
109 lines
2.6 KiB

package run
import (
const keyValuePair = ".+:.+"
var re = regexp.MustCompile(keyValuePair)
func getDefaultBranch(f *cmdutils.Factory) string {
repo, err := f.BaseRepo()
if err != nil {
return "master"
remotes, err := f.Remotes()
if err != nil {
return "master"
repoRemote, err := remotes.FindByRepo(repo.RepoOwner(), repo.RepoName())
if err != nil {
return "master"
branch, _ := git.GetDefaultBranch(repoRemote.Name)
return branch
func NewCmdRun(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command {
var pipelineRunCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "run [flags]",
Short: `Create or run a new CI pipeline`,
Aliases: []string{"create"},
Example: heredoc.Doc(`
glab ci run
glab ci run -b main
glab ci run -b main --variables MYKEY:some_value
glab ci run -b main --variables MYKEY:some_value --variables KEY2:another_value
Long: ``,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
apiClient, err := f.HttpClient()
if err != nil {
return err
repo, err := f.BaseRepo()
if err != nil {
return err
pipelineVars := []*gitlab.PipelineVariableOptions{}
if customPipelineVars, _ := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("variables"); len(customPipelineVars) > 0 {
varType := "env_var"
for _, v := range customPipelineVars {
if !re.MatchString(v) {
return fmt.Errorf("Bad pipeline variable : \"%s\" should be of format KEY:VALUE", v)
s := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2)
pipelineVars = append(pipelineVars, &gitlab.PipelineVariableOptions{
Key: &s[0],
Value: &s[1],
VariableType: &varType,
c := &gitlab.CreatePipelineOptions{
Variables: &pipelineVars,
if m, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("branch"); m != "" {
c.Ref = gitlab.String(m)
} else {
c.Ref = gitlab.String(getDefaultBranch(f))
pipe, err := api.CreatePipeline(apiClient, repo.FullName(), c)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, "Created pipeline (id:", pipe.ID, "), status:", pipe.Status, ", ref:", pipe.Ref, ", weburl: ", pipe.WebURL, ")")
return nil
pipelineRunCmd.Flags().StringP("branch", "b", "", "Create pipeline on branch/ref <string>")
pipelineRunCmd.Flags().StringSliceP("variables", "", []string{}, "Pass variables to pipeline")
return pipelineRunCmd