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package workspaceusage_test
import (
func TestTracker(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
mDB := dbmock.NewMockStore(ctrl)
log := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
tickCh := make(chan time.Time)
flushCh := make(chan int, 1)
wut := workspaceusage.New(mDB,
workspaceusage.WithTickFlush(tickCh, flushCh),
defer wut.Close()
// 1. No marked workspaces should imply no flush.
now := dbtime.Now()
tickCh <- now
count := <-flushCh
require.Equal(t, 0, count, "expected zero flushes")
// 2. One marked workspace should cause a flush.
ids := []uuid.UUID{uuid.New()}
now = dbtime.Now()
mDB.EXPECT().BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), database.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{
LastUsedAt: now,
IDs: ids,
tickCh <- now
count = <-flushCh
require.Equal(t, 1, count, "expected one flush with one id")
// 3. Lots of marked workspaces should also cause a flush.
for i := 0; i < 31; i++ {
ids = append(ids, uuid.New())
// Sort ids so mDB know what to expect.
sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(ids[i][:], ids[j][:]) < 0
now = dbtime.Now()
mDB.EXPECT().BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), database.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{
LastUsedAt: now,
IDs: ids,
for _, id := range ids {
tickCh <- now
count = <-flushCh
require.Equal(t, len(ids), count, "incorrect number of ids flushed")
// 4. Try to cause a race condition!
now = dbtime.Now()
// Difficult to know what to EXPECT here, so we won't check strictly here.
mDB.EXPECT().BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).MinTimes(1).MaxTimes(len(ids))
// Try to force a race condition.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
count = 0
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
tickCh <- now
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
count += <-flushCh
require.Equal(t, len(ids), count, "incorrect number of ids flushed")
// 5. Closing multiple times should not be a problem.
// This test performs a more 'integration-style' test with multiple instances.
func TestTracker_MultipleInstances(t *testing.T) {
if !dbtestutil.WillUsePostgres() {
t.Skip("this test only makes sense with postgres")
// Given we have two coderd instances connected to the same database
var (
ctx = testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
db, _ = dbtestutil.NewDB(t)
// real pubsub is not safe for concurrent use, and this test currently
// does not depend on pubsub
ps = pubsub.NewInMemory()
wuTickA = make(chan time.Time)
wuFlushA = make(chan int, 1)
wuTickB = make(chan time.Time)
wuFlushB = make(chan int, 1)
clientA = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
WorkspaceUsageTrackerTick: wuTickA,
WorkspaceUsageTrackerFlush: wuFlushA,
Database: db,
Pubsub: ps,
clientB = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
WorkspaceUsageTrackerTick: wuTickB,
WorkspaceUsageTrackerFlush: wuFlushB,
Database: db,
Pubsub: ps,
owner = coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, clientA)
now = dbtime.Now()
// Create a number of workspaces
numWorkspaces := 10
w := make([]dbfake.WorkspaceResponse, numWorkspaces)
for i := 0; i < numWorkspaces; i++ {
wr := dbfake.WorkspaceBuild(t, db, database.Workspace{
OwnerID: owner.UserID,
OrganizationID: owner.OrganizationID,
LastUsedAt: now,
w[i] = wr
// Use client A to update LastUsedAt of the first three
require.NoError(t, clientA.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[0].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientA.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[1].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientA.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[2].Workspace.ID))
// Use client B to update LastUsedAt of the next three
require.NoError(t, clientB.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[3].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientB.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[4].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientB.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[5].Workspace.ID))
// The next two will have updated from both instances
require.NoError(t, clientA.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[6].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientB.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[6].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientA.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[7].Workspace.ID))
require.NoError(t, clientB.PostWorkspaceUsage(ctx, w[7].Workspace.ID))
// The last two will not report any usage.
// Tick both with different times and wait for both flushes to complete
nowA := now.Add(time.Minute)
nowB := now.Add(2 * time.Minute)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var flushedA, flushedB int
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
wuTickA <- nowA
flushedA = <-wuFlushA
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
wuTickB <- nowB
flushedB = <-wuFlushB
// We expect 5 flushed IDs each
require.Equal(t, 5, flushedA)
require.Equal(t, 5, flushedB)
// Fetch updated workspaces
updated := make([]codersdk.Workspace, numWorkspaces)
for i := 0; i < numWorkspaces; i++ {
ws, err := clientA.Workspace(ctx, w[i].Workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
updated[i] = ws
// We expect the first three to have the timestamp of flushA
require.Equal(t, nowA.UTC(), updated[0].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, nowA.UTC(), updated[1].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, nowA.UTC(), updated[2].LastUsedAt.UTC())
// We expect the next three to have the timestamp of flushB
require.Equal(t, nowB.UTC(), updated[3].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, nowB.UTC(), updated[4].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, nowB.UTC(), updated[5].LastUsedAt.UTC())
// The next two should have the timestamp of flushB as it is newer than flushA
require.Equal(t, nowB.UTC(), updated[6].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, nowB.UTC(), updated[7].LastUsedAt.UTC())
// And the last two should be untouched
require.Equal(t, w[8].Workspace.LastUsedAt.UTC(), updated[8].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, w[8].Workspace.LastUsedAt.UTC(), updated[8].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, w[9].Workspace.LastUsedAt.UTC(), updated[9].LastUsedAt.UTC())
require.Equal(t, w[9].Workspace.LastUsedAt.UTC(), updated[9].LastUsedAt.UTC())
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {