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package agent_test
import (
feat: Add Tailscale networking (#3505) * fix: Add coder user to docker group on installation This makes for a simpler setup, and reduces the likelihood a user runs into a strange issue. * Add wgnet * Add ping * Add listening * Finish refactor to make this work * Add interface for swapping * Fix conncache with interface * chore: update gvisor * fix tailscale types * linting * more linting * Add coordinator * Add coordinator tests * Fix coordination * It compiles! * Move all connection negotiation in-memory * Migrate coordinator to use net.conn * Add closed func * Fix close listener func * Make reconnecting PTY work * Fix reconnecting PTY * Update CI to Go 1.19 * Add CLI flags for DERP mapping * Fix Tailnet test * Rename ConnCoordinator to TailnetCoordinator * Remove print statement from workspace agent test * Refactor wsconncache to use tailnet * Remove STUN from unit tests * Add migrate back to dump * chore: Upgrade to Go 1.19 This is required as part of #3505. * Fix reconnecting PTY tests * fix: update wireguard-go to fix devtunnel * fix migration numbers * linting * Return early for status if endpoints are empty * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Fix frontend entites * Fix agent bicopy * Fix race condition for the last node * Fix down migration * Fix connection RBAC * Fix migration numbers * Fix forwarding TCP to a local port * Implement ping for tailnet * Rename to ForceHTTP * Add external derpmapping * Expose DERP region names to the API * Add global option to enable Tailscale networking for web * Mark DERP flags hidden while testing * Update DERP map on reconnect * Add close func to workspace agents * Fix race condition in upstream dependency * Fix feature columns race condition Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <>
2022-09-01 01:09:44 +00:00
2022-04-12 00:17:18 +00:00
2022-04-12 00:17:18 +00:00
feat: Add Tailscale networking (#3505) * fix: Add coder user to docker group on installation This makes for a simpler setup, and reduces the likelihood a user runs into a strange issue. * Add wgnet * Add ping * Add listening * Finish refactor to make this work * Add interface for swapping * Fix conncache with interface * chore: update gvisor * fix tailscale types * linting * more linting * Add coordinator * Add coordinator tests * Fix coordination * It compiles! * Move all connection negotiation in-memory * Migrate coordinator to use net.conn * Add closed func * Fix close listener func * Make reconnecting PTY work * Fix reconnecting PTY * Update CI to Go 1.19 * Add CLI flags for DERP mapping * Fix Tailnet test * Rename ConnCoordinator to TailnetCoordinator * Remove print statement from workspace agent test * Refactor wsconncache to use tailnet * Remove STUN from unit tests * Add migrate back to dump * chore: Upgrade to Go 1.19 This is required as part of #3505. * Fix reconnecting PTY tests * fix: update wireguard-go to fix devtunnel * fix migration numbers * linting * Return early for status if endpoints are empty * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Fix frontend entites * Fix agent bicopy * Fix race condition for the last node * Fix down migration * Fix connection RBAC * Fix migration numbers * Fix forwarding TCP to a local port * Implement ping for tailnet * Rename to ForceHTTP * Add external derpmapping * Expose DERP region names to the API * Add global option to enable Tailscale networking for web * Mark DERP flags hidden while testing * Update DERP map on reconnect * Add close func to workspace agents * Fix race condition in upstream dependency * Fix feature columns race condition Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <>
2022-09-01 01:09:44 +00:00
2022-04-12 00:17:18 +00:00
promgo ""
2023-02-10 03:43:18 +00:00
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
2023-02-10 03:43:18 +00:00
// NOTE: These tests only work when your default shell is bash for some reason.
func TestAgent_Stats_SSH(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, stats, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer session.Close()
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Shell()
require.NoError(t, err)
var s *proto.Stats
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
var ok bool
s, ok = <-stats
return ok && s.ConnectionCount > 0 && s.RxBytes > 0 && s.TxBytes > 0 && s.SessionCountSsh == 1
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"never saw stats: %+v", s,
_ = stdin.Close()
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_Stats_ReconnectingPTY(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, stats, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
ptyConn, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, uuid.New(), 128, 128, "bash")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer ptyConn.Close()
data, err := json.Marshal(workspacesdk.ReconnectingPTYRequest{
Data: "echo test\r\n",
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = ptyConn.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
var s *proto.Stats
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
var ok bool
s, ok = <-stats
return ok && s.ConnectionCount > 0 && s.RxBytes > 0 && s.TxBytes > 0 && s.SessionCountReconnectingPty == 1
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"never saw stats: %+v", s,
func TestAgent_Stats_Magic(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("StripsEnvironmentVariable", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
session.Setenv(agentssh.MagicSessionTypeEnvironmentVariable, agentssh.MagicSessionTypeVSCode)
defer session.Close()
command := "sh -c 'echo $" + agentssh.MagicSessionTypeEnvironmentVariable + "'"
expected := ""
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expected = "%" + agentssh.MagicSessionTypeEnvironmentVariable + "%"
command = "cmd.exe /c echo " + expected
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected, strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
t.Run("TracksVSCode", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "window" {
t.Skip("Sleeping for infinity doesn't work on Windows")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, stats, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
session.Setenv(agentssh.MagicSessionTypeEnvironmentVariable, agentssh.MagicSessionTypeVSCode)
defer session.Close()
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Shell()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
s, ok := <-stats
t.Logf("got stats: ok=%t, ConnectionCount=%d, RxBytes=%d, TxBytes=%d, SessionCountVSCode=%d, ConnectionMedianLatencyMS=%f",
ok, s.ConnectionCount, s.RxBytes, s.TxBytes, s.SessionCountVscode, s.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs)
return ok && s.ConnectionCount > 0 && s.RxBytes > 0 && s.TxBytes > 0 &&
// Ensure that the connection didn't count as a "normal" SSH session.
// This was a special one, so it should be labeled specially in the stats!
s.SessionCountVscode == 1 &&
// Ensure that connection latency is being counted!
// If it isn't, it's set to -1.
s.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs >= 0
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"never saw stats",
// The shell will automatically exit if there is no stdin!
_ = stdin.Close()
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("TracksJetBrains", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skip("JetBrains tracking is only supported on Linux")
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
// JetBrains tracking works by looking at the process name listening on the
// forwarded port. If the process's command line includes the magic string
// we are looking for, then we assume it is a JetBrains editor. So when we
// connect to the port we must ensure the process includes that magic string
// to fool the agent into thinking this is JetBrains. To do this we need to
// spawn an external process (in this case a simple echo server) so we can
// control the process name. The -D here is just to mimic how Java options
// are set but is not necessary as the agent looks only for the magic
// string itself anywhere in the command.
