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package rbac
import (
const (
owner string = "owner"
member string = "member"
templateAdmin string = "template-admin"
userAdmin string = "user-admin"
auditor string = "auditor"
orgAdmin string = "organization-admin"
orgMember string = "organization-member"
// The functions below ONLY need to exist for roles that are "defaulted" in some way.
// Any other roles (like auditor), can be listed and let the user select/assigned.
// Once we have a database implementation, the "default" roles can be defined on the
// site and orgs, and these functions can be removed.
func RoleOwner() string {
return roleName(owner, "")
func RoleTemplateAdmin() string {
return roleName(templateAdmin, "")
func RoleUserAdmin() string {
return roleName(userAdmin, "")
func RoleMember() string {
return roleName(member, "")
func RoleOrgAdmin(organizationID uuid.UUID) string {
return roleName(orgAdmin, organizationID.String())
func RoleOrgMember(organizationID uuid.UUID) string {
return roleName(orgMember, organizationID.String())
var (
// builtInRoles are just a hard coded set for now. Ideally we store these in
// the database. Right now they are functions because the org id should scope
// certain roles. When we store them in the database, each organization should
// create the roles that are assignable in the org. This isn't a hard problem to solve,
// it's just easier as a function right now.
// This map will be replaced by database storage defined by this ticket.
builtInRoles = map[string]func(orgID string) Role{
// admin grants all actions to all resources.
owner: func(_ string) Role {
return Role{
Name: owner,
DisplayName: "Owner",
Site: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
ResourceWildcard: {WildcardSymbol},
// member grants all actions to all resources owned by the user
member: func(_ string) Role {
return Role{
Name: member,
DisplayName: "",
Site: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
// All users can read all other users and know they exist.
ResourceUser: {ActionRead},
ResourceRoleAssignment: {ActionRead},
// All users can see the provisioner daemons.
ResourceProvisionerDaemon: {ActionRead},
User: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
ResourceWildcard: {WildcardSymbol},
// auditor provides all permissions required to effectively read and understand
// audit log events.
// TODO: Finish the auditor as we add resources.
auditor: func(_ string) Role {
return Role{
Name: auditor,
DisplayName: "Auditor",
Site: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
// Should be able to read all template details, even in orgs they
// are not in.
ResourceTemplate: {ActionRead},
ResourceAuditLog: {ActionRead},
templateAdmin: func(_ string) Role {
return Role{
Name: templateAdmin,
DisplayName: "Template Admin",
Site: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
ResourceTemplate: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
// CRUD all files, even those they did not upload.
ResourceFile: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
ResourceWorkspace: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
// CRUD to provisioner daemons for now.
ResourceProvisionerDaemon: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
userAdmin: func(_ string) Role {
return Role{
Name: userAdmin,
DisplayName: "User Admin",
Site: permissions(map[Object][]Action{
ResourceRoleAssignment: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
ResourceUser: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
// Full perms to manage org members
ResourceOrganizationMember: {ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete},
// orgAdmin returns a role with all actions allows in a given
// organization scope.
orgAdmin: func(organizationID string) Role {
return Role{
Name: roleName(orgAdmin, organizationID),
DisplayName: "Organization Admin",
Org: map[string][]Permission{
organizationID: {
Negate: false,
ResourceType: "*",
Action: "*",
// orgMember has an empty set of permissions, this just implies their membership
// in an organization.
orgMember: func(organizationID string) Role {
return Role{
Name: roleName(orgMember, organizationID),
DisplayName: "",
Org: map[string][]Permission{
organizationID: {
// All org members can read the other members in their org.
ResourceType: ResourceOrganizationMember.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
// All org members can read the organization
ResourceType: ResourceOrganization.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
// All org members can read templates in the org
ResourceType: ResourceTemplate.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
// Can read available roles.
ResourceType: ResourceOrgRoleAssignment.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
var (
// assignRoles is a map of roles that can be assigned if a user has a given
// role.
// The first key is the actor role, the second is the roles they can assign.
// map[actor_role][assign_role]<can_assign>
assignRoles = map[string]map[string]bool{
owner: {
owner: true,
auditor: true,
member: true,
orgAdmin: true,
orgMember: true,
templateAdmin: true,
userAdmin: true,
userAdmin: {
member: true,
orgMember: true,
orgAdmin: {
orgAdmin: true,
orgMember: true,
// CanAssignRole is a helper function that returns true if the user can assign
// the specified role. This also can be used for removing a role.
