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package clibase
import (
type ValueSource string
const (
ValueSourceNone ValueSource = ""
ValueSourceFlag ValueSource = "flag"
ValueSourceEnv ValueSource = "env"
ValueSourceYAML ValueSource = "yaml"
ValueSourceDefault ValueSource = "default"
// Option is a configuration option for a CLI application.
type Option struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Required means this value must be set by some means. It requires
// `ValueSource != ValueSourceNone`
// If `Default` is set, then `Required` is ignored.
Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
// Flag is the long name of the flag used to configure this option. If unset,
// flag configuring is disabled.
Flag string `json:"flag,omitempty"`
// FlagShorthand is the one-character shorthand for the flag. If unset, no
// shorthand is used.
FlagShorthand string `json:"flag_shorthand,omitempty"`
// Env is the environment variable used to configure this option. If unset,
// environment configuring is disabled.
Env string `json:"env,omitempty"`
// YAML is the YAML key used to configure this option. If unset, YAML
// configuring is disabled.
YAML string `json:"yaml,omitempty"`
// Default is parsed into Value if set.
Default string `json:"default,omitempty"`
// Value includes the types listed in values.go.
Value pflag.Value `json:"value,omitempty"`
// Annotations enable extensions to clibase higher up in the stack. It's useful for
// help formatting and documentation generation.
Annotations Annotations `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
// Group is a group hierarchy that helps organize this option in help, configs
// and other documentation.
Group *Group `json:"group,omitempty"`
// UseInstead is a list of options that should be used instead of this one.
// The field is used to generate a deprecation warning.
UseInstead []Option `json:"use_instead,omitempty"`
Hidden bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
ValueSource ValueSource `json:"value_source,omitempty"`
// optionNoMethods is just a wrapper around Option so we can defer to the
// default json.Unmarshaler behavior.
type optionNoMethods Option
func (o *Option) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// If an option has no values, we have no idea how to unmarshal it.
// So just discard the json data.
if o.Value == nil {
o.Value = &DiscardValue
return json.Unmarshal(data, (*optionNoMethods)(o))
func (o Option) YAMLPath() string {
if o.YAML == "" {
return ""
var gs []string
for _, g := range o.Group.Ancestry() {
gs = append(gs, g.YAML)
return strings.Join(append(gs, o.YAML), ".")
// OptionSet is a group of options that can be applied to a command.
type OptionSet []Option
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for OptionSets. Options have an
// interface Value type that cannot handle unmarshalling because the types cannot
// be inferred. Since it is a slice, instantiating the Options first does not
// help.
// However, we typically do instantiate the slice to have the correct types.
// So this unmarshaller will attempt to find the named option in the existing
// set, if it cannot, the value is discarded. If the option exists, the value
// is unmarshalled into the existing option, and replaces the existing option.
// The value is discarded if it's type cannot be inferred. This behavior just
// feels "safer", although it should never happen if the correct option set
// is passed in. The situation where this could occur is if a client and server
// are on different versions with different options.
func (optSet *OptionSet) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
// Should be a json array, so consume the starting open bracket.
t, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("read array open bracket: %w", err)
if t != json.Delim('[') {
return xerrors.Errorf("expected array open bracket, got %q", t)
// As long as json elements exist, consume them. The counter is used for
// better errors.
var i int
for dec.More() {
var opt Option
// jValue is a placeholder value that allows us to capture the
// raw json for the value to attempt to unmarshal later.
var jValue jsonValue
opt.Value = &jValue
err := dec.Decode(&opt)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("decode %d option: %w", i, err)
// This counter is used to contextualize errors to show which element of
// the array we failed to decode. It is only used in the error above, as
// if the above works, we can instead use the Option.Name which is more
// descriptive and useful. So increment here for the next decode.
// Try to see if the option already exists in the option set.
// If it does, just update the existing option.
for optIndex, have := range *optSet {
if have.Name == opt.Name {
if jValue != nil {
err := json.Unmarshal(jValue, &(*optSet)[optIndex].Value)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("decode option %q value: %w", have.Name, err)
// Set the opt's value
opt.Value = (*optSet)[optIndex].Value
} else {
// Hopefully the user passed empty values in the option set. There is no easy way
// to tell, and if we do not do this, it breaks json.Marshal if we do it again on
// this new option set.
opt.Value = (*optSet)[optIndex].Value
// Override the existing.
