
331 lines
7.7 KiB

package tableprinter
import (
var tp *TablePrinter
func init() {
tp = &TablePrinter{
TotalRows: 0,
Wrap: false,
MaxColWidth: 0,
TTYSeparator: "\t",
NonTTYSeparator: "\t",
TerminalWidth: 80,
// TablePrinter represents a decorator that renders the data formatted in a tabular form.
type TablePrinter struct {
// Total number of records. Needed if AddRowFunc is used
TotalRows int
// Wrap when set to true wraps the contents of the columns when the length exceeds the MaxColWidth
Wrap bool
// MaxColWidth is the maximum allowed width for cells in the table
MaxColWidth int
// TTYSeparator is the separator for columns in the table on TTYs. Default is "\t"
TTYSeparator string
// NonTTYSeparator is the separator for columns in the table on non-TTYs. Default is "\t"
NonTTYSeparator string
// Rows is the collection of rows in the table
Rows []*TableRow
// TerminalWidth is the max width of the terminal
TerminalWidth int
// IsTTY indicates whether output is a TTY or non-TTY
IsTTY bool
type TableCell struct {
// Value in the cell
Value interface{}
// Width is the width of the cell
Width int
// Wrap when true wraps the contents of the cell when the length exceeds the width
Wrap bool
isaTTY bool
type TableRow struct {
Cells []*TableCell
// Separator is the separator for columns in the table. Default is " "
Separator string
func NewTablePrinter() *TablePrinter {
t := &TablePrinter{
TTYSeparator: tp.TTYSeparator,
NonTTYSeparator: tp.NonTTYSeparator,
MaxColWidth: tp.MaxColWidth,
Wrap: false,
TerminalWidth: tp.TerminalWidth,
IsTTY: tp.IsTTY,
return t
func (t *TablePrinter) Separator() string {
if t.IsTTY {
return t.TTYSeparator
return t.NonTTYSeparator
// SetTerminalWidth sets the maximum width for the terminal
func SetTerminalWidth(width int) { tp.SetTerminalWidth(width) }
func (t *TablePrinter) SetTerminalWidth(width int) {
t.TerminalWidth = width
// SetIsTTY sets the IsTTY variable which indicates whether terminal
// output is a TTY or nonTTY
func SetIsTTY(isTTY bool) { tp.SetIsTTY(isTTY) }
func (t *TablePrinter) SetIsTTY(isTTY bool) {
t.IsTTY = isTTY
// SetTTYSeparator sets the separator for the columns in the table for TTYs
func SetTTYSeparator(s string) { tp.SetTTYSeparator(s) }
func (t *TablePrinter) SetTTYSeparator(s string) {
t.TTYSeparator = s
// SetNonTTYSeparator sets the separator for the columns in the table for non-ttys
func SetNonTTYSeparator(s string) { tp.SetNonTTYSeparator(s) }
func (t *TablePrinter) SetNonTTYSeparator(s string) {
t.NonTTYSeparator = s
func (t *TablePrinter) makeRow() {
if t.Rows == nil {
t.Rows = make([]*TableRow, 1)
t.Rows[0] = &TableRow{}
func (t *TablePrinter) AddCell(s interface{}) {
rowI := len(t.Rows) - 1
row := t.Rows[rowI]
cell := &TableCell{
Value: s,
isaTTY: t.IsTTY,
row.Separator = t.Separator()
row.Cells = append(row.Cells, cell)
// AddCellf formats according to a format specifier and adds cell to row
func (t *TablePrinter) AddCellf(s string, f ...interface{}) {
t.AddCell(fmt.Sprintf(s, f...))
