
702 lines
17 KiB

package view
import (
type ViewOpts struct {
RefName string
ProjectID string
Commit *gitlab.Commit
CommitSHA string
ApiClient *gitlab.Client
Output io.Writer
func NewCmdView(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command {
opts := ViewOpts{}
var pipelineCIView = &cobra.Command{
Use: "view [branch/tag]",
Short: "View, run, trace/logs, and cancel CI jobs current pipeline",
Long: heredoc.Doc(`Supports viewing, running, tracing, and canceling jobs.
Use arrow keys to navigate jobs and logs.
'Enter' to toggle a job's logs or trace.
'Ctrl+R', 'Ctrl+P' to run/retry/play a job -- Use Tab / Arrow keys to navigate modal and Enter to confirm.
'Ctrl+C' to cancel job -- (Quits CI view if selected job isn't running or pending).
'Ctrl+Q' to Quit CI View.
'Ctrl+Space' suspend application and view logs (similar to glab pipeline ci trace)
Supports vi style bindings and arrow keys for navigating jobs and logs.
Example: heredoc.Doc(`
glab pipeline ci view # Uses current branch
glab pipeline ci view master # Get latest pipeline on master branch
glab pipeline ci view -b master # just like the second example
glab pipeline ci view -b master -R profclems/glab # Get latest pipeline on master branch of profclems/glab repo
Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(1),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
opts.Output = f.IO.StdOut
var err error
opts.ApiClient, err = f.HttpClient()
if err != nil {
return err
repo, err := f.BaseRepo()
if err != nil {
return err
opts.ProjectID = repo.FullName()
if opts.RefName == "" {
if len(args) == 1 {
opts.RefName = args[0]
} else {
opts.RefName, err = git.CurrentBranch()
if err != nil {
return err
opts.Commit, err = api.GetCommit(opts.ApiClient, opts.ProjectID, opts.RefName)
if err != nil {
return err
opts.CommitSHA = opts.Commit.ID
if opts.Commit.LastPipeline == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Can't find pipeline for commit : %s", opts.CommitSHA)
return drawView(opts)
pipelineCIView.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.RefName, "branch", "b", "", "Check pipeline status for a branch/tag. (Default is the current branch)")
return pipelineCIView
func drawView(opts ViewOpts) error {
root := tview.NewPages()
root.SetBorderPadding(1, 1, 2, 2).
SetTitle(fmt.Sprintf(" Pipeline #%d triggered %s by %s ", opts.Commit.LastPipeline.ID, utils.TimeToPrettyTimeAgo(*opts.Commit.LastPipeline.CreatedAt), opts.Commit.AuthorName))
boxes = make(map[string]*tview.TextView)
jobsCh := make(chan []*gitlab.Job)
inputCh := make(chan struct{})
screen, err := tcell.NewScreen()
if err != nil {
return err
_ = screen.Init()
app := tview.NewApplication()
defer recoverPanic(app)
var navi navigator
app.SetInputCapture(inputCapture(app, root, navi, inputCh, opts))
go updateJobs(app, jobsCh, opts)
go func() {
defer recoverPanic(app)
for {
jobsView(app, jobsCh, inputCh, root, opts)
if err := app.SetScreen(screen).SetRoot(root, true).SetAfterDrawFunc(linkJobsView(app)).Run(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func inputCapture(app *tview.Application, root *tview.Pages, navi navigator, inputCh chan struct{}, opts ViewOpts) func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
return func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
if event.Rune() == 'q' || event.Key() == tcell.KeyEscape {
switch {
case modalVisible:
modalVisible = !modalVisible
if inputCh == nil {
inputCh <- struct{}{}
case logsVisible:
logsVisible = !logsVisible
root.HidePage("logs-" + curJob.Name)
if inputCh == nil {
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
if !modalVisible && !logsVisible {
curJob = navi.Navigate(jobs, event)
root.SendToFront("jobs-" + curJob.Name)
if inputCh == nil {
inputCh <- struct{}{}
switch event.Key() {
case tcell.KeyCtrlQ:
return nil
case tcell.KeyCtrlC:
if curJob.Status == "pending" || curJob.Status == "running" {
modalVisible = true
modal := tview.NewModal().
SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Are you sure you want to Cancel %s", curJob.Name)).
AddButtons([]string{"✘ No", "✔ Yes"}).
SetDoneFunc(func(buttonIndex int, buttonLabel string) {
modalVisible = false
if buttonLabel == "✘ No" {
root.RemovePage("logs-" + curJob.Name)
job, err := api.CancelPipelineJob(opts.ApiClient, opts.ProjectID, curJob.ID)
if err != nil {
if job != nil {
curJob = job
root.AddAndSwitchToPage("yesno", modal, false)
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
case tcell.KeyCtrlP, tcell.KeyCtrlR:
if modalVisible {
modalVisible = true
modal := tview.NewModal().
SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Are you sure you want to run %s", curJob.Name)).
AddButtons([]string{"✘ No", "✔ Yes"}).
SetDoneFunc(func(buttonIndex int, buttonLabel string) {
modalVisible = false
if buttonLabel == "✘ No" {
root.RemovePage("logs-" + curJob.Name)
job, err := api.PlayOrRetryJobs(opts.ApiClient, opts.ProjectID, curJob.ID, curJob.Status)
if err != nil {
if job != nil {
curJob = job
root.AddAndSwitchToPage("yesno", modal, false)
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
case tcell.KeyEnter:
if !modalVisible {
logsVisible = !logsVisible
if !logsVisible {
root.HidePage("logs-" + curJob.Name)
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
case tcell.KeyCtrlSpace:
app.Suspend(func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
err := ciutils.RunTraceSha(ctx, opts.ApiClient, opts.Output, opts.ProjectID, opts.CommitSHA, curJob.Name)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
fmt.Println("\nPress <Enter> to resume the ci GUI view")
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for {
r, _, err := reader.ReadRune()
if err != io.EOF && err != nil {
if r == '\n' {
if inputCh == nil {
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
if inputCh == nil {
inputCh <- struct{}{}
return event
var (
logsVisible, modalVisible bool
curJob *gitlab.Job
jobs []*gitlab.Job
boxes map[string]*tview.TextView
// navigator manages the internal state for processing tcell.EventKeys
type navigator struct {
depth, idx int
// Navigate uses the ci stages as boundaries and returns the currently focused
// job index after processing a *tcell.EventKey
func (n *navigator) Navigate(jobs []*gitlab.Job, event *tcell.EventKey) *gitlab.Job {
stage := jobs[n.idx].Stage
prev, next := adjacentStages(jobs, stage)
switch event.Key() {
case tcell.KeyLeft:
stage = prev
case tcell.KeyRight:
stage = next
switch event.Rune() {
case 'h':
stage = prev
case 'l':
stage = next
l, u := stageBounds(jobs, stage)
switch event.Key() {
case tcell.KeyDown:
if n.depth > u-l {
n.depth = u - l
case tcell.KeyUp:
switch event.Rune() {
case 'j':
if n.depth > u-l {
n.depth = u - l
case 'k':
case 'g':
n.depth = 0
case 'G':
n.depth = u - l
if n.depth < 0 {
n.depth = 0
n.idx = l + n.depth
if n.idx > u {
n.idx = u
return jobs[n.idx]
func stageBounds(jobs []*gitlab.Job, s string) (l, u int) {
if len(jobs) <= 1 {
return 0, 0
p := jobs[0].Stage
for i, v := range jobs {
if v.Stage != s && u != 0 {
if v.Stage != p {
l = i
p = v.Stage
if v.Stage == s {
u = i
func adjacentStages(jobs []*gitlab.Job, s string) (p, n string) {
if len(jobs) == 0 {
return "", ""
p = jobs[0].Stage
for _, v := range jobs {
if v.Stage != s && n != "" {
n = v.Stage
if v.Stage == s {
n = "cur"
if n == "" {
p = v.Stage
n = jobs[len(jobs)-1].Stage
