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package provisionerdserver
import (
const (
dbMaxBackoff = 10 * time.Second
// backPollDuration is the period for the backup polling described in Acquirer comment
backupPollDuration = 30 * time.Second
// Acquirer is shared among multiple routines that need to call
// database.Store.AcquireProvisionerJob. The callers that acquire jobs are called "acquirees". The
// goal is to minimize polling the database (i.e. lower our average query rate) and simplify the
// acquiree's logic by handling retrying the database if a job is not available at the time of the
// call.
// When multiple acquirees share a set of provisioner types and tags, we define them as part of the
// same "domain". Only one acquiree from each domain may query the database at a time. If the
// database returns no jobs for that acquiree, the entire domain waits until the Acquirer is
// notified over the pubsub of a new job acceptable to the domain.
// As a backup to pubsub notifications, each domain is allowed to query periodically once every 30s.
// This ensures jobs are not stuck permanently if the service that created them fails to publish
// (e.g. a crash).
type Acquirer struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
store AcquirerStore
ps pubsub.Pubsub
mu sync.Mutex
q map[dKey]domain
// testing only
backupPollDuration time.Duration
type AcquirerOption func(*Acquirer)
func TestingBackupPollDuration(dur time.Duration) AcquirerOption {
return func(a *Acquirer) {
a.backupPollDuration = dur
// AcquirerStore is the subset of database.Store that the Acquirer needs
type AcquirerStore interface {
AcquireProvisionerJob(context.Context, database.AcquireProvisionerJobParams) (database.ProvisionerJob, error)
func NewAcquirer(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, store AcquirerStore, ps pubsub.Pubsub,
opts ...AcquirerOption,
) *Acquirer {
a := &Acquirer{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger,
store: store,
ps: ps,
q: make(map[dKey]domain),
backupPollDuration: backupPollDuration,
for _, opt := range opts {
return a
// AcquireJob acquires a job with one of the given provisioner types and compatible
// tags from the database. The call blocks until a job is acquired, the context is
// done, or the database returns an error _other_ than that no jobs are available.
// If no jobs are available, this method handles retrying as appropriate.
func (a *Acquirer) AcquireJob(
ctx context.Context, organization uuid.UUID, worker uuid.UUID, pt []database.ProvisionerType, tags Tags,
) (
retJob database.ProvisionerJob, retErr error,
) {
logger := a.logger.With(
slog.F("organization_id", organization),
slog.F("worker_id", worker),
slog.F("provisioner_types", pt),
slog.F("tags", tags))
logger.Debug(ctx, "acquiring job")
dk := domainKey(organization, pt, tags)
dbTags, err := tags.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return database.ProvisionerJob{}, err
// buffer of 1 so that cancel doesn't deadlock while writing to the channel
clearance := make(chan struct{}, 1)
for {
a.want(organization, pt, tags, clearance)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err := ctx.Err()
logger.Debug(ctx, "acquiring job canceled", slog.Error(err))
internalError := a.cancel(dk, clearance)
if internalError != nil {
// internalError takes precedence
return database.ProvisionerJob{}, internalError
return database.ProvisionerJob{}, err
case <-clearance:
logger.Debug(ctx, "got clearance to call database")
job, err :=, database.AcquireProvisionerJobParams{
OrganizationID: organization,
StartedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: dbtime.Now(),
Valid: true,
WorkerID: uuid.NullUUID{
UUID: worker,
Valid: true,
Types: pt,
Tags: dbTags,
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "no job available")
// we are not going to retry, so signal we are done
internalError := a.done(dk, clearance)
if internalError != nil {
// internal error takes precedence
return database.ProvisionerJob{}, internalError
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "error attempting to acquire job", slog.Error(err))
return database.ProvisionerJob{}, xerrors.Errorf("failed to acquire job: %w", err)
logger.Debug(ctx, "successfully acquired job")
return job, nil
// want signals that an acquiree wants clearance to query for a job with the given dKey.
func (a *Acquirer) want(organization uuid.UUID, pt []database.ProvisionerType, tags Tags, clearance chan<- struct{}) {
dk := domainKey(organization, pt, tags)
cleared := false
d, ok := a.q[dk]
if !ok {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(a.ctx)
d = domain{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
a: a,
key: dk,
pt: pt,
tags: tags,
acquirees: make(map[chan<- struct{}]*acquiree),
a.q[dk] = d
go d.poll(a.backupPollDuration)
// this is a new request for this dKey, so is cleared.
cleared = true
w, ok := d.acquirees[clearance]
if !ok {
w = &acquiree{clearance: clearance}
d.acquirees[clearance] = w
// pending means that we got a job posting for this dKey while we were
// querying, so we should clear this acquiree to retry another time.
if w.pending {
cleared = true
w.pending = false
w.inProgress = cleared
if cleared {
// this won't block because clearance is buffered.
clearance <- struct{}{}
// cancel signals that an acquiree no longer wants clearance to query. Any error returned is a serious internal error
// indicating that integrity of the internal state is corrupted by a code bug.
func (a *Acquirer) cancel(dk dKey, clearance chan<- struct{}) error {
d, ok := a.q[dk]
if !ok {
// this is a code error, as something removed the domain early, or cancel
// was called twice.
err := xerrors.New("cancel for domain that doesn't exist")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
w, ok := d.acquirees[clearance]
if !ok {
// this is a code error, as something removed the acquiree early, or cancel
// was called twice.
