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module.exports = {
// Use a big timeout for CI.
testTimeout: 20_000,
maxWorkers: 8,
projects: [
displayName: "test",
roots: ["<rootDir>"],
fix: UX - Error logs in development from Empty state component (#466) Fixes #452 When the empty state is rendered with a non-textual element (which it turns out all our current empty states are, because they have a `<button />` component as a call to action), this noisy error log was showing up in the `console`: ``` Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <div> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>. at div at div at p at Typography (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@material-ui/core/esm/Typography/Typography.js:166:28) at WithStyles (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@material-ui/styles/esm/withStyles/withStyles.js:64:31) at div at StyledComponent (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@material-ui/styles/esm/styled/styled.js:95:28) at EmptyState (webpack-internal:///./src/components/EmptyState/index.tsx:47:25) ... at ProjectsPage (webpack-internal:///./src/pages/projects/index.tsx:37:18) at Routes (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-router/index.js:275:5) at ThemeProvider (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@material-ui/styles/esm/ThemeProvider/ThemeProvider.js:44:24) at UserProvider (webpack-internal:///./src/contexts/UserContext.tsx:100:55) at SWRConfig$1 (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/swr/dist/index.esm.js:501:23) at Router (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-router/index.js:209:15) at BrowserRouter (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-router-dom/index.js:118:5) at App ``` The issue was that the `description` prop could either be a `string` or an actual `React` component, but was always rendered as a child of a `<Typography />` component. The `<Typography>` component internally renders as a `<p>`, which is not valid to nest `<div>`s inside. The fix is to not nest inside a `<Typography />` block, but an actual `<div />`.
2022-03-17 03:17:41 +00:00
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./jest.setup.ts"],
extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [".ts"],
transform: {
"^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$": [
jsc: {
transform: {
react: {
runtime: "automatic",
experimental: {
plugins: [["jest_workaround", {}]],
testEnvironment: "jsdom",
testRegex: "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.tsx?$",
testPathIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/", "/e2e/"],
transformIgnorePatterns: [
moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "<rootDir>/src"],
moduleNameMapper: {
"\\.css$": "<rootDir>/src/testHelpers/styleMock.ts",
displayName: "lint",
runner: "jest-runner-eslint",
testMatch: [
testPathIgnorePatterns: [
collectCoverageFrom: [
// included files
// excluded files