func jobsView(app *tview.Application, jobsCh chan []*gitlab.Job, inputCh chan struct{}, root *tview.Pages, opts ViewOpts) {
select {
case jobs = <-jobsCh:
case <-inputCh:
case <-time.NewTicker(time.Second * 1).C:
if jobs == nil {
jobs = <-jobsCh
if curJob == nil && len(jobs) > 0 {
curJob = jobs[0]
if modalVisible {
if logsVisible {
logsKey := "logs-" + curJob.Name
if !root.SwitchToPage(logsKey).HasPage(logsKey) {
tv := tview.NewTextView()
tv.SetBorderPadding(0, 0, 1, 1).SetBorder(true)
go func() {
err := ciutils.RunTraceSha(context.Background(), opts.ApiClient, vtclean.NewWriter(tview.ANSIWriter(tv), true), opts.ProjectID, opts.CommitSHA, curJob.Name)
if err != nil {
root.AddAndSwitchToPage("logs-"+curJob.Name, tv, true)
px, _, maxX, maxY := root.GetInnerRect()
var (
stages = 0
lastStage = ""
// get the number of stages
for _, j := range jobs {
if j.Stage != lastStage {
lastStage = j.Stage
lastStage = ""
var (
rowIdx int
stageIdx int
maxTitle = 20
for _, j := range jobs {
boxX := px + (maxX / stages * stageIdx)
if j.Stage != lastStage {
lastStage = j.Stage
key := "stage-" + j.Stage
x, y, w, h := boxX, maxY/6-4, maxTitle+2, 3
b := box(root, key, x, y, w, h)
lastStage = jobs[0].Stage
rowIdx = 0
stageIdx = 0
for _, j := range jobs {
if j.Stage != lastStage {
rowIdx = 0
lastStage = j.Stage
boxX := px + (maxX / stages * stageIdx)
key := "jobs-" + j.Name
x, y, w, h := boxX, maxY/6+(rowIdx*5), maxTitle+2, 4
b := box(root, key, x, y, w, h)
// The scope of jobs to show, one or array of: created, pending, running,
// failed, success, canceled, skipped; showing all jobs if none provided
var statChar rune
switch j.Status {
case "success":
statChar = '✔'
case "failed":
if j.AllowFailure {
statChar = '!'
} else {
statChar = '✘'
case "running":
statChar = '●'
case "pending":
statChar = '●'
case "manual":
statChar = '■'
case "canceled":
statChar = 'Ø'
case "skipped":
statChar = '»'
// retryChar := '⟳'
title := fmt.Sprintf("%c %s", statChar, j.Name)
// trim the suffix if it matches the stage, I've seen
// the pattern in 2 different places to handle
// different stages for the same service and it tends
// to make the title spill over the max
title = strings.TrimSuffix(title, ":"+j.Stage)
// tview default aligns center, which is nice, but if
// the title is too long we want to bias towards seeing
// the beginning of it
if tview.TaggedStringWidth(title) > maxTitle {
if j.StartedAt != nil {
end := time.Now()
if j.FinishedAt != nil {
end = *j.FinishedAt
b.SetText("\n" + utils.FmtDuration(end.Sub(*j.StartedAt)))
} else {
root.SendToFront("jobs-" + curJob.Name)
func box(root *tview.Pages, key string, x, y, w, h int) *tview.TextView {
b, ok := boxes[key]
if !ok {
b = tview.NewTextView()
boxes[key] = b
b.SetRect(x, y, w, h)
root.AddPage(key, b, false, true)
return b
func recoverPanic(app *tview.Application) {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s\n%s\n", r, string(debug.Stack()))
func updateJobs(app *tview.Application, jobsCh chan []*gitlab.Job, opts ViewOpts) {
defer recoverPanic(app)
for {
if modalVisible {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
jobs, err := api.PipelineJobsWithSha(opts.ApiClient, opts.ProjectID, opts.CommitSHA)
if len(jobs) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to find ci jobs"))
jobsCh <- latestJobs(jobs)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
func linkJobsView(app *tview.Application) func(screen tcell.Screen) {
return func(screen tcell.Screen) {
