn the user if the current executable is not the same as the one in // $PATH. if filepath.Clean(pathPath) != filepath.Clean(exePath) { cliui.Warn(w, "The current executable path does not match the executable path found in $PATH.", "This may cause issues connecting to your workspace via SSH.", fmt.Sprintf("\tCurrent executable path: %q", exePath), fmt.Sprintf("\tExecutable path in $PATH: %q", pathPath), ) _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") } return exePath, nil } // diffBytes takes two byte slices and diffs them as if they were in a // file named name. // nolint: revive // Color is an option, not a control coupling. func diffBytes(name string, b1, b2 []byte, color bool) ([]byte, error) { var buf bytes.Buffer var opts []write.Option if color { opts = append(opts, write.TerminalColor()) } err := diff.Text(name, name, b1, b2, &buf, opts...) if err != nil { return nil, err } b := buf.Bytes() // Check if diff only output two lines, if yes, there's no diff. // // Example: // --- /home/user/.ssh/config // +++ /home/user/.ssh/config if bytes.Count(b, []byte{'\n'}) == 2 { b = nil } return b, nil }