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package cli
import (
2022-11-08 14:02:07 +00:00
2022-06-24 15:25:01 +00:00
func (r *RootCmd) workspaceAgent() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
auth string
logDir string
pprofAddress string
noReap bool
sshMaxTimeout time.Duration
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "agent",
Short: `Starts the Coder workspace agent.`,
// This command isn't useful to manually execute.
Hidden: true,
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(inv.Context())
defer cancel()
agentPorts := map[int]string{}
isLinux := runtime.GOOS == "linux"
// Spawn a reaper so that we don't accumulate a ton
// of zombie processes.
if reaper.IsInitProcess() && !noReap && isLinux {
logWriter := &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: filepath.Join(logDir, "coder-agent-init.log"),
MaxSize: 5, // MB
defer logWriter.Close()
logger := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(inv.Stderr), sloghuman.Sink(logWriter)).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
logger.Info(ctx, "spawning reaper process")
// Do not start a reaper on the child process. It's important
// to do this else we fork bomb ourselves.
args := append(os.Args, "--no-reap")
err := reaper.ForkReap(
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to reap", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("fork reap: %w", err)
logger.Info(ctx, "reaper process exiting")
return nil
// Handle interrupt signals to allow for graceful shutdown,
// note that calling stopNotify disables the signal handler
// and the next interrupt will terminate the program (you
// probably want cancel instead).
// Note that we don't want to handle these signals in the
// process that runs as PID 1, that's why we do this after
// the reaper forked.
ctx, stopNotify := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, InterruptSignals...)
defer stopNotify()
// dumpHandler does signal handling, so we call it after the
// reaper.
go dumpHandler(ctx)
ljLogger := &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: filepath.Join(logDir, "coder-agent.log"),
MaxSize: 5, // MB
defer ljLogger.Close()
logWriter := &closeWriter{w: ljLogger}
defer logWriter.Close()
logger := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(inv.Stderr), sloghuman.Sink(logWriter)).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
version := buildinfo.Version()
logger.Info(ctx, "starting agent",
slog.F("url", r.agentURL),
slog.F("auth", auth),
slog.F("version", version),
client := agentsdk.New(r.agentURL)
client.SDK.Logger = logger
// Set a reasonable timeout so requests can't hang forever!
// The timeout needs to be reasonably long, because requests
// with large payloads can take a bit. e.g. startup scripts
// may take a while to insert.
client.SDK.HTTPClient.Timeout = 30 * time.Second
2022-11-08 14:02:07 +00:00
// Enable pprof handler
// This prevents the pprof import from being accidentally deleted.
_ = pprof.Handler
pprofSrvClose := serveHandler(ctx, logger, nil, pprofAddress, "pprof")
2022-11-08 14:02:07 +00:00
defer pprofSrvClose()
// Do a best effort here. If this fails, it's not a big deal.
if port, err := urlPort(pprofAddress); err == nil {
agentPorts[port] = "pprof"
// exchangeToken returns a session token.
// This is abstracted to allow for the same looping condition
// regardless of instance identity auth type.
var exchangeToken func(context.Context) (agentsdk.AuthenticateResponse, error)
switch auth {
case "token":
token, err := inv.ParsedFlags().GetString(varAgentToken)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("CODER_AGENT_TOKEN must be set for token auth: %w", err)
case "google-instance-identity":
// This is *only* done for testing to mock client authentication.
// This will never be set in a production scenario.
var gcpClient *metadata.Client
gcpClientRaw := ctx.Value("gcp-client")
if gcpClientRaw != nil {
gcpClient, _ = gcpClientRaw.(*metadata.Client)
exchangeToken = func(ctx context.Context) (agentsdk.AuthenticateResponse, error) {
return client.AuthGoogleInstanceIdentity(ctx, "", gcpClient)
case "aws-instance-identity":
// This is *only* done for testing to mock client authentication.
// This will never be set in a production scenario.
var awsClient *http.Client
awsClientRaw := ctx.Value("aws-client")
if awsClientRaw != nil {
awsClient, _ = awsClientRaw.(*http.Client)
if awsClient != nil {
client.SDK.HTTPClient = awsClient
exchangeToken = func(ctx context.Context) (agentsdk.AuthenticateResponse, error) {
return client.AuthAWSInstanceIdentity(ctx)
case "azure-instance-identity":
// This is *only* done for testing to mock client authentication.
