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feat: Add workspace application support (#1773) * feat: Add app support This adds apps as a property to a workspace agent. The resource is added to the Terraform provider here: Apps will be opened in the dashboard or via the CLI with `coder open <name>`. If `command` is specified, a terminal will appear locally and in the web. If `target` is specified, the browser will open to an exposed instance of that target. * Compare fields in apps test * Update Terraform provider to use relative path * Add some basic structure for routing * chore: Remove interface from coderd and lift API surface Abstracting coderd into an interface added misdirection because the interface was never intended to be fulfilled outside of a single implementation. This lifts the abstraction, and attaches all handlers to a root struct named `*coderd.API`. * Add basic proxy logic * Add proxying based on path * Add app proxying for wildcards * Add wsconncache * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * Add workspace route proxying endpoint - Makes the workspace conn cache concurrency-safe - Reduces unnecessary open checks in `peer.Channel` - Fixes the use of a temporary context when dialing a workspace agent * Add embed errors * chore: Refactor site to improve testing It was difficult to develop this package due to the embed build tag being mandatory on the tests. The logic to test doesn't require any embedded files. * Add test for error handler * Remove unused access url * Add RBAC tests * Fix dial agent syntax * Fix linting errors * Fix gen * Fix icon required * Adjust migration number * Fix proxy error status code * Fix empty db lookup
2022-06-04 20:13:37 +00:00
package coderd
import (
feat: Add workspace application support (#1773) * feat: Add app support This adds apps as a property to a workspace agent. The resource is added to the Terraform provider here: Apps will be opened in the dashboard or via the CLI with `coder open <name>`. If `command` is specified, a terminal will appear locally and in the web. If `target` is specified, the browser will open to an exposed instance of that target. * Compare fields in apps test * Update Terraform provider to use relative path * Add some basic structure for routing * chore: Remove interface from coderd and lift API surface Abstracting coderd into an interface added misdirection because the interface was never intended to be fulfilled outside of a single implementation. This lifts the abstraction, and attaches all handlers to a root struct named `*coderd.API`. * Add basic proxy logic * Add proxying based on path * Add app proxying for wildcards * Add wsconncache * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * Add workspace route proxying endpoint - Makes the workspace conn cache concurrency-safe - Reduces unnecessary open checks in `peer.Channel` - Fixes the use of a temporary context when dialing a workspace agent * Add embed errors * chore: Refactor site to improve testing It was difficult to develop this package due to the embed build tag being mandatory on the tests. The logic to test doesn't require any embedded files. * Add test for error handler * Remove unused access url * Add RBAC tests * Fix dial agent syntax * Fix linting errors * Fix gen * Fix icon required * Adjust migration number * Fix proxy error status code * Fix empty db lookup
2022-06-04 20:13:37 +00:00
feat: Add workspace application support (#1773) * feat: Add app support This adds apps as a property to a workspace agent. The resource is added to the Terraform provider here: Apps will be opened in the dashboard or via the CLI with `coder open <name>`. If `command` is specified, a terminal will appear locally and in the web. If `target` is specified, the browser will open to an exposed instance of that target. * Compare fields in apps test * Update Terraform provider to use relative path * Add some basic structure for routing * chore: Remove interface from coderd and lift API surface Abstracting coderd into an interface added misdirection because the interface was never intended to be fulfilled outside of a single implementation. This lifts the abstraction, and attaches all handlers to a root struct named `*coderd.API`. * Add basic proxy logic * Add proxying based on path * Add app proxying for wildcards * Add wsconncache * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * Add workspace route proxying endpoint - Makes the workspace conn cache concurrency-safe - Reduces unnecessary open checks in `peer.Channel` - Fixes the use of a temporary context when dialing a workspace agent * Add embed errors * chore: Refactor site to improve testing It was difficult to develop this package due to the embed build tag being mandatory on the tests. The logic to test doesn't require any embedded files. * Add test for error handler * Remove unused access url * Add RBAC tests * Fix dial agent syntax * Fix linting errors * Fix gen * Fix icon required * Adjust migration number * Fix proxy error status code * Fix empty db lookup
2022-06-04 20:13:37 +00:00
// @Summary Get applications host
// @ID get-applications-host
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Applications
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.AppHostResponse
// @Router /applications/host [get]
// @Deprecated use api/v2/regions and see the primary proxy.
func (api *API) appHost(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.AppHostResponse{
Host: appurl.SubdomainAppHost(api.AppHostname, api.AccessURL),
// workspaceApplicationAuth is an endpoint on the main router that handles
// redirects from the subdomain handler.
// This endpoint is under /api so we don't return the friendly error page here.
// Any errors on this endpoint should be errors that are unlikely to happen
// in production unless the user messes with the URL.
// @Summary Redirect to URI with encrypted API key
// @ID redirect-to-uri-with-encrypted-api-key
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Applications
// @Param redirect_uri query string false "Redirect destination"
// @Success 307
// @Router /applications/auth-redirect [get]
func (api *API) workspaceApplicationAuth(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
apiKey := httpmw.APIKey(r)
if !api.Authorize(r, rbac.ActionCreate, apiKey) {
// Get the redirect URI from the query parameters and parse it.
redirectURI := r.URL.Query().Get(workspaceapps.RedirectURIQueryParam)
if redirectURI == "" {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Missing redirect_uri query parameter.",
u, err := url.Parse(redirectURI)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid redirect_uri query parameter.",
Detail: err.Error(),
u.Scheme, err = api.ValidWorkspaceAppHostname(ctx, u.Host, ValidWorkspaceAppHostnameOpts{
// Allow all hosts except primary access URL since we don't need app
// tokens on the primary dashboard URL.
