package agent import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "io" "net/netip" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestStatsReporter(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort) logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug) fSource := newFakeNetworkStatsSource(ctx, t) fCollector := newFakeCollector(t) fDest := newFakeStatsDest() uut := newStatsReporter(logger, fSource, fCollector) loopErr := make(chan error, 1) loopCtx, loopCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) go func() { err := uut.reportLoop(loopCtx, fDest) loopErr <- err }() // initial request to get duration req := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fDest.reqs) require.NotNil(t, req) require.Nil(t, req.Stats) interval := time.Second * 34 testutil.RequireSendCtx(ctx, t, fDest.resps, &proto.UpdateStatsResponse{ReportInterval: durationpb.New(interval)}) // call to source to set the callback and interval gotInterval := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fSource.period) require.Equal(t, interval, gotInterval) // callback returning netstats netStats := map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts{ { Proto: ipproto.TCP, Src: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), Dst: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), }: { TxPackets: 22, TxBytes: 23, RxPackets: 24, RxBytes: 25, }, } fSource.callback(time.Now(), time.Now(), netStats, nil) // collector called to complete the stats gotNetStats := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fCollector.calls) require.Equal(t, netStats, gotNetStats) // while we are collecting the stats, send in two new netStats to simulate // what happens if we don't keep up. Only the latest should be kept. netStats0 := map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts{ { Proto: ipproto.TCP, Src: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), Dst: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), }: { TxPackets: 10, TxBytes: 10, RxPackets: 10, RxBytes: 10, }, } fSource.callback(time.Now(), time.Now(), netStats0, nil) netStats1 := map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts{ { Proto: ipproto.TCP, Src: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), Dst: netip.MustParseAddrPort(""), }: { TxPackets: 11, TxBytes: 11, RxPackets: 11, RxBytes: 11, }, } fSource.callback(time.Now(), time.Now(), netStats1, nil) // complete first collection stats := &proto.Stats{SessionCountJetbrains: 55} testutil.RequireSendCtx(ctx, t, fCollector.stats, stats) // destination called to report the first stats update := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fDest.reqs) require.NotNil(t, update) require.Equal(t, stats, update.Stats) testutil.RequireSendCtx(ctx, t, fDest.resps, &proto.UpdateStatsResponse{ReportInterval: durationpb.New(interval)}) // second update -- only netStats1 is reported gotNetStats = testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fCollector.calls) require.Equal(t, netStats1, gotNetStats) stats = &proto.Stats{SessionCountJetbrains: 66} testutil.RequireSendCtx(ctx, t, fCollector.stats, stats) update = testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fDest.reqs) require.NotNil(t, update) require.Equal(t, stats, update.Stats) interval2 := 27 * time.Second testutil.RequireSendCtx(ctx, t, fDest.resps, &proto.UpdateStatsResponse{ReportInterval: durationpb.New(interval2)}) // set the new interval gotInterval = testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, fSource.period) require.Equal(t, interval2, gotInterval) loopCancel() err := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, loopErr) require.NoError(t, err) } type fakeNetworkStatsSource struct { sync.Mutex ctx context.Context t testing.TB callback func(start, end time.Time, virtual, physical map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts) period chan time.Duration } func (f *fakeNetworkStatsSource) SetConnStatsCallback(maxPeriod time.Duration, _ int, dump func(start time.Time, end time.Time, virtual map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts, physical map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts)) { f.Lock() defer f.Unlock() f.callback = dump select { case <-f.ctx.Done(): f.t.Error("timeout") case f.period <- maxPeriod: // OK } } func newFakeNetworkStatsSource(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB) *fakeNetworkStatsSource { f := &fakeNetworkStatsSource{ ctx: ctx, t: t, period: make(chan time.Duration), } return f } type fakeCollector struct { t testing.TB calls chan map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts stats chan *proto.Stats } func (f *fakeCollector) Collect(ctx context.Context, networkStats map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts) *proto.Stats { select { case <-ctx.Done(): f.t.Error("timeout on collect") return nil case f.calls <- networkStats: // ok } select { case <-ctx.Done(): f.t.Error("timeout on collect") return nil case s := <-f.stats: return s } } func newFakeCollector(t testing.TB) *fakeCollector { return &fakeCollector{ t: t, calls: make(chan map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts), stats: make(chan *proto.Stats), } } type fakeStatsDest struct { reqs chan *proto.UpdateStatsRequest resps chan *proto.UpdateStatsResponse } func (f *fakeStatsDest) UpdateStats(ctx context.Context, req *proto.UpdateStatsRequest) (*proto.UpdateStatsResponse, error) { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() case f.reqs <- req: // OK } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() case resp := <-f.resps: return resp, nil } } func newFakeStatsDest() *fakeStatsDest { return &fakeStatsDest{ reqs: make(chan *proto.UpdateStatsRequest), resps: make(chan *proto.UpdateStatsResponse), } } func Test_logDebouncer(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( buf bytes.Buffer logger = slog.Make(slogjson.Sink(&buf)) ctx = context.Background() ) debouncer := &logDebouncer{ logger: logger, messages: map[string]time.Time{}, interval: time.Minute, } fields := map[string]interface{}{ "field_1": float64(1), "field_2": "2", } debouncer.Error(ctx, "my message", "field_1", 1, "field_2", "2") debouncer.Warn(ctx, "another message", "field_1", 1, "field_2", "2") // Shouldn't log this. debouncer.Warn(ctx, "another message", "field_1", 1, "field_2", "2") require.Len(t, debouncer.messages, 2) type entry struct { Msg string `json:"msg"` Level string `json:"level"` Fields map[string]interface{} `json:"fields"` } assertLog := func(msg string, level string, fields map[string]interface{}) { line, err := buf.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) var e entry err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(line), &e) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, msg, e.Msg) require.Equal(t, level, e.Level) require.Equal(t, fields, e.Fields) } assertLog("my message", "ERROR", fields) assertLog("another message", "WARN", fields) debouncer.messages["another message"] = time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute) debouncer.Warn(ctx, "another message", "field_1", 1, "field_2", "2") assertLog("another message", "WARN", fields) // Assert nothing else was written. _, err := buf.ReadString('\n') require.ErrorIs(t, err, io.EOF) }