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# Web IDEs
By default, Coder workspaces allow connections via:
- Web terminal
- SSH (plus any [SSH-compatible IDE](../
It's common to also let developers to connect via web IDEs.
![Row of IDEs](../images/ide-row.png)
In Coder, web IDEs are defined as
resources in the template. With our generic model, any web application can
be used as a Coder application. For example:
# Add button to open Portainer in the workspace dashboard
# Note: Portainer must be already running in the workspace
resource "coder_app" "portainer" {
agent_id =
name = "portainer"
icon = ""
url = "https://localhost:9443/api/status"
healthcheck {
url = "https://localhost:9443/api/status"
interval = 6
threshold = 10
## code-server
![code-server in a workspace](../images/code-server-ide.png)
[code-server]( is our supported method of running VS Code in the web browser. A simple way to install code-server in Linux/macOS workspaces is via the Coder agent in your template:
# edit your template
cd your-template/
resource "coder_agent" "main" {
arch = "amd64"
os = "linux"
startup_script = <<EOF
# install and start code-server
curl -fsSL | sh
code-server --auth none --port 13337
For advanced use, we recommend installing code-server in your VM snapshot or container image. Here's a Dockerfile which leverages some special [code-server features](
FROM codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu
# install a specific code-server version
RUN curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --version=4.3.0
# pre-install versions
RUN code-server --install-extension eamodio.gitlens
# directly start code-server with the agent's startup_script (see above),
# or use a process manager like supervisord
You'll also need to specify a `coder_app` resource related to the agent. This is how code-server is displayed on the workspace page.
resource "coder_app" "code-server" {
agent_id =
name = "code-server"
url = "http://localhost:13337/?folder=/home/coder"
icon = "/icon/code.svg"
healthcheck {
url = "http://localhost:13337/healthz"
interval = 2
threshold = 10
## JetBrains Projector
[JetBrains Projector]( is a JetBrains Incubator project which renders JetBrains IDEs in the web browser.
![PyCharm in Coder](../images/projector-pycharm.png)
> It is common to see latency and performance issues with Projector. We recommend using [JetBrains Gateway]( whenever possible (also no Template edits required!)
Workspace requirements:
- JetBrains projector CLI
- At least 4 CPU cores and 4 GB RAM
- CLion
- PyCharm
- DataGrip
- GoLand
- IntelliJ IDEA Community
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
- PhpStorm
- PyCharm Community
- PyCharm Professional
- Rider
- RubyMine
- WebStorm
For advanced users who want to make a custom image, you can install the Projector CLI in the `startup_script` of the `coder_agent` resource in a Coder template. Using the Projector CLI, you can use `projector ide autoinstall` and `projector run` to download and start a JetBrains IDE in your workspace.
![IntelliJ in Coder](../images/projector-intellij.png)
In this example, the version of JetBrains IntelliJ IDE is passed in from a Terraform input variable. You create a JetBrains icon in the workspace using a `coder_app` resource.
> There is a known issue passing query string parameters when opening a JetBrains IDE from an icon in your workspace ([#2669]( Note the `grep` statement to remove an optional password token from the configuration so a query string parameter is not passed.
variable "jetbrains-ide" {
description = "JetBrains IntelliJ IDE"
default = "IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2022.1.3"
validation {
condition = contains([
"IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2022.1.3",
"IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3",
"IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2022.1.3",
"IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2021.3"
], var.jetbrains-ide)
# Find all compatible IDEs with the `projector IDE find` command
error_message = "Invalid JetBrains IDE!"