// This will never be set in a production scenario.
var azureClient *http.Client
azureClientRaw := ctx.Value("azure-client")
if azureClientRaw != nil {
azureClient, _ = azureClientRaw.(*http.Client)
if azureClient != nil {
client.SDK.HTTPClient = azureClient
exchangeToken = func(ctx context.Context) (agentsdk.AuthenticateResponse, error) {
return client.AuthAzureInstanceIdentity(ctx)
executablePath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting os executable: %w", err)
err = os.Setenv("PATH", fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", os.Getenv("PATH"), filepath.ListSeparator, filepath.Dir(executablePath)))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("add executable to $PATH: %w", err)
feat: Add Tailscale networking (#3505) * fix: Add coder user to docker group on installation This makes for a simpler setup, and reduces the likelihood a user runs into a strange issue. * Add wgnet * Add ping * Add listening * Finish refactor to make this work * Add interface for swapping * Fix conncache with interface * chore: update gvisor * fix tailscale types * linting * more linting * Add coordinator * Add coordinator tests * Fix coordination * It compiles! * Move all connection negotiation in-memory * Migrate coordinator to use net.conn * Add closed func * Fix close listener func * Make reconnecting PTY work * Fix reconnecting PTY * Update CI to Go 1.19 * Add CLI flags for DERP mapping * Fix Tailnet test * Rename ConnCoordinator to TailnetCoordinator * Remove print statement from workspace agent test * Refactor wsconncache to use tailnet * Remove STUN from unit tests * Add migrate back to dump * chore: Upgrade to Go 1.19 This is required as part of #3505. * Fix reconnecting PTY tests * fix: update wireguard-go to fix devtunnel * fix migration numbers * linting * Return early for status if endpoints are empty * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Fix frontend entites * Fix agent bicopy * Fix race condition for the last node * Fix down migration * Fix connection RBAC * Fix migration numbers * Fix forwarding TCP to a local port * Implement ping for tailnet * Rename to ForceHTTP * Add external derpmapping * Expose DERP region names to the API * Add global option to enable Tailscale networking for web * Mark DERP flags hidden while testing * Update DERP map on reconnect * Add close func to workspace agents * Fix race condition in upstream dependency * Fix feature columns race condition Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <>
2022-09-01 01:09:44 +00:00
closer := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: client,
Logger: logger,
LogDir: logDir,
ExchangeToken: func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if exchangeToken == nil {
return client.SDK.SessionToken(), nil
resp, err := exchangeToken(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return resp.SessionToken, nil
EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{
"GIT_ASKPASS": executablePath,
AgentPorts: agentPorts,
SSHMaxTimeout: sshMaxTimeout,
return closer.Close()
cmd.Options = clibase.OptionSet{
Flag: "auth",
Default: "token",
Description: "Specify the authentication type to use for the agent.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&auth),
Flag: "log-dir",
Default: os.TempDir(),
Description: "Specify the location for the agent log files.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&logDir),
Flag: "pprof-address",
Default: "",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&pprofAddress),
Description: "The address to serve pprof.",
Flag: "no-reap",
Env: "",
Description: "Do not start a process reaper.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&noReap),
Flag: "ssh-max-timeout",
Default: "0",
Description: "Specify the max timeout for a SSH connection.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&sshMaxTimeout),
return cmd
func serveHandler(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, handler http.Handler, addr, name string) (closeFunc func()) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "http server listening", slog.F("addr", addr), slog.F("name", name))
// ReadHeaderTimeout is purposefully not enabled. It caused some issues with
// websockets over the dev tunnel.
// See:
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: handler,
go func() {
err := srv.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
logger.Error(ctx, "http server listen", slog.F("name", name), slog.Error(err))
return func() {
_ = srv.Close()
// closeWriter is a wrapper around an io.WriteCloser that prevents
// writes after Close. This is necessary because lumberjack will
// re-open the file on write.
type closeWriter struct {
w io.WriteCloser
mu sync.Mutex // Protects following.
closed bool
func (c *closeWriter) Close() error {
c.closed = true
return c.w.Close()
func (c *closeWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if c.closed {
return 0, io.ErrClosedPipe
return c.w.Write(p)
// extractPort handles different url strings.
// - localhost:6060
// - http://localhost:6060
func extractPort(u string) (int, error) {
port, firstError := urlPort(u)
if firstError == nil {
return port, nil
// Try with a scheme
port, err := urlPort("http://" + u)
if err == nil {
return port, nil
return -1, xerrors.Errorf("invalid url %q: %w", u, firstError)
// urlPort extracts the port from a valid URL.
func urlPort(u string) (int, error) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return -1, xerrors.Errorf("invalid url %q: %w", u, err)
if parsed.Port() != "" {
port, err := strconv.ParseInt(parsed.Port(), 10, 64)
if err == nil && port > 0 {
return int(port), nil
return -1, xerrors.Errorf("invalid port: %s", u)