func (t *TablePrinter) AddRow(str ...interface{}) {
for _, s := range str {
func (t *TablePrinter) AddRowFunc(f func(int, int) string) {
for ri := 0; ri < t.TotalRows; ri++ {
row := make([]interface{}, t.TotalRows)
for ci := range row {
row[ci] = f(ri, ci)
func (t *TablePrinter) EndRow() {
t.Rows = append(t.Rows, &TableRow{Cells: make([]*TableCell, 1)})
// Bytes returns the []byte value of table
func (t *TablePrinter) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(t.String())
// String returns the string value of table. Alternative to Render()
func (t *TablePrinter) String() string {
return t.Render()
// String returns the string representation of the row
func (r *TableRow) String() string {
// get the max number of lines for each cell
var lc int // line count
for _, cell := range r.Cells {
if clc := len(strings.Split(cell.String(), "\n")); clc > lc {
lc = clc
// allocate a two-dimensional array of cells for each line and add size them
cells := make([][]*TableCell, lc)
for x := 0; x < lc; x++ {
cells[x] = make([]*TableCell, len(r.Cells))
for y := 0; y < len(r.Cells); y++ {
cells[x][y] = &TableCell{Width: r.Cells[y].Width}
// insert each line in a cell as new cell in the cells array
for y, cell := range r.Cells {
lines := strings.Split(cell.String(), "\n")
for x, line := range lines {
cells[x][y].Value = line
// format each line
lines := make([]string, lc)
for x := range lines {
line := make([]string, len(cells[x]))
for y := range cells[x] {
line[y] = cells[x][y].String()
lines[x] = text.Join(line, r.Separator)
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// purgeRow removes nil cells and rows
func (t *TablePrinter) purgeRow() {
newSlice := make([]*TableRow, 0, len(t.Rows))
for _, row := range t.Rows {
var newRow *TableRow
if len(row.Cells) > 0 && row.Cells != nil {
var newCells []*TableCell
for _, cell := range row.Cells {
if cell != nil {
newCells = append(newCells, cell)
newRow = &TableRow{Cells: newCells}
if newRow != nil {
newSlice = append(newSlice, newRow)
t.Rows = newSlice
// Render builds and returns the string representation of the table
func (t *TablePrinter) Render() string {
if len(t.Rows) == 0 {
return ""
// remove nil cells and rows
colWidths := t.colWidths()
var lines []string
for _, row := range t.Rows {
row.Separator = t.Separator()
for i, cell := range row.Cells {
cell.Width = colWidths[i]
cell.Wrap = t.Wrap
lines = append(lines, row.String())
return text.Join(lines, "\n")
// LineWidth returns the max width of all the lines in a cell
func (c *TableCell) LineWidth() int {
width := 0
for _, s := range strings.Split(c.String(), "\n") {
w := text.StringWidth(s)
if w > width {
width = w
return width
// String returns the string formatted representation of the cell
func (c *TableCell) String() string {
if c == nil {
return ""
if c.Value == nil {
return text.PadLeft(" ", c.Width, ' ')
s := cast.ToString(c.Value)
if c.Width > 0 && c.isaTTY {
if c.Wrap && len(s) > c.Width {
return text.WrapString(s, c.Width)
} else {
return text.Truncate(s, c.Width)
return s
// colWidths determine the width for each column (cell in a row)
func (t *TablePrinter) colWidths() []int {
var colWidths []int
for _, row := range t.Rows {
for i, cell := range row.Cells {
// resize colwidth array
if i+1 > len(colWidths) {
colWidths = append(colWidths, 0)
cellwidth := cell.LineWidth()
if t.MaxColWidth != 0 && cellwidth > t.MaxColWidth {
cellwidth = t.MaxColWidth
if cellwidth > colWidths[i] {
colWidths[i] = cellwidth
numCols := len(colWidths)
separatorWidth := (numCols - 1) * len(t.Separator())
totalWidth := separatorWidth
for _, width := range colWidths {
totalWidth += width
if t.MaxColWidth == 0 && totalWidth > t.TerminalWidth {
availWidth := t.TerminalWidth - colWidths[0] - separatorWidth
// add extra space from columns that are already narrower than threshold
for col := 1; col < numCols; col++ {
availColWidth := availWidth / (numCols - 1)
if extra := availColWidth - colWidths[col]; extra > 0 {
availWidth += extra
// cap all but first column to fit available terminal width
for col := 1; col < numCols; col++ {
availColWidth := availWidth / (numCols - 1)
if colWidths[col] > availColWidth {
colWidths[col] = availColWidth
return colWidths