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package workspaceapps
import (
// DBTokenProvider provides authentication and authorization for workspace apps
// by querying the database if the request is missing a valid token.
type DBTokenProvider struct {
Logger slog.Logger
// DashboardURL is the main dashboard access URL for error pages.
DashboardURL *url.URL
Authorizer rbac.Authorizer
Database database.Store
DeploymentValues *codersdk.DeploymentValues
OAuth2Configs *httpmw.OAuth2Configs
WorkspaceAgentInactiveTimeout time.Duration
SigningKey SecurityKey
var _ SignedTokenProvider = &DBTokenProvider{}
func NewDBTokenProvider(log slog.Logger, accessURL *url.URL, authz rbac.Authorizer, db database.Store, cfg *codersdk.DeploymentValues, oauth2Cfgs *httpmw.OAuth2Configs, workspaceAgentInactiveTimeout time.Duration, signingKey SecurityKey) SignedTokenProvider {
if workspaceAgentInactiveTimeout == 0 {
workspaceAgentInactiveTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
return &DBTokenProvider{
Logger: log,
DashboardURL: accessURL,
Authorizer: authz,
Database: db,
DeploymentValues: cfg,
OAuth2Configs: oauth2Cfgs,
WorkspaceAgentInactiveTimeout: workspaceAgentInactiveTimeout,
SigningKey: signingKey,
func (p *DBTokenProvider) FromRequest(r *http.Request) (*SignedToken, bool) {
return FromRequest(r, p.SigningKey)
func (p *DBTokenProvider) Issue(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, issueReq IssueTokenRequest) (*SignedToken, string, bool) {
// nolint:gocritic // We need to make a number of database calls. Setting a system context here
// // is simpler than calling dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted on every call.
// // dangerousSystemCtx is only used for database calls. The actual authentication
// // logic is handled in Provider.authorizeWorkspaceApp which directly checks the actor's
// // permissions.
dangerousSystemCtx := dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)
appReq := issueReq.AppRequest.Normalize()
err := appReq.Validate()
if err != nil {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "invalid app request")
return nil, "", false
token := SignedToken{
Request: appReq,
// We use the regular API apiKey extraction middleware fn here to avoid any
// differences in behavior between the two.
apiKey, authz, ok := httpmw.ExtractAPIKey(rw, r, httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: p.Database,
OAuth2Configs: p.OAuth2Configs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: p.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DisableExpiryRefresh.Value(),
// Optional is true to allow for public apps. If the authorization check
// (later on) fails and the user is not authenticated, they will be
// redirected to the login page or app auth endpoint using code below.
Optional: true,
SessionTokenFunc: func(r *http.Request) string {
return issueReq.SessionToken
if !ok {
return nil, "", false
// Lookup workspace app details from DB.
dbReq, err := appReq.getDatabase(dangerousSystemCtx, p.Database)
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
WriteWorkspaceApp404(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, nil, err.Error())
return nil, "", false
} else if xerrors.Is(err, errWorkspaceStopped) {
WriteWorkspaceOffline(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq)
return nil, "", false
} else if err != nil {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "get app details from database")
return nil, "", false
token.UserID = dbReq.User.ID
token.WorkspaceID = dbReq.Workspace.ID
token.AgentID = dbReq.Agent.ID
if dbReq.AppURL != nil {
token.AppURL = dbReq.AppURL.String()
// Verify the user has access to the app.
authed, warnings, err := p.authorizeRequest(r.Context(), authz, dbReq)
if err != nil {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "verify authz")
return nil, "", false
if !authed {
if apiKey != nil {
// The request has a valid API key but insufficient permissions.
WriteWorkspaceApp404(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, warnings, "insufficient permissions")
return nil, "", false
// Redirect to login as they don't have permission to access the app
// and they aren't signed in.
// We don't support login redirects for the terminal since it's a
// WebSocket endpoint and redirects won't work. The token must be
// specified as a query parameter.
if appReq.AccessMethod == AccessMethodTerminal {
return nil, "", false
appBaseURL, err := issueReq.AppBaseURL()
if err != nil {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "get app base URL")
return nil, "", false
// If the app is a path app and it's on the same host as the dashboard
// access URL, then we need to redirect to login using the standard
// login redirect function.
if appReq.AccessMethod == AccessMethodPath && appBaseURL.Host == p.DashboardURL.Host {
httpmw.RedirectToLogin(rw, r, p.DashboardURL, httpmw.SignedOutErrorMessage)
return nil, "", false
// Otherwise, we need to redirect to the app auth endpoint, which will
// redirect back to the app (with an encrypted API key) after the user
// has logged in.
// TODO: We should just make this a "BrowserURL" field on the issue struct. Then
// we can remove this logic and just defer to that. It can be set closer to the
// actual initial request that makes the IssueTokenRequest. Eg the external moon.
// This would replace RawQuery and AppPath fields.
redirectURI := *appBaseURL
if dbReq.AppURL != nil {
// Just use the user's current path and query if set.
if issueReq.AppPath != "" {
redirectURI.Path = path.Join(redirectURI.Path, issueReq.AppPath)
} else if !strings.HasSuffix(redirectURI.Path, "/") {
redirectURI.Path += "/"
q := issueReq.AppQuery
if q != "" && dbReq.AppURL.RawQuery != "" {
q = dbReq.AppURL.RawQuery
redirectURI.RawQuery = q
// This endpoint accepts redirect URIs from the primary app wildcard
// host, proxy access URLs and proxy wildcard app hosts. It does not
// accept redirect URIs from the primary access URL or any other host.
u := *p.DashboardURL
u.Path = "/api/v2/applications/auth-redirect"
q := u.Query()
q.Add(RedirectURIQueryParam, redirectURI.String())
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
http.Redirect(rw, r, u.String(), http.StatusSeeOther)
return nil, "", false
// Check that the agent is online.
agentStatus := dbReq.Agent.Status(p.WorkspaceAgentInactiveTimeout)
if agentStatus.Status != database.WorkspaceAgentStatusConnected {
WriteWorkspaceAppOffline(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, fmt.Sprintf("Agent state is %q, not %q", agentStatus.Status, database.WorkspaceAgentStatusConnected))
return nil, "", false
// This is where we used to check app health, but we don't do that anymore
// in case there are bugs with the healthcheck code that lock users out of
// their apps completely.
