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This is an irreversible action.", "share-link": "You need to change the visibility of your resume to public to make it visible to others." } } }, "leftSidebar": { "sections": { "awards": { "form": { "awarder": { "label": "Awarder" } } }, "basics": { "actions": { "photo-filters": "Photo Filters" }, "heading": "Basics", "headline": { "label": "Headline" }, "name": { "label": "Full Name" }, "photo-filters": { "effects": { "border": { "label": "Border" }, "grayscale": { "label": "Grayscale" }, "heading": "Effects" }, "shape": { "heading": "Shape" }, "size": { "heading": "Size (in px)" } }, "photo-upload": { "tooltip": { "remove": "Remove Photo", "upload": "Upload Photo" } } }, "certifications": { "form": { "issuer": { "label": "Issuer" } } }, "education": { "form": { "area-study": { "label": "Area of Study" }, "courses": { "label": "Courses" }, "degree": { "label": "Degree" }, "grade": { "label": "Grade" }, "institution": { "label": "Institution" } } }, "location": { "address": { "label": "Address" }, "city": { "label": "City" }, "country": { "label": "Country" }, "heading": "Location", "postal-code": { "label": "Postal Code" }, "region": { "label": "Region" } }, "profiles": { "form": { "network": { "label": "Network" }, "username": { "label": "Username" } }, "heading": "Profiles", "heading_one": "Profile" }, "publications": { "form": { "publisher": { "label": "Publisher" } } }, "references": { "form": { "relationship": { "label": "Relationship" } } }, "section": { "heading": "Section" }, "volunteer": { "form": { "organization": { "label": "Organization" } } } } }, "rightSidebar": { "sections": { "css": { "heading": "Custom CSS" }, "export": { "heading": "Export", "json": { "primary": "JSON", "secondary": "Download a JSON version of your resume that can be imported back into Reactive Resume." }, "pdf": { "loading": { "primary": "Generating PDF", "secondary": "Please wait as your PDF gets generated, this may take upto 15 seconds." }, "normal": { "primary": "PDF", "secondary": "Download a PDF of your resume that you can print and send out to your dream job. This file cannot be imported back for further editing." } } }, "layout": { "heading": "Layout", "tooltip": { "reset-layout": "Reset Layout" } }, "links": { "bugs-features": { "body": "Something stopping you from making a resume? Or do you have an amazing idea to add? Raise an issue on GitHub to get started.", "button": "GitHub Issues", "heading": "Bugs? Feature Requests?" }, "donate": { "body": "If you liked using Reactive Resume, please consider donating as much as you can to the cause of keeping the app up and running, without ads and free forever.", "button": "Buy me a coffee", "heading": "Donate to Reactive Resume" }, "github": "Source Code", "heading": "Links" }, "settings": { "global": { "date": { "primary": "Date", "secondary": "Date format to use across the app" }, "heading": "Global", "language": { "primary": "Language", "secondary": "Display language to use across the app" }, "theme": { "primary": "Theme" } }, "heading": "Settings", "page": { "break-line": { "primary": "Break Line", "secondary": "Show a line on all pages to mark the height of an A4 page" }, "heading": "Page", "orientation": { "primary": "Orientation", "secondary": "Whether to display pages horizontally or vertically" } }, "resume": { "heading": "Resume", "reset": { "primary": "Reset Everything", "secondary": "Made too many mistakes? Click here to reset all changes and start from scratch. Be careful, this action cannot be reversed." }, "sample": { "primary": "Load Sample Data", "secondary": "Not sure where to begin? Click here to load some sample data to see how a complete resume looks like." } } }, "sharing": { "heading": "Sharing", "short-url": { "label": "Prefer Short URL" }, "visibility": { "subtitle": "Allow anyone with a link to view your resume", "title": "Public" } }, "templates": { "heading": "Templates" }, "theme": { "form": { "background": { "label": "Background" }, "primary": { "label": "Primary" }, "text": { "label": "Text" } }, "heading": "Theme" }, "typography": { "form": { "font-family": { "label": "Font Family" }, "font-size": { "label": "Font Size" } }, "heading": "Typography", "widgets": { "body": { "label": "Body" }, "headings": { "label": "Headings" } } } } } }