defer recoverPanic(app)
err := linkJobs(screen, jobs, boxes)
if err != nil {
func linkJobs(screen tcell.Screen, jobs []*gitlab.Job, boxes map[string]*tview.TextView) error {
if logsVisible || modalVisible {
return nil
for i, j := range jobs {
if _, ok := boxes["jobs-"+j.Name]; !ok {
return errors.Errorf("jobs-%s not found at index: %d", jobs[i].Name, i)
var padding int
// find the amount of space between two jobs is adjacent stages
for i, k := 0, 1; k < len(jobs); i, k = i+1, k+1 {
if jobs[i].Stage == jobs[k].Stage {
x1, _, w, _ := boxes["jobs-"+jobs[i].Name].GetRect()
x2, _, _, _ := boxes["jobs-"+jobs[k].Name].GetRect()
stageWidth := x2 - x1 - w
switch {
case stageWidth <= 3:
padding = 1
case stageWidth <= 6:
padding = 2
case stageWidth > 6:
padding = 3
for i, k := 0, 1; k < len(jobs); i, k = i+1, k+1 {
v1 := boxes["jobs-"+jobs[i].Name]
v2 := boxes["jobs-"+jobs[k].Name]
link(screen, v1.Box, v2.Box, padding,
jobs[i].Stage == jobs[0].Stage, // is first stage?
jobs[i].Stage == jobs[len(jobs)-1].Stage) // is last stage?
return nil
func link(screen tcell.Screen, v1 *tview.Box, v2 *tview.Box, padding int, firstStage, lastStage bool) {
x1, y1, w, h := v1.GetRect()
x2, y2, _, _ := v2.GetRect()
dx, dy := x2-x1, y2-y1
p := padding
// drawing stages
if dx != 0 {
hline(screen, x1+w, y2+h/2, dx-w)
if dy != 0 {
// dy != 0 means the last stage had multple jobs
screen.SetContent(x1+w+p-1, y2+h/2, '╦', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
// Drawing a job in the same stage
// left of view
if !firstStage {
if r, _, _, _ := screen.GetContent(x2-p, y1+h/2); r == '╚' {
screen.SetContent(x2-p, y1+h/2, '╠', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
} else {
screen.SetContent(x2-p, y1+h/2, '╦', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
for i := 1; i < p; i++ {
screen.SetContent(x2-i, y2+h/2, '═', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
screen.SetContent(x2-p, y2+h/2, '╚', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
vline(screen, x2-p, y1+h-1, dy-1)
// right of view
if !lastStage {
if r, _, _, _ := screen.GetContent(x2+w+p-1, y1+h/2); r == '┛' {
screen.SetContent(x2+w+p-1, y1+h/2, '╣', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
for i := 0; i < p-1; i++ {
screen.SetContent(x2+w+i, y2+h/2, '═', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
screen.SetContent(x2+w+p-1, y2+h/2, '╝', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
vline(screen, x2+w+p-1, y1+h-1, dy-1)
func hline(screen tcell.Screen, x, y, l int) {
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
screen.SetContent(x+i, y, '═', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
func vline(screen tcell.Screen, x, y, l int) {
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
screen.SetContent(x, y+i, '║', nil, tcell.StyleDefault)
// latestJobs returns a list of unique jobs favoring the last stage+name
// version of a job in the provided list
func latestJobs(jobs []*gitlab.Job) []*gitlab.Job {
var (
lastJob = make(map[string]*gitlab.Job, len(jobs))
dupIdx = -1
for i, j := range jobs {
_, ok := lastJob[j.Stage+j.Name]
if dupIdx == -1 && ok {
dupIdx = i
// always want the latest job
lastJob[j.Stage+j.Name] = j
if dupIdx == -1 {
dupIdx = len(jobs)
// first duplicate marks where retries begin
outJobs := make([]*gitlab.Job, dupIdx)
for i := range outJobs {
j := jobs[i]
outJobs[i] = lastJob[j.Stage+j.Name]
return outJobs