_, b, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
require.True(t, ok)
dir := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(b), "../scripts/echoserver/main.go")
echoServerCmd := exec.Command("go", "run", dir,
"-D", agentssh.MagicProcessCmdlineJetBrains)
stdout, err := echoServerCmd.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = echoServerCmd.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer echoServerCmd.Process.Kill()
// The echo server prints its port as the first line.
sc := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
remotePort := sc.Text()
conn, _, stats, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
tunneledConn, err := sshClient.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", remotePort))
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
// always close on failure of test
_ = conn.Close()
_ = tunneledConn.Close()
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
s, ok := <-stats
t.Logf("got stats with conn open: ok=%t, ConnectionCount=%d, SessionCountJetBrains=%d",
ok, s.ConnectionCount, s.SessionCountJetbrains)
return ok && s.ConnectionCount > 0 &&
s.SessionCountJetbrains == 1
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"never saw stats with conn open",
// Kill the server and connection after checking for the echo.
requireEcho(t, tunneledConn)
_ = echoServerCmd.Process.Kill()
_ = tunneledConn.Close()
require.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool {
s, ok := <-stats
t.Logf("got stats after disconnect %t, %d",
ok, s.SessionCountJetbrains)
return ok &&
s.SessionCountJetbrains == 0
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"never saw stats after conn closes",
func TestAgent_SessionExec(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
2022-04-07 22:40:27 +00:00
command := "echo test"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo test"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "test", strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
//nolint:tparallel // Sub tests need to run sequentially.
func TestAgent_Session_EnvironmentVariables(t *testing.T) {
tmpdir := t.TempDir()
// Defined by the coder script runner, hardcoded here since we don't
// have a reference to it.
scriptBinDir := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "coder-script-data", "bin")
manifest := agentsdk.Manifest{
EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{
"MY_MANIFEST": "true",
"MY_OVERRIDE": "false",
banner := codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}
session := setupSSHSession(t, manifest, banner, nil, func(_ *agenttest.Client, opts *agent.Options) {
opts.ScriptDataDir = tmpdir
opts.EnvironmentVariables["MY_OVERRIDE"] = "true"
err := session.Setenv("MY_SESSION_MANIFEST", "true")
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Setenv("MY_SESSION", "true")
require.NoError(t, err)
command := "sh"
echoEnv := func(t *testing.T, w io.Writer, env string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "echo %%%s%%\r\n", env)
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "echo $%s\n", env)
require.NoError(t, err)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe"
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer stdin.Close()
stdout, err := session.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Start(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Context is fine here since we're not doing a parallel subtest.
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
go func() {
_ = session.Close()
s := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
//nolint:paralleltest // These tests need to run sequentially.
for k, partialV := range map[string]string{
"CODER": "true", // From the agent.
"MY_MANIFEST": "true", // From the manifest.
"MY_OVERRIDE": "true", // From the agent environment variables option, overrides manifest.
"MY_SESSION_MANIFEST": "false", // From the manifest, overrides session env.
"MY_SESSION": "true", // From the session.
"PATH": scriptBinDir + string(filepath.ListSeparator),
} {
t.Run(k, func(t *testing.T) {
echoEnv(t, stdin, k)
// Windows is unreliable, so keep scanning until we find a match.
for s.Scan() {
got := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
t.Logf("%s=%s", k, got)
if strings.Contains(got, partialV) {
if err := s.Err(); !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_GitSSH(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh -c 'echo $GIT_SSH_COMMAND'"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo %GIT_SSH_COMMAND%"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(strings.TrimSpace(string(output)), "gitssh --"))
func TestAgent_SessionTTYShell(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// This might be our implementation, or ConPTY itself.
// It's difficult to find extensive tests for it, so
// it seems like it could be either.
t.Skip("ConPTY appears to be inconsistent on Windows.")
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe"
err := session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
session.Stdout = ptty.Output()
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
err = session.Start(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = ptty.Peek(ctx, 1) // wait for the prompt
ptty.WriteLine("echo test")
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_SessionTTYExitCode(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "areallynotrealcommand"
err := session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
session.Stdout = ptty.Output()
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
err = session.Start(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Wait()
exitErr := &ssh.ExitError{}
require.True(t, xerrors.As(err, &exitErr))
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
assert.Equal(t, 1, exitErr.ExitStatus())
} else {
assert.Equal(t, 127, exitErr.ExitStatus())
func TestAgent_Session_TTY_MOTD(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// This might be our implementation, or ConPTY itself.
// It's difficult to find extensive tests for it, so
// it seems like it could be either.
t.Skip("ConPTY appears to be inconsistent on Windows.")
u, err := user.Current()
require.NoError(t, err, "get current user")
name := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "motd")
wantMOTD := "Welcome to your Coder workspace!"
wantServiceBanner := "Service banner text goes here"
tests := []struct {
name string
manifest agentsdk.Manifest
banner codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig
expected []string
unexpected []string
expectedRe *regexp.Regexp
name: "WithoutServiceBanner",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{MOTDFile: name},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{},
expected: []string{wantMOTD},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
name: "WithServiceBanner",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{MOTDFile: name},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{wantMOTD, wantServiceBanner},
name: "ServiceBannerDisabled",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{MOTDFile: name},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: false,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{wantMOTD},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
name: "ServiceBannerOnly",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
unexpected: []string{wantMOTD},
name: "None",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner, wantMOTD},
name: "CarriageReturns",
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: "service\n\nbanner\nhere",
expected: []string{"service\r\n\r\nbanner\r\nhere\r\n\r\n"},
unexpected: []string{},
name: "Trim",
// Enable motd since it will be printed after the banner,
// this ensures that we can test for an exact mount of
// newlines.
manifest: agentsdk.Manifest{
MOTDFile: name,
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: "\n\n\n\n\n\nbanner\n\n\n\n\n\n",
expectedRe: regexp.MustCompile(`([^\n\r]|^)banner\r\n\r\n[^\r\n]`),
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, test.manifest, test.banner, func(fs afero.Fs) {
err := fs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(name), 0o700)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = afero.WriteFile(fs, name, []byte(wantMOTD), 0o600)
require.NoError(t, err)
testSessionOutput(t, session, test.expected, test.unexpected, test.expectedRe)
//nolint:tparallel // Sub tests need to run sequentially.
func TestAgent_Session_TTY_MOTD_Update(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// This might be our implementation, or ConPTY itself.
// It's difficult to find extensive tests for it, so
// it seems like it could be either.
t.Skip("ConPTY appears to be inconsistent on Windows.")
// Only the banner updates dynamically; the MOTD file does not.
wantServiceBanner := "Service banner text goes here"
tests := []struct {
banner codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig
expected []string
unexpected []string
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{},
expected: []string{},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: false,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantServiceBanner,
expected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
unexpected: []string{},
banner: codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{},
unexpected: []string{wantServiceBanner},
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
setSBInterval := func(_ *agenttest.Client, opts *agent.Options) {
opts.ServiceBannerRefreshInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
//nolint:dogsled // Allow the blank identifiers.
conn, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, setSBInterval)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = sshClient.Close()
//nolint:paralleltest // These tests need to swap the banner func.
for i, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
// Set new banner func and wait for the agent to call it to update the
// banner.
ready := make(chan struct{}, 2)
client.SetNotificationBannersFunc(func() ([]codersdk.BannerConfig, error) {
select {
case ready <- struct{}{}:
return []codersdk.BannerConfig{test.banner}, nil
<-ready // Wait for two updates to ensure the value has propagated.
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = session.Close()
testSessionOutput(t, session, test.expected, test.unexpected, nil)
//nolint:paralleltest // This test sets an environment variable.
func TestAgent_Session_TTY_QuietLogin(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// This might be our implementation, or ConPTY itself.