// This is a simple implementation for now.
func CanAssignRole(roles []string, assignedRole string) bool {
assigned, assignedOrg, err := roleSplit(assignedRole)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, longRole := range roles {
role, orgID, err := roleSplit(longRole)
if err != nil {
if orgID != "" && orgID != assignedOrg {
// Org roles only apply to the org they are assigned to.
allowed, ok := assignRoles[role]
if !ok {
if allowed[assigned] {
return true
return false
// RoleByName returns the permissions associated with a given role name.
// This allows just the role names to be stored and expanded when required.
func RoleByName(name string) (Role, error) {
roleName, orgID, err := roleSplit(name)
if err != nil {
return Role{}, xerrors.Errorf(":%w", err)
roleFunc, ok := builtInRoles[roleName]
if !ok {
// No role found
return Role{}, xerrors.Errorf("role %q not found", roleName)
// Ensure all org roles are properly scoped a non-empty organization id.
// This is just some defensive programming.
role := roleFunc(orgID)
if len(role.Org) > 0 && orgID == "" {
return Role{}, xerrors.Errorf("expect a org id for role %q", roleName)
return role, nil
func RolesByNames(roleNames []string) ([]Role, error) {
roles := make([]Role, 0, len(roleNames))
for _, n := range roleNames {
r, err := RoleByName(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get role permissions: %w", err)
roles = append(roles, r)
return roles, nil
func IsOrgRole(roleName string) (string, bool) {
_, orgID, err := roleSplit(roleName)
if err == nil && orgID != "" {
return orgID, true
return "", false
// OrganizationRoles lists all roles that can be applied to an organization user
// in the given organization. This is the list of available roles,
// and specific to an organization.
// This should be a list in a database, but until then we build
// the list from the builtins.
func OrganizationRoles(organizationID uuid.UUID) []Role {
var roles []Role
for _, roleF := range builtInRoles {
role := roleF(organizationID.String())
_, scope, err := roleSplit(role.Name)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen
if scope == organizationID.String() {
roles = append(roles, role)
return roles
// SiteRoles lists all roles that can be applied to a user.
// This is the list of available roles, and not specific to a user
// This should be a list in a database, but until then we build
// the list from the builtins.
func SiteRoles() []Role {
var roles []Role
for _, roleF := range builtInRoles {
role := roleF("random")
_, scope, err := roleSplit(role.Name)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen
if scope == "" {
roles = append(roles, role)
return roles
// ChangeRoleSet is a helper function that finds the difference of 2 sets of
// roles. When setting a user's new roles, it is equivalent to adding and
// removing roles. This set determines the changes, so that the appropriate
// RBAC checks can be applied using "ActionCreate" and "ActionDelete" for
// "added" and "removed" roles respectively.
func ChangeRoleSet(from []string, to []string) (added []string, removed []string) {
has := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, exists := range from {
has[exists] = struct{}{}
for _, roleName := range to {
// If the user already has the role assigned, we don't need to check the permission
// to reassign it. Only run permission checks on the difference in the set of
// roles.
if _, ok := has[roleName]; ok {
delete(has, roleName)
added = append(added, roleName)
// Remaining roles are the ones removed/deleted.
for roleName := range has {
removed = append(removed, roleName)
return added, removed
// roleName is a quick helper function to return
// role_name:scopeID
// If no scopeID is required, only 'role_name' is returned
func roleName(name string, orgID string) string {
if orgID == "" {
return name
return name + ":" + orgID
func roleSplit(role string) (name string, orgID string, err error) {
arr := strings.Split(role, ":")
if len(arr) > 2 {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("too many colons in role name")
if arr[0] == "" {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("role cannot be the empty string")
if len(arr) == 2 {
return arr[0], arr[1], nil
return arr[0], "", nil
// permissions is just a helper function to make building roles that list out resources
// and actions a bit easier.
func permissions(perms map[Object][]Action) []Permission {
list := make([]Permission, 0, len(perms))
for k, actions := range perms {
for _, act := range actions {
act := act
list = append(list, Permission{
Negate: false,
ResourceType: k.Type,
Action: act,
return list