
388 lines
12 KiB

package list
import (
func runCommand(command string, rt http.RoundTripper, isTTY bool, cli string, runE func(opts *ListOptions) error, doHyperlinks string) (*test.CmdOut, error) {
ios, _, stdout, stderr := cmdtest.InitIOStreams(isTTY, doHyperlinks)
factory := cmdtest.InitFactory(ios, rt)
// TODO: shouldn't be there but the stub doesn't work without it
_, _ = factory.HttpClient()
issueType := issuable.TypeIssue
if command == "incident" {
issueType = issuable.TypeIncident
cmd := NewCmdList(factory, runE, issueType)
return cmdtest.ExecuteCommand(cmd, cli, stdout, stderr)
func TestNewCmdList(t *testing.T) {
ios, _, _, _ := iostreams.Test()
ios.IsaTTY = true
ios.IsInTTY = true
ios.IsErrTTY = true
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
factory := &cmdutils.Factory{
IO: ios,
HttpClient: func() (*gitlab.Client, error) {
a, err := api.TestClient(&http.Client{Transport: fakeHTTP}, "", "", false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.Lab(), err
Config: func() (config.Config, error) {
return config.NewBlankConfig(), nil
BaseRepo: func() (glrepo.Interface, error) {
return glrepo.New("OWNER", "REPO"), nil
t.Run("Issue_NewCmdList", func(t *testing.T) {
gotOpts := &ListOptions{}
err := NewCmdList(factory, func(opts *ListOptions) error {
gotOpts = opts
return nil
}, issuable.TypeIssue).Execute()
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, factory.IO, gotOpts.IO)
gotBaseRepo, _ := gotOpts.BaseRepo()
expectedBaseRepo, _ := factory.BaseRepo()
assert.Equal(t, gotBaseRepo, expectedBaseRepo)
func TestIssueList_tty(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/issuableList.json"))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
out := output.String()
timeRE := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+ years`)
out = timeRE.ReplaceAllString(out, "X years")
assert.Equal(t, heredoc.Doc(`
Showing 3 open issues in OWNER/REPO that match your search (Page 1)
#6 OWNER/REPO/issues/6 Issue one (foo, bar) about X years ago
#7 OWNER/REPO/issues/7 Issue two (fooz, baz) about X years ago
#8 OWNER/REPO/issues/8 Incident (foo, baz) about X years ago
`), out)
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.Stderr())
func TestIssueList_ids(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/issuableList.json"))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "-F ids", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list -F ids`: %v", err)
out := output.String()
assert.Equal(t, "6\n7\n8\n", out)
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.Stderr())
func TestIssueList_urls(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/issuableList.json"))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "-F urls", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list -F urls`: %v", err)
out := output.String()
assert.Equal(t, heredoc.Doc(`
`), out)
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.Stderr())
func TestIssueList_tty_withFlags(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("project", func(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewStringResponse(http.StatusOK, `[]`))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--opened -P1 -p100 --confidential -a someuser -l bug -m1", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.Stderr(), "")
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.String(), `No open issues match your search in OWNER/REPO
t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/groups/GROUP/issues",
httpmock.NewStringResponse(http.StatusOK, `[]`))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--group GROUP", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.Stderr(), "")
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.String(), `No open issues match your search in GROUP
func TestIssueList_tty_withIssueType(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/incidentList.json"))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--issue-type=incident", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
out := output.String()
timeRE := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+ years`)
out = timeRE.ReplaceAllString(out, "X years")
assert.Equal(t, heredoc.Doc(`
Showing 1 open incident in OWNER/REPO that match your search (Page 1)
#8 OWNER/REPO/issues/8 Incident (foo, baz) about X years ago
`), out)
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.Stderr())
func TestIncidentList_tty_withIssueType(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/incidentList.json"))
output, err := runCommand("incident", fakeHTTP, true, "--issue-type=incident", nil, "")
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an `unknown flag: --issue-type` error, but got nothing")
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.String())
assert.Equal(t, ``, output.Stderr())