// It's difficult to find extensive tests for it, so
// it seems like it could be either.
t.Skip("ConPTY appears to be inconsistent on Windows.")
wantNotMOTD := "Welcome to your Coder workspace!"
wantMaybeServiceBanner := "Service banner text goes here"
u, err := user.Current()
require.NoError(t, err, "get current user")
name := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "motd")
// Neither banner nor MOTD should show if not a login shell.
t.Run("NotLogin", func(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
MOTDFile: name,
}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantMaybeServiceBanner,
}, func(fs afero.Fs) {
err := afero.WriteFile(fs, name, []byte(wantNotMOTD), 0o600)
require.NoError(t, err, "write motd file")
err = session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
wantEcho := "foobar"
command := "echo " + wantEcho
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(output), wantEcho, "should show echo")
require.NotContains(t, string(output), wantNotMOTD, "should not show motd")
require.NotContains(t, string(output), wantMaybeServiceBanner, "should not show service banner")
// Only the MOTD should be silenced when hushlogin is present.
t.Run("Hushlogin", func(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
MOTDFile: name,
}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{
Enabled: true,
Message: wantMaybeServiceBanner,
}, func(fs afero.Fs) {
err := afero.WriteFile(fs, name, []byte(wantNotMOTD), 0o600)
require.NoError(t, err, "write motd file")
// Create hushlogin to silence motd.
err = afero.WriteFile(fs, name, []byte{}, 0o600)
require.NoError(t, err, "write hushlogin file")
err = session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
err = session.Shell()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty.WriteLine("exit 0")
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotContains(t, stdout.String(), wantNotMOTD, "should not show motd")
require.Contains(t, stdout.String(), wantMaybeServiceBanner, "should show service banner")
2022-04-12 00:17:18 +00:00
func TestAgent_Session_TTY_FastCommandHasOutput(t *testing.T) {
// This test is here to prevent regressions where quickly executing
// commands (with TTY) don't sync their output to the SSH session.
// See:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
// NOTE(mafredri): Increase iterations to increase chance of failure,
// assuming bug is present. Limiting GOMAXPROCS further
// increases the chance of failure.
// Using 1000 iterations is basically a guaranteed failure (but let's
// not increase test times needlessly).
// Limit GOMAXPROCS (e.g. `export GOMAXPROCS=1`) to further increase
// chance of failure. Also -race helps.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
func() {
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer session.Close()
err = session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
err = session.Start("echo wazzup")
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, stdout.String(), "wazzup", "should output greeting")
func TestAgent_Session_TTY_HugeOutputIsNotLost(t *testing.T) {
// This test is here to prevent regressions where a command (with or
// without) a large amount of output would not be fully copied to the
// SSH session. On unix systems, this was fixed by duplicating the file
// descriptor of the PTY master and using it for copying the output.
// See:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
// NOTE(mafredri): Increase iterations to increase chance of failure,
// assuming bug is present.
// Using 10 iterations is basically a guaranteed failure (but let's
// not increase test times needlessly). Run with -race and do not
// limit parallelism (`export GOMAXPROCS=10`) to increase the chance
// of failure.
for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
func() {
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer session.Close()
err = session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
want := strings.Repeat("wazzup", 1024+1) // ~6KB, +1 because 1024 is a common buffer size.
err = session.Start("echo " + want)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, stdout.String(), want, "should output entire greeting")
func TestAgent_TCPLocalForwarding(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
rl, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer rl.Close()
tcpAddr, valid := rl.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
require.True(t, valid)
remotePort := tcpAddr.Port
go echoOnce(t, rl)
sshClient := setupAgentSSHClient(ctx, t)
conn, err := sshClient.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", remotePort))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
requireEcho(t, conn)
func TestAgent_TCPRemoteForwarding(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
sshClient := setupAgentSSHClient(ctx, t)
localhost := netip.MustParseAddr("")
var randomPort uint16
var ll net.Listener
var err error
for {
randomPort = testutil.RandomPortNoListen(t)
addr := net.TCPAddrFromAddrPort(netip.AddrPortFrom(localhost, randomPort))
ll, err = sshClient.ListenTCP(addr)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("error remote forwarding: %s", err.Error())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("timed out getting random listener")
defer ll.Close()
go echoOnce(t, ll)
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", randomPort))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
requireEcho(t, conn)
func TestAgent_UnixLocalForwarding(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("unix domain sockets are not fully supported on Windows")
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
tmpdir := tempDirUnixSocket(t)
remoteSocketPath := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "remote-socket")
l, err := net.Listen("unix", remoteSocketPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer l.Close()
go echoOnce(t, l)
sshClient := setupAgentSSHClient(ctx, t)
conn, err := sshClient.Dial("unix", remoteSocketPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
_, err = conn.Write([]byte("test"))
require.NoError(t, err)
b := make([]byte, 4)
_, err = conn.Read(b)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "test", string(b))
_ = conn.Close()
func TestAgent_UnixRemoteForwarding(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("unix domain sockets are not fully supported on Windows")
tmpdir := tempDirUnixSocket(t)
remoteSocketPath := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "remote-socket")
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
sshClient := setupAgentSSHClient(ctx, t)
l, err := sshClient.ListenUnix(remoteSocketPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer l.Close()
go echoOnce(t, l)
conn, err := net.Dial("unix", remoteSocketPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
requireEcho(t, conn)
func TestAgent_SFTP(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
u, err := user.Current()
require.NoError(t, err, "get current user")
home := u.HomeDir
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
home = "/" + strings.ReplaceAll(home, "\\", "/")
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
client, err := sftp.NewClient(sshClient)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer client.Close()
wd, err := client.Getwd()
require.NoError(t, err, "get working directory")
require.Equal(t, home, wd, "working directory should be home user home")
tempFile := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "sftp")
// SFTP only accepts unix-y paths.
remoteFile := filepath.ToSlash(tempFile)
if !path.IsAbs(remoteFile) {
// On Windows, e.g. "/C:/Users/...".
remoteFile = path.Join("/", remoteFile)
file, err := client.Create(remoteFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = file.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = os.Stat(tempFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_SCP(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
scpClient, err := scp.NewClientBySSH(sshClient)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer scpClient.Close()
tempFile := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "scp")
content := "hello world"
err = scpClient.CopyFile(context.Background(), strings.NewReader(content), tempFile, "0755")
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = os.Stat(tempFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_EnvironmentVariables(t *testing.T) {
key := "EXAMPLE"
value := "value"
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{
key: value,
}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh -c 'echo $" + key + "'"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo %" + key + "%"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, value, strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
func TestAgent_EnvironmentVariableExpansion(t *testing.T) {
key := "EXAMPLE"
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{
}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh -c 'echo $" + key + "'"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo %" + key + "%"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
expect := ""
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expect = "%EXAMPLE%"
// Output should be empty, because the variable is not set!
require.Equal(t, expect, strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
func TestAgent_CoderEnvVars(t *testing.T) {
for _, key := range []string{"CODER", "CODER_WORKSPACE_NAME", "CODER_WORKSPACE_AGENT_NAME"} {
key := key
t.Run(key, func(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh -c 'echo $" + key + "'"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo %" + key + "%"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
func TestAgent_SSHConnectionEnvVars(t *testing.T) {
// Note: the SSH_TTY environment variable should only be set for TTYs.