AllowPrimaryAccessURL: false,
AllowPrimaryWildcard: true,
AllowProxyAccessURL: true,
AllowProxyWildcard: true,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to verify redirect_uri query parameter.",
Detail: err.Error(),
if u.Scheme == "" {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid redirect_uri.",
Detail: "The redirect_uri query parameter must be the primary wildcard app hostname, a workspace proxy access URL or a workspace proxy wildcard app hostname.",
// Create the application_connect-scoped API key with the same lifetime as
// the current session.
exp := apiKey.ExpiresAt
lifetimeSeconds := apiKey.LifetimeSeconds
if exp.IsZero() || time.Until(exp) > api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value() {
exp = dbtime.Now().Add(api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value())
lifetimeSeconds = int64(api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value().Seconds())
cookie, _, err := api.createAPIKey(ctx, apikey.CreateParams{
UserID: apiKey.UserID,
LoginType: database.LoginTypePassword,
DefaultLifetime: api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value(),
ExpiresAt: exp,
LifetimeSeconds: lifetimeSeconds,
Scope: database.APIKeyScopeApplicationConnect,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to create API key.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// Encrypt the API key.
encryptedAPIKey, err := api.AppSecurityKey.EncryptAPIKey(workspaceapps.EncryptedAPIKeyPayload{
APIKey: cookie.Value,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to encrypt API key.",
Detail: err.Error(),
feat: Add workspace application support (#1773) * feat: Add app support This adds apps as a property to a workspace agent. The resource is added to the Terraform provider here: Apps will be opened in the dashboard or via the CLI with `coder open <name>`. If `command` is specified, a terminal will appear locally and in the web. If `target` is specified, the browser will open to an exposed instance of that target. * Compare fields in apps test * Update Terraform provider to use relative path * Add some basic structure for routing * chore: Remove interface from coderd and lift API surface Abstracting coderd into an interface added misdirection because the interface was never intended to be fulfilled outside of a single implementation. This lifts the abstraction, and attaches all handlers to a root struct named `*coderd.API`. * Add basic proxy logic * Add proxying based on path * Add app proxying for wildcards * Add wsconncache * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * fix: Race when writing to a closed pipe This is such an intermittent race it's difficult to track, but regardless this is an improvement to the code. * Add workspace route proxying endpoint - Makes the workspace conn cache concurrency-safe - Reduces unnecessary open checks in `peer.Channel` - Fixes the use of a temporary context when dialing a workspace agent * Add embed errors * chore: Refactor site to improve testing It was difficult to develop this package due to the embed build tag being mandatory on the tests. The logic to test doesn't require any embedded files. * Add test for error handler * Remove unused access url * Add RBAC tests * Fix dial agent syntax * Fix linting errors * Fix gen * Fix icon required * Adjust migration number * Fix proxy error status code * Fix empty db lookup
2022-06-04 20:13:37 +00:00
// Redirect to the redirect URI with the encrypted API key in the query
// parameters.
q := u.Query()
q.Set(workspaceapps.SubdomainProxyAPIKeyParam, encryptedAPIKey)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
http.Redirect(rw, r, u.String(), http.StatusSeeOther)
type ValidWorkspaceAppHostnameOpts struct {
AllowPrimaryAccessURL bool
AllowPrimaryWildcard bool
AllowProxyAccessURL bool
AllowProxyWildcard bool
// ValidWorkspaceAppHostname checks if the given host is a valid workspace app
// hostname based on the provided options. It returns a scheme to force on
// success. If the hostname is not valid or doesn't match, an empty string is
// returned. Any error returned is a 500 error.
// For hosts that match a wildcard app hostname, the scheme is forced to be the
// corresponding access URL scheme.
func (api *API) ValidWorkspaceAppHostname(ctx context.Context, host string, opts ValidWorkspaceAppHostnameOpts) (string, error) {
if opts.AllowPrimaryAccessURL && (host == api.AccessURL.Hostname() || host == api.AccessURL.Host) {
// Force the redirect URI to have the same scheme as the access URL for
// security purposes.
return api.AccessURL.Scheme, nil
if opts.AllowPrimaryWildcard && api.AppHostnameRegex != nil {
_, ok := appurl.ExecuteHostnamePattern(api.AppHostnameRegex, host)
if ok {
// Force the redirect URI to have the same scheme as the access URL
// for security purposes.
return api.AccessURL.Scheme, nil
// Ensure that the redirect URI is a subdomain of api.Hostname and is a
// valid app subdomain.
if opts.AllowProxyAccessURL || opts.AllowProxyWildcard {
// Strip the port for the database query.
host = strings.Split(host, ":")[0]
// nolint:gocritic // system query
systemCtx := dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)
proxy, err := api.Database.GetWorkspaceProxyByHostname(systemCtx, database.GetWorkspaceProxyByHostnameParams{
Hostname: host,
AllowAccessUrl: opts.AllowProxyAccessURL,
AllowWildcardHostname: opts.AllowProxyWildcard,
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return "", nil
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("get workspace proxy by hostname %q: %w", host, err)
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(proxy.Url)
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("parse proxy URL %q: %w", proxy.Url, err)
// Force the redirect URI to use the same scheme as the proxy access URL
// for security purposes.
return proxyURL.Scheme, nil
return "", nil