(*optSet)[optIndex] = opt
// Go to the next option to decode.
continue OptionSetDecodeLoop
// If the option doesn't exist, the value will be discarded.
// We do this because we cannot infer the type of the value.
opt.Value = DiscardValue
*optSet = append(*optSet, opt)
t, err = dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("read array close bracket: %w", err)
if t != json.Delim(']') {
return xerrors.Errorf("expected array close bracket, got %q", t)
return nil
// Add adds the given Options to the OptionSet.
func (optSet *OptionSet) Add(opts ...Option) {
*optSet = append(*optSet, opts...)
// Filter will only return options that match the given filter. (return true)
func (optSet OptionSet) Filter(filter func(opt Option) bool) OptionSet {
cpy := make(OptionSet, 0)
for _, opt := range optSet {
if filter(opt) {
cpy = append(cpy, opt)
return cpy
// FlagSet returns a pflag.FlagSet for the OptionSet.
func (optSet *OptionSet) FlagSet() *pflag.FlagSet {
if optSet == nil {
return &pflag.FlagSet{}
fs := pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ContinueOnError)
for _, opt := range *optSet {
if opt.Flag == "" {
var noOptDefValue string
no, ok := opt.Value.(NoOptDefValuer)
if ok {
noOptDefValue = no.NoOptDefValue()
val := opt.Value
if val == nil {
val = DiscardValue
Name: opt.Flag,
Shorthand: opt.FlagShorthand,
Usage: opt.Description,
Value: val,
DefValue: "",
Changed: false,
Deprecated: "",
NoOptDefVal: noOptDefValue,
Hidden: opt.Hidden,
fs.Usage = func() {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("Override (*FlagSet).Usage() to print help text.\n")
return fs
// ParseEnv parses the given environment variables into the OptionSet.
// Use EnvsWithPrefix to filter out prefixes.
func (optSet *OptionSet) ParseEnv(vs []EnvVar) error {
if optSet == nil {
return nil
var merr *multierror.Error
// We parse environment variables first instead of using a nested loop to
// avoid N*M complexity when there are a lot of options and environment
// variables.
envs := make(map[string]string)
for _, v := range vs {
envs[v.Name] = v.Value
for i, opt := range *optSet {
if opt.Env == "" {
envVal, ok := envs[opt.Env]
if !ok {
// Homebrew strips all environment variables that do not start with `HOMEBREW_`.
// This prevented using brew to invoke the Coder agent, because the environment
// variables to not get passed down.
// A customer wanted to use their custom tap inside a workspace, which was failing
// because the agent lacked the environment variables to authenticate with Git.
envVal, ok = envs[`HOMEBREW_`+opt.Env]
// Currently, empty values are treated as if the environment variable is
// unset. This behavior is technically not correct as there is now no
// way for a user to change a Default value to an empty string from
// the environment. Unfortunately, we have old configuration files
// that rely on the faulty behavior.
// TODO: We should remove this hack in May 2023, when deployments
// have had months to migrate to the new behavior.
if !ok || envVal == "" {
(*optSet)[i].ValueSource = ValueSourceEnv
if err := opt.Value.Set(envVal); err != nil {
merr = multierror.Append(
merr, xerrors.Errorf("parse %q: %w", opt.Name, err),
return merr.ErrorOrNil()
// SetDefaults sets the default values for each Option, skipping values
// that already have a value source.
func (optSet *OptionSet) SetDefaults() error {
if optSet == nil {
return nil
var merr *multierror.Error
for i, opt := range *optSet {
// Skip values that may have already been set by the user.
if opt.ValueSource != ValueSourceNone {
if opt.Default == "" {
if opt.Value == nil {
merr = multierror.Append(
"parse %q: no Value field set\nFull opt: %+v",
opt.Name, opt,
(*optSet)[i].ValueSource = ValueSourceDefault
if err := opt.Value.Set(opt.Default); err != nil {
merr = multierror.Append(
merr, xerrors.Errorf("parse %q: %w", opt.Name, err),
return merr.ErrorOrNil()
// ByName returns the Option with the given name, or nil if no such option
// exists.
func (optSet *OptionSet) ByName(name string) *Option {
for i := range *optSet {
opt := &(*optSet)[i]
if opt.Name == name {
return opt
return nil