// For some reason this test produces a TTY locally and a non-TTY in CI
// so we don't test for the absence of SSH_TTY.
for _, key := range []string{"SSH_CONNECTION", "SSH_CLIENT"} {
key := key
t.Run(key, func(t *testing.T) {
session := setupSSHSession(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig{}, nil)
command := "sh -c 'echo $" + key + "'"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
command = "cmd.exe /c echo %" + key + "%"
output, err := session.Output(command)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, strings.TrimSpace(string(output)))
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
func TestAgent_Metadata(t *testing.T) {
echoHello := "echo 'hello'"
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
t.Run("Once", func(t *testing.T) {
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Metadata: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription{
Key: "greeting1",
Interval: 0,
Script: echoHello,
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
Key: "greeting2",
Interval: 1,
Script: echoHello,
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
}, 0, func(_ *agenttest.Client, opts *agent.Options) {
opts.ReportMetadataInterval = testutil.IntervalFast
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
var gotMd map[string]agentsdk.Metadata
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
gotMd = client.GetMetadata()
return len(gotMd) == 2
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast/2)
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
collectedAt1 := gotMd["greeting1"].CollectedAt
collectedAt2 := gotMd["greeting2"].CollectedAt
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
gotMd = client.GetMetadata()
if len(gotMd) != 2 {
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
panic("unexpected number of metadata")
return !gotMd["greeting2"].CollectedAt.Equal(collectedAt2)
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast/2)
require.Equal(t, gotMd["greeting1"].CollectedAt, collectedAt1, "metadata should not be collected again")
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
t.Run("Many", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Metadata: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription{
Key: "greeting",
Interval: 1,
Timeout: 100,
Script: echoHello,
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
}, 0, func(_ *agenttest.Client, opts *agent.Options) {
opts.ReportMetadataInterval = testutil.IntervalFast
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
var gotMd map[string]agentsdk.Metadata
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
gotMd = client.GetMetadata()
return len(gotMd) == 1
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast/2)
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
collectedAt1 := gotMd["greeting"].CollectedAt
require.Equal(t, "hello", strings.TrimSpace(gotMd["greeting"].Value))
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
if !assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
gotMd = client.GetMetadata()
return gotMd["greeting"].CollectedAt.After(collectedAt1)
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast/2) {
t.Fatalf("expected metadata to be collected again")
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
func TestAgentMetadata_Timing(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// Shell scripting in Windows is a pain, and we have already tested
// that the OS logic works in the simpler tests.
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
dir := t.TempDir()
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
const reportInterval = 2
const intervalUnit = 100 * time.Millisecond
var (
greetingPath = filepath.Join(dir, "greeting")
script = "echo hello | tee -a " + greetingPath
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Metadata: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription{
Key: "greeting",
Interval: reportInterval,
Script: script,
Key: "bad",
Interval: reportInterval,
Script: "exit 1",
}, 0, func(_ *agenttest.Client, opts *agent.Options) {
opts.ReportMetadataInterval = intervalUnit
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return len(client.GetMetadata()) == 2
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < testutil.WaitMedium; time.Sleep(testutil.IntervalMedium) {
md := client.GetMetadata()
require.Len(t, md, 2, "got: %+v", md)
require.Equal(t, "hello\n", md["greeting"].Value)
require.Equal(t, "run cmd: exit status 1", md["bad"].Error)
greetingByt, err := os.ReadFile(greetingPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
var (
numGreetings = bytes.Count(greetingByt, []byte("hello"))
idealNumGreetings = time.Since(start) / (reportInterval * intervalUnit)
// We allow a 50% error margin because the report loop may backlog
// in CI and other toasters. In production, there is no hard
// guarantee on timing either, and the frontend gives similar
// wiggle room to the staleness of the value.
upperBound = int(idealNumGreetings) + 1
lowerBound = (int(idealNumGreetings) / 2)
if idealNumGreetings < 50 {
// There is an insufficient sample size.
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
t.Logf("numGreetings: %d, idealNumGreetings: %d", numGreetings, idealNumGreetings)
// The report loop may slow down on load, but it should never, ever
// speed up.
if numGreetings > upperBound {
t.Fatalf("too many greetings: %d > %d in %v", numGreetings, upperBound, time.Since(start))
} else if numGreetings < lowerBound {
t.Fatalf("too few greetings: %d < %d", numGreetings, lowerBound)
2023-03-31 20:26:19 +00:00
func TestAgent_Lifecycle(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("StartTimeout", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "sleep 3",
Timeout: time.Millisecond,
RunOnStart: true,
}, 0)
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return slices.Contains(got, want[len(want)-1])
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got[:len(want)])
t.Run("StartError", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "false",
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
RunOnStart: true,
}, 0)
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return slices.Contains(got, want[len(want)-1])
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got[:len(want)])
t.Run("Ready", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "true",
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
RunOnStart: true,
}, 0)
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return len(got) > 0 && got[len(got)-1] == want[len(want)-1]
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got)
t.Run("ShuttingDown", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, closer := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "sleep 3",
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
RunOnStop: true,
}, 0)
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return slices.Contains(client.GetLifecycleStates(), codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady)
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
// Start close asynchronously so that we an inspect the state.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
err := closer.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return slices.Contains(got, want[len(want)-1])
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got[:len(want)])
t.Run("ShutdownTimeout", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, closer := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "sleep 3",
Timeout: time.Millisecond,
RunOnStop: true,
}, 0)
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return slices.Contains(client.GetLifecycleStates(), codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady)
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
// Start close asynchronously so that we an inspect the state.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
err := closer.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return slices.Contains(got, want[len(want)-1])
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got[:len(want)])
t.Run("ShutdownError", func(t *testing.T) {
_, client, _, _, closer := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
Script: "false",
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
RunOnStop: true,
}, 0)
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return slices.Contains(client.GetLifecycleStates(), codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady)
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
// Start close asynchronously so that we an inspect the state.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
err := closer.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
want := []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle{
var got []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
got = client.GetLifecycleStates()
return slices.Contains(got, want[len(want)-1])
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
require.Equal(t, want, got[:len(want)])
t.Run("ShutdownScriptOnce", func(t *testing.T) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
expected := "this-is-shutdown"
derpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
client := agenttest.NewClient(t,
DERPMap: derpMap,
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{{
LogPath: "coder-startup-script.log",
Script: "echo 1",
RunOnStart: true,
}, {
LogPath: "coder-shutdown-script.log",
Script: "echo " + expected,
RunOnStop: true,
make(chan *proto.Stats, 50),
defer client.Close()
fs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
agent := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: client,
Logger: logger.Named("agent"),
Filesystem: fs,
// agent.Close() loads the shutdown script from the agent metadata.
// The metadata is populated just before execution of the startup script, so it's mandatory to wait
// until the startup starts.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
outputPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "coder-startup-script.log")
content, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, outputPath)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("read file %q: %s", outputPath, err)
return false
return len(content) > 0 // something is in the startup log file
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalMedium)
err := agent.Close()
require.NoError(t, err, "agent should be closed successfully")
outputPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "coder-shutdown-script.log")
logFirstRead, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, outputPath)
require.NoError(t, err, "log file should be present")
require.Equal(t, expected, string(bytes.TrimSpace(logFirstRead)))
// Make sure that script can't be executed twice.
err = agent.Close()
require.NoError(t, err, "don't need to close the agent twice, no effect")
logSecondRead, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, outputPath)
require.NoError(t, err, "log file should be present")
require.Equal(t, string(bytes.TrimSpace(logFirstRead)), string(bytes.TrimSpace(logSecondRead)))
func TestAgent_Startup(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("EmptyDirectory", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Directory: "",
}, 0)
startup := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, client.GetStartup())
require.Equal(t, "", startup.GetExpandedDirectory())
t.Run("HomeDirectory", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Directory: "~",
}, 0)
startup := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, client.GetStartup())
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, homeDir, startup.GetExpandedDirectory())
t.Run("NotAbsoluteDirectory", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Directory: "coder/coder",
}, 0)
startup := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, client.GetStartup())
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(homeDir, "coder/coder"), startup.GetExpandedDirectory())
t.Run("HomeEnvironmentVariable", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
_, client, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
Directory: "$HOME",
}, 0)
startup := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, client.GetStartup())
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, homeDir, startup.GetExpandedDirectory())
//nolint:paralleltest // This test sets an environment variable.
func TestAgent_ReconnectingPTY(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// This might be our implementation, or ConPTY itself.