func TestIssueList_tty_mine(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("mine with all flag and user exists", func(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewStringResponse(http.StatusOK, `[]`))
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/user",
httpmock.NewStringResponse(http.StatusOK, `{"username": "john_smith"}`))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--mine -A", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.Stderr(), "")
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.String(), `No issues match your search in OWNER/REPO
t.Run("user does not exists", func(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/user",
httpmock.NewStringResponse(http.StatusNotFound, `{message: 404 Not found}`))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--mine -A", nil, "")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.Stderr(), "")
cmdtest.Eq(t, output.String(), "")
func makeHyperlink(linkText, targetURL string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b]8;;%s\x1b\\%s\x1b]8;;\x1b\\", targetURL, linkText)
func TestIssueList_hyperlinks(t *testing.T) {
noHyperlinkCells := [][]string{
{"#6", "OWNER/REPO/issues/6", "Issue one", "(foo, bar)", "about X years ago"},
{"#7", "OWNER/REPO/issues/7", "Issue two", "(fooz, baz)", "about X years ago"},
{"#8", "OWNER/REPO/issues/8", "Incident", "(foo, baz)", "about X years ago"},
hyperlinkCells := [][]string{
{makeHyperlink("#6", ""), "OWNER/REPO/issues/6", "Issue one", "(foo, bar)", "about X years ago"},
{makeHyperlink("#7", ""), "OWNER/REPO/issues/7", "Issue two", "(fooz, baz)", "about X years ago"},
{makeHyperlink("#8", ""), "OWNER/REPO/issues/8", "Incident", "(foo, baz)", "about X years ago"},
type hyperlinkTest struct {
forceHyperlinksEnv string
displayHyperlinksConfig string
isTTY bool
expectedCells [][]string
tests := []hyperlinkTest{
// FORCE_HYPERLINKS causes hyperlinks to be output, whether or not we're talking to a TTY
{forceHyperlinksEnv: "1", isTTY: true, expectedCells: hyperlinkCells},
{forceHyperlinksEnv: "1", isTTY: false, expectedCells: hyperlinkCells},
// empty/missing display_hyperlinks in config defaults to *not* outputting hyperlinks
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "", isTTY: true, expectedCells: noHyperlinkCells},
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "", isTTY: false, expectedCells: noHyperlinkCells},
// display_hyperlinks: false in config prevents outputting hyperlinks
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "false", isTTY: true, expectedCells: noHyperlinkCells},
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "false", isTTY: false, expectedCells: noHyperlinkCells},
// display_hyperlinks: true in config only outputs hyperlinks if we're talking to a TTY
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "true", isTTY: true, expectedCells: hyperlinkCells},
{displayHyperlinksConfig: "true", isTTY: false, expectedCells: noHyperlinkCells},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/issuableList.json"))
doHyperlinks := "never"
if test.forceHyperlinksEnv == "1" {
doHyperlinks = "always"
} else if test.displayHyperlinksConfig == "true" {
doHyperlinks = "auto"
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, test.isTTY, "", nil, doHyperlinks)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list`: %v", err)
out := output.String()
timeRE := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+ years`)
out = timeRE.ReplaceAllString(out, "X years")
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(out, "\n"), "\n")
// first two lines have the header and some separating whitespace, so skip those
for lineNum, line := range lines[2:] {
gotCells := strings.Split(line, "\t")
expectedCells := test.expectedCells[lineNum]
assert.Equal(t, len(expectedCells), len(gotCells))
for cellNum, gotCell := range gotCells {
expectedCell := expectedCells[cellNum]
assert.Equal(t, expectedCell, strings.Trim(gotCell, " "))
func TestIssueListJSON(t *testing.T) {
fakeHTTP := httpmock.New()
defer fakeHTTP.Verify(t)
fakeHTTP.RegisterResponder(http.MethodGet, "/projects/OWNER/REPO/issues",
httpmock.NewFileResponse(http.StatusOK, "./testdata/issueListFull.json"))
output, err := runCommand("issue", fakeHTTP, true, "--output json", nil, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error running command `issue list -F json`: %v", err)
if err != nil {
b, err := os.ReadFile("./testdata/issueListFull.json")
if err != nil {
expectedOut := string(b)
assert.JSONEq(t, expectedOut, output.String())
assert.Empty(t, output.Stderr())
func TestIssueListMutualOutputFlags(t *testing.T) {
_, err := runCommand("issue", nil, true, "--output json --output-format ids", nil, "")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "if any flags in the group [output output-format] are set none of the others can be; [output output-format] were all set")