type Screenshot = { src: string; alt: string; }; export const screenshots: Screenshot[] = [ { src: '/images/screenshots/dashboard.png', alt: 'Create multiple resumes under one account', }, { src: '/images/screenshots/import-external.png', alt: 'Import your data from LinkedIn, JSON Resume or Reactive Resume', }, { src: '/images/screenshots/builder.png', alt: 'Variety of features to personalize your resume to your liking', }, { src: '/images/screenshots/add-section.png', alt: 'Multiple pre-built sections which can be renamed, or just create your own section', }, { src: '/images/screenshots/page-layout.png', alt: 'Create multiple pages, manage section layouts as easy as dragging them around', }, { src: '/images/screenshots/preview.png', alt: 'Get a unique link to your resume which can be shared with anyone for the latest information', }, ];