// It's difficult to find extensive tests for it, so
// it seems like it could be either.
t.Skip("ConPTY appears to be inconsistent on Windows.")
backends := []string{"Buffered", "Screen"}
_, err := exec.LookPath("screen")
hasScreen := err == nil
// Make sure UTF-8 works even with LANG set to something like C.
t.Setenv("LANG", "C")
for _, backendType := range backends {
backendType := backendType
t.Run(backendType, func(t *testing.T) {
if backendType == "Screen" {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skipf("`screen` is not supported on %s", runtime.GOOS)
} else if !hasScreen {
t.Skip("`screen` not found")
} else if hasScreen && runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
// Set up a PATH that does not have screen in it.
bashPath, err := exec.LookPath("bash")
require.NoError(t, err)
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("/tmp", "coder-test-reconnecting-pty-PATH")
require.NoError(t, err, "create temp dir for reconnecting pty PATH")
err = os.Symlink(bashPath, filepath.Join(dir, "bash"))
require.NoError(t, err, "symlink bash into reconnecting pty PATH")
t.Setenv("PATH", dir)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
id := uuid.New()
// --norc disables executing .bashrc, which is often used to customize the bash prompt
netConn1, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, id, 80, 80, "bash --norc")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer netConn1.Close()
tr1 := testutil.NewTerminalReader(t, netConn1)
// A second simultaneous connection.
netConn2, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, id, 80, 80, "bash --norc")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer netConn2.Close()
tr2 := testutil.NewTerminalReader(t, netConn2)
matchPrompt := func(line string) bool {
return strings.Contains(line, "$ ") || strings.Contains(line, "# ")
matchEchoCommand := func(line string) bool {
return strings.Contains(line, "echo test")
matchEchoOutput := func(line string) bool {
return strings.Contains(line, "test") && !strings.Contains(line, "echo")
matchExitCommand := func(line string) bool {
return strings.Contains(line, "exit")
matchExitOutput := func(line string) bool {
return strings.Contains(line, "exit") || strings.Contains(line, "logout")
// Wait for the prompt before writing commands. If the command arrives before the prompt is written, screen
// will sometimes put the command output on the same line as the command and the test will flake
require.NoError(t, tr1.ReadUntil(ctx, matchPrompt), "find prompt")
require.NoError(t, tr2.ReadUntil(ctx, matchPrompt), "find prompt")
data, err := json.Marshal(workspacesdk.ReconnectingPTYRequest{
Data: "echo test\r",
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = netConn1.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Once for typing the command...
require.NoError(t, tr1.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoCommand), "find echo command")
// And another time for the actual output.
require.NoError(t, tr1.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoOutput), "find echo output")
// Same for the other connection.
require.NoError(t, tr2.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoCommand), "find echo command")
require.NoError(t, tr2.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoOutput), "find echo output")
_ = netConn1.Close()
_ = netConn2.Close()
netConn3, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, id, 80, 80, "bash --norc")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer netConn3.Close()
tr3 := testutil.NewTerminalReader(t, netConn3)
// Same output again!
require.NoError(t, tr3.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoCommand), "find echo command")
require.NoError(t, tr3.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoOutput), "find echo output")
// Exit should cause the connection to close.
data, err = json.Marshal(workspacesdk.ReconnectingPTYRequest{
Data: "exit\r",
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = netConn3.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Once for the input and again for the output.
require.NoError(t, tr3.ReadUntil(ctx, matchExitCommand), "find exit command")
require.NoError(t, tr3.ReadUntil(ctx, matchExitOutput), "find exit output")
// Wait for the connection to close.
require.ErrorIs(t, tr3.ReadUntil(ctx, nil), io.EOF)
// Try a non-shell command. It should output then immediately exit.
netConn4, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, uuid.New(), 80, 80, "echo test")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer netConn4.Close()
tr4 := testutil.NewTerminalReader(t, netConn4)
require.NoError(t, tr4.ReadUntil(ctx, matchEchoOutput), "find echo output")
require.ErrorIs(t, tr4.ReadUntil(ctx, nil), io.EOF)
// Ensure that UTF-8 is supported. Avoid the terminal emulator because it
// does not appear to support UTF-8, just make sure the bytes that come
// back have the character in it.
netConn5, err := conn.ReconnectingPTY(ctx, uuid.New(), 80, 80, "echo ")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer netConn5.Close()
bytes, err := io.ReadAll(netConn5)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(bytes), "")
func TestAgent_Dial(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
setup func(t *testing.T) net.Listener
name: "TCP",
setup: func(t *testing.T) net.Listener {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err, "create TCP listener")
return l
name: "UDP",
setup: func(t *testing.T) net.Listener {
addr := net.UDPAddr{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Port: 0,
l, err := udp.Listen("udp", &addr)
require.NoError(t, err, "create UDP listener")
return l
for _, c := range cases {
c := c
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// The purpose of this test is to ensure that a client can dial a
// listener in the workspace over tailnet.
l := c.setup(t)
done := make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
go func() {
defer close(done)
c, err := l.Accept()
if assert.NoError(t, err, "accept connection") {
defer c.Close()
testAccept(ctx, t, c)
agentConn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
require.True(t, agentConn.AwaitReachable(ctx))
conn, err := agentConn.DialContext(ctx, l.Addr().Network(), l.Addr().String())
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
testDial(ctx, t, conn)
// TestAgent_UpdatedDERP checks that agents can handle their DERP map being
// updated, and that clients can also handle it.
func TestAgent_UpdatedDERP(t *testing.T) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
originalDerpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
require.NotNil(t, originalDerpMap)
coordinator := tailnet.NewCoordinator(logger)
// use t.Cleanup so the coordinator closing doesn't deadlock with in-memory
// coordination
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = coordinator.Close()
agentID := uuid.New()
statsCh := make(chan *proto.Stats, 50)
fs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
client := agenttest.NewClient(t,
DERPMap: originalDerpMap,
// Force DERP.
