import env from '@beam-australia/react-env'; import { joiResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/joi'; import { Google, HowToReg } from '@mui/icons-material'; import { Button, TextField } from '@mui/material'; import Joi from 'joi'; import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'next-i18next'; import { GoogleLoginResponse, GoogleLoginResponseOffline, useGoogleLogin } from 'react-google-login'; import { Controller, useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import { useMutation } from 'react-query'; import BaseModal from '@/components/shared/BaseModal'; import { loginWithGoogle, LoginWithGoogleParams, register as registerUser, RegisterParams } from '@/services/auth'; import { ServerError } from '@/services/axios'; import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '@/store/hooks'; import { setModalState } from '@/store/modal/modalSlice'; type FormData = { name: string; username: string; email: string; password: string; confirmPassword: string; }; const defaultState: FormData = { name: '', username: '', email: '', password: '', confirmPassword: '', }; const schema = Joi.object({ name: Joi.string().required(), username: Joi.string() .lowercase() .min(3) .regex(/^[a-z0-9-]+$/, 'only lowercase characters, numbers and hyphens') .required(), email: Joi.string() .email({ tlds: { allow: false } }) .required(), password: Joi.string().min(6).required(), confirmPassword: Joi.string().min(6).required().valid(Joi.ref('password')), }); const RegisterModal: React.FC = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const { open: isOpen } = useAppSelector((state) => state.modal['auth.register']); const { reset, control, handleSubmit } = useForm({ defaultValues: defaultState, resolver: joiResolver(schema), }); const { mutateAsync, isLoading } = useMutation(registerUser); const { mutateAsync: loginWithGoogleMutation } = useMutation( loginWithGoogle ); const { signIn } = useGoogleLogin({ clientId: env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'), onSuccess: async (response: GoogleLoginResponse | GoogleLoginResponseOffline) => { await loginWithGoogleMutation({ accessToken: (response as GoogleLoginResponse).accessToken }); handleClose(); }, }); const handleClose = () => { dispatch(setModalState({ modal: 'auth.register', state: { open: false } })); reset(); }; const onSubmit = async ({ name, username, email, password }: FormData) => { await mutateAsync({ name, username, email, password }); handleClose(); }; const handleLogin = () => { handleClose(); dispatch(setModalState({ modal: 'auth.login', state: { open: true } })); }; const handleLoginWithGoogle = () => { signIn(); }; return ( } isOpen={isOpen} heading={t('modals.auth.register.heading')} handleClose={handleClose} footerChildren={ <> } >


( )} /> ( )} /> ( )} /> ( )} /> ( )} />

If you already have an account, you can login here.

); }; export default RegisterModal;