{ "auth": { "forgot-password": { "actions": { "send-email": "Send Reset Password Email" }, "body": "Just enter the email address associated with the account you would like to recover.", "form": { "email": { "label": "Email Address" } }, "heading": "Forgot your password?", "help-text": "If the account exists, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password." }, "login": { "actions": { "login": "Login", "google": "Login with Google" }, "body": "Please enter your username and password associated with your account to login and access, manage and share your resumes.", "form": { "password": { "label": "Password" }, "username": { "help-text": "You can also enter your email address", "label": "Username" } }, "heading": "Login to your account", "recover-text": "In case you have forgotten your password, you can <1>recover your account here.", "register-text": "If you don't have one, you can <1>create an account here." }, "register": { "actions": { "register": "Register", "google": "Register with Google" }, "body": "Please enter your personal information to create an account.", "form": { "confirm-password": { "label": "Confirm Password" }, "email": { "label": "Email Address" }, "name": { "label": "Full Name" }, "password": { "label": "Password" }, "username": { "label": "Username" } }, "heading": "Create an account", "loginText": "If you already have an account, you can <1>login here." }, "reset-password": { "actions": { "set-password": "Set New Password" }, "body": "Enter a new password for your account.", "form": { "confirm-password": { "label": "Confirm Password" }, "password": { "label": "Password" } }, "heading": "Reset your password" } }, "dashboard": { "create-resume": { "actions": { "create-resume": "Create Resume" }, "body": "Start building your resume by giving it a name. It could be in reference to the role you are applying for, or just your favorite snack.", "form": { "name": { "label": "Name" }, "public": { "label": "Is Publicly Accessible?" }, "slug": { "label": "Slug" } }, "heading": "Create a new resume" }, "import-external": { "heading": "Import from External Sources", "json-resume": { "actions": { "upload-json": "Upload JSON" }, "body": "If you have a <1>validated JSON Resume ready to go, you can use it to fast-track your development on Reactive Resume. Click the button below and upload a valid JSON file to begin.", "heading": "Import From JSON Resume" }, "linkedin": { "actions": { "upload-archive": "Upload ZIP Archive" }, "body": "You can save time by exporting your data from LinkedIn and using it to auto-fill fields on Reactive Resume. Head over to the <1>Data Privacy section on LinkedIn and request an archive of your data. Once it is available, upload the ZIP file below.", "heading": "Import From LinkedIn" }, "reactive-resume": { "actions": { "upload-json": "Upload JSON" }, "body": "If you have a JSON that was exported with the current version of Reactive Resume, you can import it back here to get an editable version again. Previous versions of Reactive Resume are unfortunately not supported at the moment.", "heading": "Import From Reactive Resume" } }, "rename-resume": { "actions": { "rename-resume": "Rename Resume" }, "form": { "name": { "label": "Name" }, "slug": { "label": "Slug" } }, "heading": "Rename your resume" } } }