err := xerrors.New("cancel for an acquiree that doesn't exist")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
delete(d.acquirees, clearance)
if w.inProgress && len(d.acquirees) > 0 {
// this one canceled before querying, so give another acquiree a chance
// instead
for _, other := range d.acquirees {
if other.inProgress {
err := xerrors.New("more than one acquiree in progress for same key")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
other.inProgress = true
other.clearance <- struct{}{}
break // just one
if len(d.acquirees) == 0 {
delete(a.q, dk)
return nil
// done signals that the acquiree has completed acquiring a job (usually successfully, but we also get this call if
// there is a database error other than ErrNoRows). Any error returned is a serious internal error indicating that
// integrity of the internal state is corrupted by a code bug.
func (a *Acquirer) done(dk dKey, clearance chan struct{}) error {
d, ok := a.q[dk]
if !ok {
// this is a code error, as something removed the domain early, or done
// was called twice.
err := xerrors.New("done for a domain that doesn't exist")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
w, ok := d.acquirees[clearance]
if !ok {
// this is a code error, as something removed the dKey early, or done
// was called twice.
err := xerrors.New("done for an acquiree that doesn't exist")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
if !w.inProgress {
err := xerrors.New("done acquiree was not in progress")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
delete(d.acquirees, clearance)
if len(d.acquirees) == 0 {
delete(a.q, dk)
return nil
// in the mainline, this means that the acquiree successfully got a job.
// if any others are waiting, clear one of them to try to get a job next so
// that we process the jobs until there are no more acquirees or the database
// is empty of jobs meeting our criteria
for _, other := range d.acquirees {
if other.inProgress {
err := xerrors.New("more than one acquiree in progress for same key")
a.logger.Critical(a.ctx, "internal error", slog.Error(err))
return err
other.inProgress = true
other.clearance <- struct{}{}
break // just one
return nil
func (a *Acquirer) subscribe() {
subscribed := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(subscribed)
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, a.ctx)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
err := backoff.Retry(func() error {
cancelFn, err :=, a.jobPosted)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(a.ctx, "failed to subscribe to job postings", slog.Error(err))
return err
cancel = cancelFn
return nil
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
if a.ctx.Err() == nil {
a.logger.Error(a.ctx, "code bug: retry failed before context canceled", slog.Error(err))
defer cancel()
a.logger.Debug(a.ctx, "subscribed to job postings")
// unblock the outer function from returning
subscribed <- struct{}{}
// hold subscriptions open until context is canceled
func (a *Acquirer) jobPosted(ctx context.Context, message []byte, err error) {
if xerrors.Is(err, pubsub.ErrDroppedMessages) {
a.logger.Warn(a.ctx, "pubsub may have dropped job postings")
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(a.ctx, "unhandled pubsub error", slog.Error(err))
posting := provisionerjobs.JobPosting{}
err = json.Unmarshal(message, &posting)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.ctx, "unable to parse job posting",
slog.F("message", string(message)),
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "got job posting", slog.F("posting", posting))
for _, d := range a.q {
if d.contains(posting) {
// we only need to wake up a single domain since there is only one
// new job available
func (a *Acquirer) clearOrPendAll() {
for _, d := range a.q {
func (a *Acquirer) clearOrPend(d domain) {
if len(d.acquirees) == 0 {
// this can happen if the domain is removed right around the time the
// backup poll (which calls this function) triggers. Nothing to do
// since there are no acquirees.
func (*Acquirer) clearOrPendLocked(d domain) {
var nominee *acquiree
for _, w := range d.acquirees {
if nominee == nil {
nominee = w
// acquiree in progress always takes precedence, since we don't want to
// wake up more than one acquiree per dKey at a time.
if w.inProgress {
nominee = w
if nominee.inProgress {
nominee.pending = true
nominee.inProgress = true
nominee.clearance <- struct{}{}
type dKey string
// domainKey generates a canonical map key for the given provisioner types and
// tags. It uses the null byte (0x00) as a delimiter because it is an
// unprintable control character and won't show up in any "reasonable" set of
// string tags, even in non-Latin scripts. It is important that Tags are
// validated not to contain this control character prior to use.
func domainKey(orgID uuid.UUID, pt []database.ProvisionerType, tags Tags) dKey {
sb := strings.Builder{}
_, _ = sb.WriteString(orgID.String())
_ = sb.WriteByte(0x00)
// make a copy of pt before sorting, so that we don't mutate the original
// slice or underlying array.
pts := make([]database.ProvisionerType, len(pt))
copy(pts, pt)
for _, t := range pts {
_, _ = sb.WriteString(string(t))
_ = sb.WriteByte(0x00)
_ = sb.WriteByte(0x00)
var keys []string
for k := range tags {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
_, _ = sb.WriteString(k)
_ = sb.WriteByte(0x00)
_, _ = sb.WriteString(tags[k])
_ = sb.WriteByte(0x00)
return dKey(sb.String())
// acquiree represents a specific client of Acquirer that wants to acquire a job
type acquiree struct {
clearance chan<- struct{}
// inProgress is true when the acquiree was granted clearance and a query
// is possibly in progress.
inProgress bool
// pending is true if we get a job posting while a query is in progress, so
// that we know to try again, even if we didn't get a job on the query.
pending bool
// domain represents a set of acquirees with the same provisioner types and
// tags. Acquirees in the same domain are restricted such that only one queries
// the database at a time.
type domain struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
a *Acquirer
key dKey
pt []database.ProvisionerType
tags Tags
acquirees map[chan<- struct{}]*acquiree
func (d domain) contains(p provisionerjobs.JobPosting) bool {
if !slices.Contains(, p.ProvisionerType) {
return false
for k, v := range p.Tags {
dv, ok := d.tags[k]
if !ok {
return false
if v != dv {
return false
return true
func (d domain) poll(dur time.Duration) {
tkr := time.NewTicker(dur)
defer tkr.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-d.ctx.Done():
case <-tkr.C: