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package httpmw
import (
type oauth2StateKey struct{}
type OAuth2State struct {
Token *oauth2.Token
Redirect string
StateString string
// OAuth2 returns the state from an oauth request.
func OAuth2(r *http.Request) OAuth2State {
oauth, ok := r.Context().Value(oauth2StateKey{}).(OAuth2State)
if !ok {
panic("developer error: oauth middleware not provided")
return oauth
// ExtractOAuth2 is a middleware for automatically redirecting to OAuth
// URLs, and handling the exchange inbound. Any route that does not have
// a "code" URL parameter will be redirected.
// AuthURLOpts are passed to the AuthCodeURL function. If this is nil,
// the default option oauth2.AccessTypeOffline will be used.
func ExtractOAuth2(config promoauth.OAuth2Config, client *http.Client, authURLOpts map[string]string) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
opts := make([]oauth2.AuthCodeOption, 0, len(authURLOpts)+1)
opts = append(opts, oauth2.AccessTypeOffline)
for k, v := range authURLOpts {
opts = append(opts, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(k, v))
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if client != nil {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, client)
// Interfaces can hold a nil value
if config == nil || reflect.ValueOf(config).IsNil() {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "The oauth2 method requested is not configured!",
// OIDC errors can be returned as query parameters. This can happen
// if for example we are providing and invalid scope.
// We should terminate the OIDC process if we encounter an error.
errorMsg := r.URL.Query().Get("error")
errorDescription := r.URL.Query().Get("error_description")
errorURI := r.URL.Query().Get("error_uri")
if errorMsg != "" {
// Combine the errors into a single string if either is provided.
if errorDescription == "" && errorURI != "" {
errorDescription = fmt.Sprintf("error_uri: %s", errorURI)
} else if errorDescription != "" && errorURI != "" {
errorDescription = fmt.Sprintf("%s, error_uri: %s", errorDescription, errorURI)
errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Encountered error in oidc process: %s", errorMsg)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: errorMsg,
// This message might be blank. This is ok.
Detail: errorDescription,
code := r.URL.Query().Get("code")
state := r.URL.Query().Get("state")
if code == "" {
// If the code isn't provided, we'll redirect!
var state string
// If this url param is provided, then a user is trying to merge
// their account with an OIDC account. Their password would have
// been required to get to this point, so we do not need to verify
// their password again.
oidcMergeState := r.URL.Query().Get("oidc_merge_state")
if oidcMergeState != "" {
state = oidcMergeState
} else {
var err error
state, err = cryptorand.String(32)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error generating state string.",
Detail: err.Error(),
http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{
Name: codersdk.OAuth2StateCookie,
Value: state,
Path: "/",
HttpOnly: true,
SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode,
// Redirect must always be specified, otherwise
// an old redirect could apply!
http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{
Name: codersdk.OAuth2RedirectCookie,
Value: r.URL.Query().Get("redirect"),
Path: "/",
HttpOnly: true,
SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode,
http.Redirect(rw, r, config.AuthCodeURL(state, opts...), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
if state == "" {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "State must be provided.",
stateCookie, err := r.Cookie(codersdk.OAuth2StateCookie)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cookie %q must be provided.", codersdk.OAuth2StateCookie),
if stateCookie.Value != state {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{
Message: "State mismatched.",
var redirect string
stateRedirect, err := r.Cookie(codersdk.OAuth2RedirectCookie)
if err == nil {
redirect = stateRedirect.Value
oauthToken, err := config.Exchange(ctx, code)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error exchanging Oauth code.",
Detail: err.Error(),
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2StateKey{}, OAuth2State{
Token: oauthToken,
Redirect: redirect,
StateString: state,
next.ServeHTTP(rw, r.WithContext(ctx))
type (
oauth2ProviderAppParamContextKey struct{}
oauth2ProviderAppSecretParamContextKey struct{}
// OAuth2ProviderApp returns the OAuth2 app from the ExtractOAuth2ProviderAppParam handler.
func OAuth2ProviderApp(r *http.Request) database.OAuth2ProviderApp {
app, ok := r.Context().Value(oauth2ProviderAppParamContextKey{}).(database.OAuth2ProviderApp)
if !ok {
panic("developer error: oauth2 app param middleware not provided")
return app
// ExtractOAuth2ProviderApp grabs an OAuth2 app from the "app" URL parameter. This
// middleware requires the API key middleware higher in the call stack for
// authentication.
func ExtractOAuth2ProviderApp(db database.Store) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
// App can come from a URL param, query param, or form value.
paramID := "app"
var appID uuid.UUID
if chi.URLParam(r, paramID) != "" {
var ok bool
appID, ok = ParseUUIDParam(rw, r, "app")
if !ok {
} else {
// If not provided by the url, then it is provided according to the
// oauth 2 spec. This can occur with query params, or in the body as
// form parameters.
// This also depends on if you are doing a POST (tokens) or GET (authorize).
paramAppID := r.URL.Query().Get("client_id")
if paramAppID == "" {
// Check the form params!
if r.ParseForm() == nil {
paramAppID = r.Form.Get("client_id")
if paramAppID == "" {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Missing OAuth2 client ID.",
var err error
appID, err = uuid.Parse(paramAppID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid OAuth2 client ID.",
Detail: err.Error(),
app, err := db.GetOAuth2ProviderAppByID(ctx, appID)
if httpapi.Is404Error(err) {
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error fetching OAuth2 app.",
Detail: err.Error(),
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2ProviderAppParamContextKey{}, app)
next.ServeHTTP(rw, r.WithContext(ctx))
// OAuth2ProviderAppSecret returns the OAuth2 app secret from the
// ExtractOAuth2ProviderAppSecretParam handler.
func OAuth2ProviderAppSecret(r *http.Request) database.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret {
app, ok := r.Context().Value(oauth2ProviderAppSecretParamContextKey{}).(database.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret)
if !ok {
panic("developer error: oauth2 app secret param middleware not provided")
return app
// ExtractOAuth2ProviderAppSecret grabs an OAuth2 app secret from the "app" and
// "secret" URL parameters. This middleware requires the ExtractOAuth2ProviderApp
// middleware higher in the stack
func ExtractOAuth2ProviderAppSecret(db database.Store) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
secretID, ok := ParseUUIDParam(rw, r, "secretID")
if !ok {
app := OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
secret, err := db.GetOAuth2ProviderAppSecretByID(ctx, secretID)
if httpapi.Is404Error(err) {
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error fetching OAuth2 app secret.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// If the user can read the secret they can probably also read the app it
// belongs to and they can read this app as well, so it seems safe to give
// them a more helpful message than a 404 on mismatches.
if app.ID != secret.AppID {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "App ID does not match secret app ID.",
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2ProviderAppSecretParamContextKey{}, secret)
next.ServeHTTP(rw, r.WithContext(ctx))