DisableDirectConnections: true,
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Log("closing client")
uut := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: client,
Filesystem: fs,
Logger: logger.Named("agent"),
ReconnectingPTYTimeout: time.Minute,
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Log("closing agent")
_ = uut.Close()
// Setup a client connection.
newClientConn := func(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap, name string) *workspacesdk.AgentConn {
conn, err := tailnet.NewConn(&tailnet.Options{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{netip.PrefixFrom(tailnet.IP(), 128)},
DERPMap: derpMap,
Logger: logger.Named(name),
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Logf("closing conn %s", name)
_ = conn.Close()
testCtx, testCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
clientID := uuid.New()
coordination := tailnet.NewInMemoryCoordination(
testCtx, logger,
clientID, agentID,
coordinator, conn)
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Logf("closing coordination %s", name)
err := coordination.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("error closing in-memory coordination: %s", err.Error())
t.Logf("closed coordination %s", name)
// Force DERP.
sdkConn := workspacesdk.NewAgentConn(conn, workspacesdk.AgentConnOptions{
AgentID: agentID,
CloseFunc: func() error { return workspacesdk.ErrSkipClose },
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Logf("closing sdkConn %s", name)
_ = sdkConn.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
if !sdkConn.AwaitReachable(ctx) {
t.Fatal("agent not reachable")
return sdkConn
conn1 := newClientConn(originalDerpMap, "client1")
// Change the DERP map.
newDerpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
require.NotNil(t, newDerpMap)
// Change the region ID.
newDerpMap.Regions[2] = newDerpMap.Regions[1]
delete(newDerpMap.Regions, 1)
newDerpMap.Regions[2].RegionID = 2
for _, node := range newDerpMap.Regions[2].Nodes {
node.RegionID = 2
// Push a new DERP map to the agent.
err := client.PushDERPMapUpdate(newDerpMap)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("pushed DERPMap update to agent")
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
conn := uut.TailnetConn()
if conn == nil {
return false
regionIDs := conn.DERPMap().RegionIDs()
preferredDERP := conn.Node().PreferredDERP
t.Logf("agent Conn DERPMap with regionIDs %v, PreferredDERP %d", regionIDs, preferredDERP)
return len(regionIDs) == 1 && regionIDs[0] == 2 && preferredDERP == 2
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast)
t.Logf("agent got the new DERPMap")
// Connect from a second client and make sure it uses the new DERP map.
conn2 := newClientConn(newDerpMap, "client2")
require.Equal(t, []int{2}, conn2.DERPMap().RegionIDs())
t.Log("conn2 got the new DERPMap")
// If the first client gets a DERP map update, it should be able to
// reconnect just fine.
require.Equal(t, []int{2}, conn1.DERPMap().RegionIDs())
t.Log("set the new DERPMap on conn1")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
require.True(t, conn1.AwaitReachable(ctx))
t.Log("conn1 reached agent with new DERP")
func TestAgent_Speedtest(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("This test is relatively flakey because of Tailscale's speedtest code...")
logger := slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: true}).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
derpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
DERPMap: derpMap,
}, 0, func(client *agenttest.Client, options *agent.Options) {
options.Logger = logger.Named("agent")
defer conn.Close()
res, err := conn.Speedtest(ctx, speedtest.Upload, 250*time.Millisecond)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("%.2f MBits/s", res[len(res)-1].MBitsPerSecond())
func TestAgent_Reconnect(t *testing.T) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
// After the agent is disconnected from a coordinator, it's supposed
// to reconnect!
coordinator := tailnet.NewCoordinator(logger)
defer coordinator.Close()
agentID := uuid.New()
statsCh := make(chan *proto.Stats, 50)
derpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
client := agenttest.NewClient(t,
DERPMap: derpMap,
defer client.Close()
initialized := atomic.Int32{}
closer := agent.New(agent.Options{
ExchangeToken: func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return "", nil
Client: client,
Logger: logger.Named("agent"),
defer closer.Close()
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return coordinator.Node(agentID) != nil
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast)
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return initialized.Load() == 2
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast)
func TestAgent_WriteVSCodeConfigs(t *testing.T) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
coordinator := tailnet.NewCoordinator(logger)
defer coordinator.Close()
client := agenttest.NewClient(t,
GitAuthConfigs: 1,
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{},
make(chan *proto.Stats, 50),
defer client.Close()
filesystem := afero.NewMemMapFs()
closer := agent.New(agent.Options{
ExchangeToken: func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return "", nil
Client: client,
Logger: logger.Named("agent"),
Filesystem: filesystem,
defer closer.Close()
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
name := filepath.Join(home, ".vscode-server", "data", "Machine", "settings.json")
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
_, err := filesystem.Stat(name)
return err == nil
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast)
func TestAgent_DebugServer(t *testing.T) {
logDir := t.TempDir()
logPath := filepath.Join(logDir, "coder-agent.log")
randLogStr, err := cryptorand.String(32)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(logPath, []byte(randLogStr), 0o600))
derpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
conn, _, _, _, agnt := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{
DERPMap: derpMap,
}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.ExchangeToken = func(context.Context) (string, error) {
return "token", nil
o.LogDir = logDir
awaitReachableCtx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
ok := conn.AwaitReachable(awaitReachableCtx)
require.True(t, ok)
_ = conn.Close()
srv := httptest.NewServer(agnt.HTTPDebug())
t.Run("MagicsockDebug", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/magicsock", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(resBody), "<h1>magicsock</h1>")
t.Run("MagicsockDebugLogging", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Enable", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/magicsock/debug-logging/t", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(resBody), "updated magicsock debug logging to true")
t.Run("Disable", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/magicsock/debug-logging/0", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(resBody), "updated magicsock debug logging to false")
t.Run("Invalid", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/magicsock/debug-logging/blah", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
require.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, res.StatusCode)
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(resBody), `invalid state "blah", must be a boolean`)
t.Run("Manifest", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/manifest", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
var v agentsdk.Manifest
require.NoError(t, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&v))
require.NotNil(t, v)
t.Run("Logs", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, srv.URL+"/debug/logs", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := srv.Client().Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
defer res.Body.Close()
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, string(resBody))
require.Contains(t, string(resBody), randLogStr)
func TestAgent_ScriptLogging(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("bash scripts only")
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitMedium)
derpMap, _ := tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
logsCh := make(chan *proto.BatchCreateLogsRequest, 100)
lsStart := uuid.UUID{0x11}
lsStop := uuid.UUID{0x22}
_, _, _, _, agnt := setupAgent(
DERPMap: derpMap,
Scripts: []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript{
LogSourceID: lsStart,
RunOnStart: true,
Script: `#!/bin/sh
while [ $i -ne 5 ]
echo "start $i"
LogSourceID: lsStop,
RunOnStop: true,
Script: `#!/bin/sh
while [ $i -ne 3000 ]
echo "stop $i"
`, // send a lot of stop logs to make sure we don't truncate shutdown logs before closing the API conn
func(cl *agenttest.Client, _ *agent.Options) {
n := 1
for n <= 5 {
logs := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, logsCh)
require.NotNil(t, logs)
for _, l := range logs.GetLogs() {
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("start %d", n), l.GetOutput())
err := agnt.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
n = 1
for n <= 3000 {
logs := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, logsCh)
require.NotNil(t, logs)
for _, l := range logs.GetLogs() {
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("stop %d", n), l.GetOutput())
t.Logf("got %d stop logs", n-1)
// setupAgentSSHClient creates an agent, dials it, and sets up an ssh.Client for it
func setupAgentSSHClient(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) *ssh.Client {
//nolint: dogsled
agentConn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0)
sshClient, err := agentConn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { sshClient.Close() })
return sshClient
func setupSSHSession(
t *testing.T,
manifest agentsdk.Manifest,
banner codersdk.BannerConfig,
prepareFS func(fs afero.Fs),
opts ...func(*agenttest.Client, *agent.Options),
) *ssh.Session {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
opts = append(opts, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
c.SetNotificationBannersFunc(func() ([]codersdk.BannerConfig, error) {
return []codersdk.BannerConfig{banner}, nil
conn, _, _, fs, _ := setupAgent(t, manifest, 0, opts...)
