
86 lines
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INSTALL_DIR=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin
GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
# First target is the default for `make`.
build: dist
.PHONY: build
# Runs migrations to output a dump of the database.
coderd/database/dump.sql: $(wildcard coderd/database/migrations/*.sql)
go run coderd/database/dump/main.go
# Generates Go code for querying the database.
coderd/database/querier.go: coderd/database/dump.sql $(wildcard coderd/database/queries/*.sql)
# This is called "dist" to target the output directory for binaries.
dist: site/out $(find -not -path './vendor/*' -type f -name '*.go') go.mod go.sum
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist
@echo "--- prettier"
# Avoid writing files in CI to reduce file write activity
ifdef CI
cd site && yarn run format:check
cd site && yarn run format:write
.PHONY: fmt/prettier
fmt/terraform: $(wildcard *.tf)
terraform fmt -recursive
fmt: fmt/prettier fmt/terraform
.PHONY: fmt
gen: coderd/database/querier.go peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.pb.go provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.pb.go provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.pb.go site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts
install: build
@echo "--- Copying from bin to $(INSTALL_DIR)"
cp -r ./dist/coder-$(GOOS)_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)*/* $(INSTALL_DIR)
@echo "-- CLI available at $(shell ls $(INSTALL_DIR)/coder*)"
.PHONY: install
golangci-lint run
.PHONY: lint
peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.pb.go: peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.proto
protoc \
--go_out=. \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-drpc_out=. \
--go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.pb.go: provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.proto
protoc \
--go_out=. \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-drpc_out=. \
--go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.pb.go: provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.proto
protoc \
--go_out=. \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-drpc_out=. \
--go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
site/out: $(shell find ./site -not -path './site/node_modules/*' -type f -name '*.tsx') $(shell find ./site -not -path './site/node_modules/*' -type f -name '*.ts') site/package.json
cd site && yarn typegen
cd site && yarn build
# Restores GITKEEP files!
git checkout HEAD site/out
site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts: $(shell find codersdk -type f -name '*.go')
go run scripts/apitypings/main.go > site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts
cd site && yarn run format:types
gotestsum -- -v -short ./...