resource "coder_agent" "coder" {
dir = "/home/coder"
startup_script = <<EOT
# install projector
if [ -f $PROJECTOR_BINARY ]; then
echo 'projector has already been installed - check for update'
/home/coder/.local/bin/projector self-update 2>&1 | tee projector.log
echo 'installing projector'
pip3 install projector-installer --user 2>&1 | tee projector.log
echo 'access projector license terms'
/home/coder/.local/bin/projector --accept-license 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
if [ -d "$PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then
echo 'projector has already been configured and the JetBrains IDE downloaded - skip step' 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
echo 'autoinstalling IDE and creating projector config folder'
/home/coder/.local/bin/projector ide autoinstall --config-name "intellij" --ide-name "${var.jetbrains-ide}" --hostname=localhost --port 8997 --use-separate-config --password coder 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
# delete the configuration's input parameters that check password tokens since tokens do not work with coder_app yet passed in the querystring
grep -iv "HANDSHAKE_TOKEN" $PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PATH/ > temp && mv temp $PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PATH/ 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
chmod +x $PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PATH/ 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
echo "creation of intellij configuration complete" 2>&1 | tee -a projector.log
# start JetBrains projector-based IDE
/home/coder/.local/bin/projector run intellij &
resource "coder_app" "intellij" {
agent_id =
name = "${var.jetbrains-ide}"
icon = "/icon/intellij.svg"
url = "http://localhost:8997/"
healthcheck {
url = "http://localhost:8997/"
interval = 6
threshold = 20
**Pre-built templates:**
You can also reference/use to these pre-built templates with JetBrains projector:
- IntelliJ ([Docker](, [Kubernetes](
- PyCharm ([Docker](, [Kubernetes](
- GoLand ([Docker](, [Kubernetes](
> You need to have a valid `~/.kube/config` on your Coder host and a namespace on a Kubernetes cluster to use the Kubernetes pod template examples.
![PyCharm in Coder](../images/projector-pycharm.png)
> Coder OSS currently does not perform a health check([#2662]( that any IDE or commands in the `startup_script` have completed, so wait a minute or so before opening the JetBrains or code-server icons. As a precaution, you can open Terminal and run `htop` to see if the processes have completed.
## JupyterLab
Configure your agent and `coder_app` like so to use Jupyter:
data "coder_workspace" "me" {}
## The name of the app must always be equal to the "/apps/<name>"
## string in the base_url. This caveat is unique to Jupyter.
locals {
jupyter_base_path = "/@${}/${}/apps/jupyter/"
resource "coder_agent" "coder" {
os = "linux"
arch = "amd64"
dir = "/home/coder"
startup_script = <<-EOF
pip3 install jupyterlab
$HOME/.local/bin/jupyter lab --ServerApp.base_url=${local.jupyter_base_path} --ServerApp.token='' --ip='*'
resource "coder_app" "jupyter" {
agent_id =
name = "JupyterLab"
url = "http://localhost:8888${local.jupyter_base_path}"
icon = "/icon/jupyter.svg"
healthcheck {
url = "http://localhost:8888${local.jupyter_base_path}"
interval = 5
threshold = 10
![JupyterLab in Coder](../images/jupyterlab-port-forward.png)
## SSH Fallback
Certain Web IDEs don't support URL base path adjustment and thus can't be exposed with
`coder_app`. In these cases you can use [SSH](../
### RStudio
resource "coder_agent" "coder" {
os = "linux"
arch = "amd64"
dir = "/home/coder"
startup_script = <<EOT
# start rstudio
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver --server-daemonize=1 --auth-none=1 &
From your local machine, start port forwarding and then open the IDE on
ssh -L 8787:localhost:8787 coder.<RStudio workspace name>
Check out this [RStudio Dockerfile]( for a starting point to creating a template.
![RStudio in Coder](../images/rstudio-port-forward.png)
### Airflow
resource "coder_agent" "coder" {
os = "linux"
arch = "amd64"
dir = "/home/coder"
startup_script = <<EOT
# install and start airflow
pip3 install apache-airflow 2>&1 | tee airflow-install.log
/home/coder/.local/bin/airflow standalone 2>&1 | tee airflow-run.log &
From your local machine, start port forwarding and then open the IDE on
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 coder.<Airflow workspace name>
![Airflow in Coder](../images/airflow-port-forward.png)