// As a sanity check, ensure the token we just made is valid for this
// request.
if !token.MatchesRequest(appReq) {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, nil, "fresh token does not match request")
return nil, "", false
// Sign the token.
token.Expiry = time.Now().Add(DefaultTokenExpiry)
tokenStr, err := p.SigningKey.SignToken(token)
if err != nil {
WriteWorkspaceApp500(p.Logger, p.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "generate token")
return nil, "", false
return &token, tokenStr, true
// authorizeRequest returns true/false if the request is authorized. The returned []string
// are warnings that aid in debugging. These messages do not prevent authorization,
// but may indicate that the request is not configured correctly.
// If an error is returned, the request should be aborted with a 500 error.
func (p *DBTokenProvider) authorizeRequest(ctx context.Context, roles *rbac.Subject, dbReq *databaseRequest) (bool, []string, error) {
var warnings []string
accessMethod := dbReq.AccessMethod
if accessMethod == "" {
accessMethod = AccessMethodPath
isPathApp := accessMethod == AccessMethodPath
// If path-based app sharing is disabled (which is the default), we can
// force the sharing level to be "owner" so that the user can only access
// their own apps.
// Site owners are blocked from accessing path-based apps unless the
// Dangerous.AllowPathAppSiteOwnerAccess flag is enabled in the check below.
sharingLevel := dbReq.AppSharingLevel
if isPathApp && !p.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowPathAppSharing.Value() {
if dbReq.AppSharingLevel != database.AppSharingLevelOwner {
// This is helpful for debugging, and ok to leak to the user.
// This is because the app has the sharing level set to something that
// should be shared, but we are disabling it from a deployment wide
// flag. So the template should be fixed to set the sharing level to
// "owner" instead and this will not appear.
warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("unable to use configured sharing level %q because path-based app sharing is disabled (see --dangerous-allow-path-app-sharing), using sharing level \"owner\" instead", sharingLevel))
sharingLevel = database.AppSharingLevelOwner
// Short circuit if not authenticated.
if roles == nil {
// The user is not authenticated, so they can only access the app if it
// is public.
return sharingLevel == database.AppSharingLevelPublic, warnings, nil
// Block anyone from accessing workspaces they don't own in path-based apps
// unless the admin disables this security feature. This blocks site-owners
// from accessing any apps from any user's workspaces.
// When the Dangerous.AllowPathAppSharing flag is not enabled, the sharing
// level will be forced to "owner", so this check will always be true for
// workspaces owned by different users.
if isPathApp &&
sharingLevel == database.AppSharingLevelOwner &&
dbReq.Workspace.OwnerID.String() != roles.ID &&
!p.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowPathAppSiteOwnerAccess.Value() {
// This is not ideal to check for the 'owner' role, but we are only checking
// to determine whether to show a warning for debugging reasons. This does
// not do any authz checks, so it is ok.
if roles != nil && slices.Contains(roles.Roles.Names(), rbac.RoleOwner()) {
warnings = append(warnings, "path-based apps with \"owner\" share level are only accessible by the workspace owner (see --dangerous-allow-path-app-site-owner-access)")
return false, warnings, nil
// Figure out which RBAC resource to check. For terminals we use execution
// instead of application connect.
var (
rbacAction rbac.Action = rbac.ActionCreate
rbacResource rbac.Object = dbReq.Workspace.ApplicationConnectRBAC()
// rbacResourceOwned is for the level "authenticated". We still need to
// make sure the API key has permissions to connect to the actor's own
// workspace. Scopes would prevent this.
rbacResourceOwned rbac.Object = rbac.ResourceWorkspaceApplicationConnect.WithOwner(roles.ID)
if dbReq.AccessMethod == AccessMethodTerminal {
rbacResource = dbReq.Workspace.ExecutionRBAC()
rbacResourceOwned = rbac.ResourceWorkspaceExecution.WithOwner(roles.ID)
// Do a standard RBAC check. This accounts for share level "owner" and any
// other RBAC rules that may be in place.
// Regardless of share level or whether it's enabled or not, the owner of
// the workspace can always access applications (as long as their API key's
// scope allows it).
err := p.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, *roles, rbacAction, rbacResource)
if err == nil {
return true, []string{}, nil
switch sharingLevel {
case database.AppSharingLevelOwner:
// We essentially already did this above with the regular RBAC check.
// Owners can always access their own apps according to RBAC rules, so
// they have already been returned from this function.
case database.AppSharingLevelAuthenticated:
// Check with the owned resource to ensure the API key has permissions
// to connect to the actor's own workspace. This enforces scopes.
err := p.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, *roles, rbacAction, rbacResourceOwned)
if err == nil {
return true, []string{}, nil
case database.AppSharingLevelPublic:
// We don't really care about scopes and stuff if it's public anyways.
// Someone with a restricted-scope API key could just not submit the API
// key cookie in the request and access the page.
return true, []string{}, nil
// No checks were successful.
return false, warnings, nil