if prepareFS != nil {
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
feat: Add Tailscale networking (#3505) * fix: Add coder user to docker group on installation This makes for a simpler setup, and reduces the likelihood a user runs into a strange issue. * Add wgnet * Add ping * Add listening * Finish refactor to make this work * Add interface for swapping * Fix conncache with interface * chore: update gvisor * fix tailscale types * linting * more linting * Add coordinator * Add coordinator tests * Fix coordination * It compiles! * Move all connection negotiation in-memory * Migrate coordinator to use net.conn * Add closed func * Fix close listener func * Make reconnecting PTY work * Fix reconnecting PTY * Update CI to Go 1.19 * Add CLI flags for DERP mapping * Fix Tailnet test * Rename ConnCoordinator to TailnetCoordinator * Remove print statement from workspace agent test * Refactor wsconncache to use tailnet * Remove STUN from unit tests * Add migrate back to dump * chore: Upgrade to Go 1.19 This is required as part of #3505. * Fix reconnecting PTY tests * fix: update wireguard-go to fix devtunnel * fix migration numbers * linting * Return early for status if endpoints are empty * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Update cli/server.go Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <> * Fix frontend entites * Fix agent bicopy * Fix race condition for the last node * Fix down migration * Fix connection RBAC * Fix migration numbers * Fix forwarding TCP to a local port * Implement ping for tailnet * Rename to ForceHTTP * Add external derpmapping * Expose DERP region names to the API * Add global option to enable Tailscale networking for web * Mark DERP flags hidden while testing * Update DERP map on reconnect * Add close func to workspace agents * Fix race condition in upstream dependency * Fix feature columns race condition Co-authored-by: Colin Adler <>
2022-09-01 01:09:44 +00:00
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = sshClient.Close()
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = session.Close()
return session
func setupAgent(t *testing.T, metadata agentsdk.Manifest, ptyTimeout time.Duration, opts ...func(*agenttest.Client, *agent.Options)) (
<-chan *proto.Stats,
) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{
// Agent can drop errors when shutting down, and some, like the
// fasthttplistener connection closed error, are unexported.
IgnoreErrors: true,
if metadata.DERPMap == nil {
metadata.DERPMap, _ = tailnettest.RunDERPAndSTUN(t)
if metadata.AgentID == uuid.Nil {
metadata.AgentID = uuid.New()
if metadata.AgentName == "" {
metadata.AgentName = "test-agent"
if metadata.WorkspaceName == "" {
metadata.WorkspaceName = "test-workspace"
if metadata.WorkspaceID == uuid.Nil {
metadata.WorkspaceID = uuid.New()
coordinator := tailnet.NewCoordinator(logger)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = coordinator.Close()
statsCh := make(chan *proto.Stats, 50)
fs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := agenttest.NewClient(t, logger.Named("agenttest"), metadata.AgentID, metadata, statsCh, coordinator)
options := agent.Options{
Client: c,
Filesystem: fs,
Logger: logger.Named("agent"),
ReconnectingPTYTimeout: ptyTimeout,
EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{},
for _, opt := range opts {
opt(c, &options)
agnt := agent.New(options)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = agnt.Close()
conn, err := tailnet.NewConn(&tailnet.Options{
2023-02-10 03:43:18 +00:00
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{netip.PrefixFrom(tailnet.IP(), 128)},
DERPMap: metadata.DERPMap,
Logger: logger.Named("client"),
2022-04-07 22:40:27 +00:00
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = conn.Close()
testCtx, testCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
clientID := uuid.New()
coordination := tailnet.NewInMemoryCoordination(
testCtx, logger,
clientID, metadata.AgentID,
coordinator, conn)
t.Cleanup(func() {
err := coordination.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("error closing in-mem coordination: %s", err.Error())
agentConn := workspacesdk.NewAgentConn(conn, workspacesdk.AgentConnOptions{
AgentID: metadata.AgentID,
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = agentConn.Close()
// Ideally we wouldn't wait too long here, but sometimes the the
// networking needs more time to resolve itself.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
if !agentConn.AwaitReachable(ctx) {
t.Fatal("agent not reachable")
return agentConn, c, statsCh, fs, agnt
var dialTestPayload = []byte("dean-was-here123")
func testDial(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, c net.Conn) {
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
err := c.SetDeadline(deadline)
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer func() {
err := c.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertWritePayload(t, c, dialTestPayload)
assertReadPayload(t, c, dialTestPayload)
func testAccept(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, c net.Conn) {
defer c.Close()
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
err := c.SetDeadline(deadline)
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer func() {
err := c.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertReadPayload(t, c, dialTestPayload)
assertWritePayload(t, c, dialTestPayload)
func assertReadPayload(t *testing.T, r io.Reader, payload []byte) {
b := make([]byte, len(payload)+16)
n, err := r.Read(b)
assert.NoError(t, err, "read payload")
assert.Equal(t, len(payload), n, "read payload length does not match")
assert.Equal(t, payload, b[:n])
func assertWritePayload(t *testing.T, w io.Writer, payload []byte) {
n, err := w.Write(payload)
assert.NoError(t, err, "write payload")
assert.Equal(t, len(payload), n, "payload length does not match")
func testSessionOutput(t *testing.T, session *ssh.Session, expected, unexpected []string, expectedRe *regexp.Regexp) {
err := session.RequestPty("xterm", 128, 128, ssh.TerminalModes{})
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty := ptytest.New(t)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = ptty.Output()
session.Stdin = ptty.Input()
err = session.Shell()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptty.WriteLine("exit 0")
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, unexpected := range unexpected {
require.NotContains(t, stdout.String(), unexpected, "should not show output")
for _, expect := range expected {
require.Contains(t, stdout.String(), expect, "should show output")
if expectedRe != nil {
require.Regexp(t, expectedRe, stdout.String())
// tempDirUnixSocket returns a temporary directory that can safely hold unix
// sockets (probably).
// During tests on darwin we hit the max path length limit for unix sockets
// pretty easily in the default location, so this function uses /tmp instead to
// get shorter paths.
func tempDirUnixSocket(t *testing.T) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
testName := strings.ReplaceAll(t.Name(), "/", "_")
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("/tmp", fmt.Sprintf("coder-test-%s-", testName))
require.NoError(t, err, "create temp dir for gpg test")
t.Cleanup(func() {
err := os.RemoveAll(dir)
assert.NoError(t, err, "remove temp dir", dir)
return dir
return t.TempDir()
func TestAgent_Metrics_SSH(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong)
defer cancel()
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
conn, _, _, _, _ := setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(_ *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.PrometheusRegistry = registry
sshClient, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer sshClient.Close()
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer session.Close()
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = session.Shell()
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := []agentsdk.AgentMetric{
Name: "agent_reconnecting_pty_connections_total",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeCounter,
Value: 0,
Name: "agent_sessions_total",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeCounter,
Value: 1,
Labels: []agentsdk.AgentMetricLabel{
Name: "magic_type",
Value: "ssh",
Name: "pty",
Value: "no",
Name: "agent_ssh_server_failed_connections_total",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeCounter,
Value: 0,
Name: "agent_ssh_server_sftp_connections_total",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeCounter,
Value: 0,
Name: "agent_ssh_server_sftp_server_errors_total",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeCounter,
Value: 0,
Name: "coderd_agentstats_startup_script_seconds",
Type: agentsdk.AgentMetricTypeGauge,
Value: 0,
Labels: []agentsdk.AgentMetricLabel{
Name: "success",
Value: "true",
var actual []*promgo.MetricFamily
assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
actual, err = registry.Gather()
if err != nil {
return false
if len(expected) != len(actual) {
return false
return verifyCollectedMetrics(t, expected, actual)
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast)
require.Len(t, actual, len(expected))
collected := verifyCollectedMetrics(t, expected, actual)
require.True(t, collected, "expected metrics were not collected")
_ = stdin.Close()
err = session.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAgent_ManageProcessPriority(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("OK", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skip("Skipping non-linux environment")
var (
expectedProcs = map[int32]agentproc.Process{}
fs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
syscaller = agentproctest.NewMockSyscaller(gomock.NewController(t))
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
modProcs = make(chan []*agentproc.Process)
logger = slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(io.Discard))
requireFileWrite(t, fs, "/proc/self/oom_score_adj", "-500")
// Create some processes.
