source '' require_relative "lib/gitlab/version" omnibus_gem_version ='omnibus') # Note that omnibus is from a fork with additional gitlab changes. You can # check what they are with the following comparison link: # # # * Adds code to generate dependency_licenses.json # * Modifies generation of #{install_dir}/LICENSE to be a combination of all # component licenses. # When updating gem versions: # 1. Edit this file to specify pinning if needed # 2. `bundle update GEM` # 3. Inspect and check-in Gemfile.lock # 4. Check that the changes to Gemfile.lock are propogated to the software # definitions in `config/software`. You can find them quickly with: # grep "gem 'install " config/software/* gem 'omnibus', git: omnibus_gem_version.remote(Gitlab::Version::ALTERNATIVE_SOURCE), tag: omnibus_gem_version.print(false) source '' do gem 'chef', '~> 18.3.0' gem 'chef-cli', '~> 5.6.1' gem 'chef-utils' gem 'mixlib-versioning' end gem 'unf_ext', '~>' gem 'ohai', '~> 18.0' gem 'rainbow', '~> 2.2' # This is used by gitlab-ctl and the chef formatter gem 'json' gem 'rspec' gem 'rake' gem 'knapsack' gem 'docker-api' gem 'http' gem 'aws-sdk-ec2' gem 'aws-sdk-marketplacecatalog' gem 'gitlab' gem 'yard' gem 'toml-rb' gem 'retriable' gem 'tomlib', '~> 0.6.0' gem 'google-cloud-storage' group :packagecloud, optional: true do gem 'package_cloud' gem 'thor', '~> 1.2' end group :danger, optional: true do gem 'gitlab-dangerfiles', '~> 3.0', require: false end group :rubocop do gem 'gitlab-styles', '~> 9.0', require: false end group :test do gem 'debug' gem 'chefspec' gem 'omnibus-ctl', '0.3.6' gem 'fantaskspec' gem 'rspec_junit_formatter' gem 'rspec-parameterized', require: false gem 'simplecov-cobertura' end