import { Link as LinkIcon } from '@mui/icons-material'; import { Masonry } from '@mui/lab'; import { Button } from '@mui/material'; import type { GetStaticProps, NextPage } from 'next'; import Image from 'next/image'; import Link from 'next/link'; import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'next-i18next'; import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations'; import Testimony from '@/components/landing/Testimony'; import Footer from '@/components/shared/Footer'; import LanguageSwitcher from '@/components/shared/LanguageSwitcher'; import Logo from '@/components/shared/Logo'; import NoSSR from '@/components/shared/NoSSR'; import { screenshots } from '@/config/screenshots'; import testimonials from '@/data/testimonials'; import { logout } from '@/store/auth/authSlice'; import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '@/store/hooks'; import { setModalState } from '@/store/modal/modalSlice'; import styles from '@/styles/pages/Home.module.scss'; import { DONATION_URL, GITHUB_URL } from '../constants'; export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ locale = 'en' }) => { return { props: { ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['common', 'modals', 'landing'])), }, }; }; const Home: NextPage = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const isLoggedIn = useAppSelector((state) => state.auth.isLoggedIn); const handleLogin = () => dispatch(setModalState({ modal: 'auth.login', state: { open: true } })); const handleRegister = () => dispatch(setModalState({ modal: 'auth.register', state: { open: true } })); const handleLogout = () => dispatch(logout()); return (



{isLoggedIn ? ( <> ) : ( <> )}


{{ src, alt }) => ( {alt} ))}

Good or bad, I would love to hear your opinion on Reactive Resume and how the experience has been for you.
Here are some of the messages sent in by users across the world.

You can reach out to me through my email or through the contact form on my website.

{{ name, message }, index) => ( ))}
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); }; export default Home;