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
// Create a prioritized process.
var proc agentproc.Process
if i == 0 {
proc = agentproctest.GenerateProcess(t, fs,
func(p *agentproc.Process) {
p.CmdLine = "./coder\x00agent\x00--no-reap"
p.PID = int32(i)
} else {
proc = agentproctest.GenerateProcess(t, fs,
func(p *agentproc.Process) {
// Make the cmd something similar to a prioritized
// process but differentiate the arguments.
p.CmdLine = "./coder\x00stat"
syscaller.EXPECT().GetPriority(proc.PID).Return(20, nil)
syscaller.EXPECT().SetPriority(proc.PID, 10).Return(nil)
Kill(proc.PID, syscall.Signal(0)).
expectedProcs[proc.PID] = proc
_, _, _, _, _ = setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.Syscaller = syscaller
o.ModifiedProcesses = modProcs
o.EnvironmentVariables = map[string]string{agent.EnvProcPrioMgmt: "1"}
o.Filesystem = fs
o.Logger = logger
o.ProcessManagementTick = ticker
actualProcs := <-modProcs
require.Len(t, actualProcs, len(expectedProcs)-1)
for _, proc := range actualProcs {
requireFileEquals(t, fs, fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/oom_score_adj", proc.PID), "0")
t.Run("IgnoreCustomNice", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skip("Skipping non-linux environment")
var (
expectedProcs = map[int32]agentproc.Process{}
fs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
syscaller = agentproctest.NewMockSyscaller(gomock.NewController(t))
modProcs = make(chan []*agentproc.Process)
logger = slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(io.Discard))
err := afero.WriteFile(fs, "/proc/self/oom_score_adj", []byte("0"), 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create some processes.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
proc := agentproctest.GenerateProcess(t, fs)
Kill(proc.PID, syscall.Signal(0)).
if i == 0 {
// Set a random nice score. This one should not be adjusted by
// our management loop.
syscaller.EXPECT().GetPriority(proc.PID).Return(25, nil)
} else {
syscaller.EXPECT().GetPriority(proc.PID).Return(20, nil)
syscaller.EXPECT().SetPriority(proc.PID, 10).Return(nil)
expectedProcs[proc.PID] = proc
_, _, _, _, _ = setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.Syscaller = syscaller
o.ModifiedProcesses = modProcs
o.EnvironmentVariables = map[string]string{agent.EnvProcPrioMgmt: "1"}
o.Filesystem = fs
o.Logger = logger
o.ProcessManagementTick = ticker
actualProcs := <-modProcs
// We should ignore the process with a custom nice score.
require.Len(t, actualProcs, 2)
for _, proc := range actualProcs {
_, ok := expectedProcs[proc.PID]
require.True(t, ok)
requireFileEquals(t, fs, fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/oom_score_adj", proc.PID), "998")
t.Run("CustomOOMScore", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skip("Skipping non-linux environment")
var (
fs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
syscaller = agentproctest.NewMockSyscaller(gomock.NewController(t))
modProcs = make(chan []*agentproc.Process)
logger = slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(io.Discard))
err := afero.WriteFile(fs, "/proc/self/oom_score_adj", []byte("0"), 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create some processes.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
proc := agentproctest.GenerateProcess(t, fs)
Kill(proc.PID, syscall.Signal(0)).
syscaller.EXPECT().GetPriority(proc.PID).Return(20, nil)
syscaller.EXPECT().SetPriority(proc.PID, 10).Return(nil)
_, _, _, _, _ = setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.Syscaller = syscaller
o.ModifiedProcesses = modProcs
o.EnvironmentVariables = map[string]string{
agent.EnvProcPrioMgmt: "1",
agent.EnvProcOOMScore: "-567",
o.Filesystem = fs
o.Logger = logger
o.ProcessManagementTick = ticker
actualProcs := <-modProcs
// We should ignore the process with a custom nice score.
require.Len(t, actualProcs, 3)
for _, proc := range actualProcs {
requireFileEquals(t, fs, fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/oom_score_adj", proc.PID), "-567")
t.Run("DisabledByDefault", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
t.Skip("Skipping non-linux environment")
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
wr = &syncWriter{
w: &buf,
log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(wr)).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
_, _, _, _, _ = setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.Logger = log
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return strings.Contains(buf.String(), "process priority not enabled")
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast)
t.Run("DisabledForNonLinux", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
t.Skip("Skipping linux environment")
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
wr = &syncWriter{
w: &buf,
log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(wr)).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
_, _, _, _, _ = setupAgent(t, agentsdk.Manifest{}, 0, func(c *agenttest.Client, o *agent.Options) {
o.Logger = log
// Try to enable it so that we can assert that non-linux
// environments are truly disabled.
o.EnvironmentVariables = map[string]string{agent.EnvProcPrioMgmt: "1"}
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return strings.Contains(buf.String(), "process priority not enabled")
}, testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast)
func verifyCollectedMetrics(t *testing.T, expected []agentsdk.AgentMetric, actual []*promgo.MetricFamily) bool {
for i, e := range expected {
assert.Equal(t, e.Name, actual[i].GetName())
assert.Equal(t, string(e.Type), strings.ToLower(actual[i].GetType().String()))
for _, m := range actual[i].GetMetric() {
assert.Equal(t, e.Value, m.Counter.GetValue())
if len(m.GetLabel()) > 0 {
for j, lbl := range m.GetLabel() {
assert.Equal(t, e.Labels[j].Name, lbl.GetName())
assert.Equal(t, e.Labels[j].Value, lbl.GetValue())
return true
type syncWriter struct {
mu sync.Mutex
w io.Writer
func (s *syncWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return s.w.Write(p)
// echoOnce accepts a single connection, reads 4 bytes and echos them back
func echoOnce(t *testing.T, ll net.Listener) {
conn, err := ll.Accept()
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
b := make([]byte, 4)
_, err = conn.Read(b)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
_, err = conn.Write(b)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
// requireEcho sends 4 bytes and requires the read response to match what was sent.
func requireEcho(t *testing.T, conn net.Conn) {
_, err := conn.Write([]byte("test"))
require.NoError(t, err)
b := make([]byte, 4)
_, err = conn.Read(b)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "test", string(b))
func requireFileWrite(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, fp, data string) {
err := afero.WriteFile(fs, fp, []byte(data), 0o600)
require.NoError(t, err)
func requireFileEquals(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, fp, expect string) {
actual, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, fp)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expect, string(actual))