
242 lines
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package cliui
import (
var AgentStartError = xerrors.New("agent startup exited with non-zero exit status")
type AgentOptions struct {
WorkspaceName string
Fetch func(context.Context) (codersdk.WorkspaceAgent, error)
FetchInterval time.Duration
WarnInterval time.Duration
NoWait bool // If true, don't wait for the agent to be ready.
// Agent displays a spinning indicator that waits for a workspace agent to connect.
func Agent(ctx context.Context, writer io.Writer, opts AgentOptions) error {
if opts.FetchInterval == 0 {
opts.FetchInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
if opts.WarnInterval == 0 {
opts.WarnInterval = 30 * time.Second
var resourceMutex sync.Mutex
agent, err := opts.Fetch(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
// Fast path if the agent is ready (avoid showing connecting prompt).
// We don't take the fast path for opts.NoWait yet because we want to
// show the message.
if agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected &&
(agent.LoginBeforeReady || agent.LifecycleState == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady) {
return nil
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, os.Interrupt)
defer cancel()
spin := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[78], 100*time.Millisecond, spinner.WithColor("fgHiGreen"))
spin.Writer = writer
spin.ForceOutput = true
spin.Suffix = waitingMessage(agent, opts).Spin
waitMessage := &message{}
showMessage := func() {
defer resourceMutex.Unlock()
m := waitingMessage(agent, opts)
if m.Prompt == waitMessage.Prompt {
moveUp := ""
if waitMessage.Prompt != "" {
// If this is an update, move a line up
// to keep it tidy and aligned.
moveUp = "\033[1A"
waitMessage = m
// Stop the spinner while we write our message.
spin.Suffix = waitMessage.Spin
// Clear the line and (if necessary) move up a line to write our message.
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\033[2K%s\n%s\n", moveUp, waitMessage.Prompt)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Safe to resume operation.
if spin.Suffix != "" {
// Fast path for showing the error message even when using no wait,
// we do this just before starting the spinner to avoid needless
// spinning.
if agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected &&
!agent.LoginBeforeReady && opts.NoWait {
return nil
// Start spinning after fast paths are handled.
if spin.Suffix != "" {
defer spin.Stop()
warnAfter := time.NewTimer(opts.WarnInterval)
defer warnAfter.Stop()
warningShown := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-warnAfter.C:
fetchInterval := time.NewTicker(opts.FetchInterval)
defer fetchInterval.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-fetchInterval.C:
agent, err = opts.Fetch(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
switch agent.Status {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected:
// NOTE(mafredri): Once we have access to the workspace agent's
// startup script logs, we can show them here.
if !agent.LoginBeforeReady && !opts.NoWait {
switch agent.LifecycleState {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady:
return nil
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartTimeout:
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartError:
return AgentStartError
select {
case <-warningShown:
// This state is normal, we don't want
// to show a message prematurely.
return nil
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentTimeout, codersdk.WorkspaceAgentDisconnected:
type message struct {
Spin string
Prompt string
Troubleshoot bool
func waitingMessage(agent codersdk.WorkspaceAgent, opts AgentOptions) (m *message) {
m = &message{
Spin: fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for connection from %s...", Styles.Field.Render(agent.Name)),
Prompt: "Don't panic, your workspace is booting up!",
defer func() {
if agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected && opts.NoWait {
m.Spin = ""
if m.Spin != "" {
m.Spin = " " + m.Spin
// We don't want to wrap the troubleshooting URL, so we'll handle word
// wrapping ourselves (vs using lipgloss).
w := wordwrap.NewWriter(Styles.Paragraph.GetWidth() - Styles.Paragraph.GetMarginLeft()*2)
w.Breakpoints = []rune{' ', '\n'}
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, m.Prompt)
if m.Troubleshoot {
if agent.TroubleshootingURL != "" {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, " See troubleshooting instructions at:\n%s", agent.TroubleshootingURL)
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, " Wait for it to (re)connect or restart your workspace.")
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")
// We want to prefix the prompt with a caret, but we want text on the
// following lines to align with the text on the first line (i.e. added
// spacing).
ind := " " + Styles.Prompt.String()
iw := indent.NewWriter(1, func(w io.Writer) {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(ind))
ind = " " // Set indentation to space after initial prompt.
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(iw, w.String())
m.Prompt = iw.String()
switch agent.Status {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentTimeout:
m.Prompt = "The workspace agent is having trouble connecting."
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentDisconnected:
m.Prompt = "The workspace agent lost connection!"
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected:
m.Spin = fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for %s to become ready...", Styles.Field.Render(agent.Name))
m.Prompt = "Don't panic, your workspace agent has connected and the workspace is getting ready!"
if opts.NoWait {
m.Prompt = "Your workspace is still getting ready, it may be in an incomplete state."
switch agent.LifecycleState {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartTimeout:
m.Prompt = "The workspace is taking longer than expected to get ready, the agent startup script is still executing."
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartError:
m.Spin = ""
m.Prompt = "The workspace ran into a problem while getting ready, the agent startup script exited with non-zero status."
// Not a failure state, no troubleshooting necessary.
return m
// Not a failure state, no troubleshooting necessary.
return m
m.Troubleshoot = true
return m