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name: Develop in Kubernetes
description: Get started with Kubernetes development.
tags: [cloud, kubernetes]
2022-12-09 18:47:09 +00:00
icon: /icon/k8s.png
# Getting started
This template creates a pod running the `codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu` image.
The Coder provisioner requires permission to administer pods to use this template. The template
creates workspaces in a single Kubernetes namespace, using the `workspaces_namespace` parameter set
while creating the template.
Create a role as follows and bind it to the user or service account that runs the coder host.
kind: Role
name: coder
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["*"]
## Authentication
This template can authenticate using in-cluster authentication, or using a kubeconfig local to the
Coder host. For additional authentication options, consult the [Kubernetes provider
### kubeconfig on Coder host
If the Coder host has a local `~/.kube/config`, you can use this to authenticate
with Coder. Make sure this is done with same user that's running the `coder` service.
To use this authentication, set the parameter `use_kubeconfig` to true.
### In-cluster authentication
If the Coder host runs in a Pod on the same Kubernetes cluster as you are creating workspaces in,
you can use in-cluster authentication.
To use this authentication, set the parameter `use_kubeconfig` to false.
The Terraform provisioner will automatically use the service account associated with the pod to
authenticate to Kubernetes. Be sure to bind a [role with appropriate permission](#rbac) to the
service account. For example, assuming the Coder host runs in the same namespace as you intend
to create workspaces:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: coder
kind: RoleBinding
name: coder
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: coder
kind: Role
name: coder
Then start the Coder host with `serviceAccountName: coder` in the pod spec.
## Namespace
The target namespace in which the pod will be deployed is defined via the `coder_workspace`
variable. The namespace must exist prior to creating workspaces.
## Persistence
The `/home/coder` directory in this example is persisted via the attached PersistentVolumeClaim.
Any data saved outside of this directory will be wiped when the workspace stops.
Since most binary installations and environment configurations live outside of
the `/home` directory, we suggest including these in the `startup_script` argument
of the `coder_agent` resource block, which will run each time the workspace starts up.
For example, when installing the `aws` CLI, the install script will place the
`aws` binary in `/usr/local/bin/aws`. To ensure the `aws` CLI is persisted across
workspace starts/stops, include the following code in the `coder_agent` resource
block of your workspace template:
resource "coder_agent" "main" {
startup_script = <<-EOT
set -e
# install AWS CLI
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
## code-server
`code-server` is installed via the `startup_script` argument in the `coder_agent`
resource block. The `coder_app` resource is defined to access `code-server` through
the dashboard UI over `localhost:13337`.