
204 lines
5.4 KiB

package delete
import (
const (
FlagDryRun = "dry-run"
FlagOlderThan = "older-than"
FlagPage = "page"
FlagPaginate = "paginate"
FlagPerPage = "per-page"
FlagSource = "source"
FlagStatus = "status"
var (
pipelineStatuses = []string{"running", "pending", "success", "failed", "canceled", "skipped", "created", "manual"}
pipelineSources = []string{
"api", "chat", "external", "external_pull_request_event", "merge_request_event",
"ondemand_dast_scan", "ondemand_dast_validation", "parent_pipeline", "pipeline",
"push", "schedule", "security_orchestration_policy", "trigger", "web", "webide",
func NewCmdDelete(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command {
pipelineDeleteCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete <id> [flags]",
Short: `Delete CI/CD pipelines`,
Example: heredoc.Doc(`
glab ci delete 34
glab ci delete 12,34,2
glab ci delete --source=api
glab ci delete --status=failed
glab ci delete --older-than 24h
glab ci delete --older-than 24h --status=failed
Long: ``,
Args: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
olderThanDuration, _ := cmd.Flags().GetDuration(FlagOlderThan)
status, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(FlagStatus)
source, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(FlagSource)
if olderThanDuration == 0 && status == "" && source == "" {
return cobra.ExactArgs(1)(cmd, args)
if len(args) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("either a status filter or a pipeline ID must be passed, but not both")
return nil
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
c := f.IO.Color()
apiClient, err := f.HttpClient()
if err != nil {
return err
repo, err := f.BaseRepo()
if err != nil {
return err
dryRunMode, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(FlagDryRun)
var pipelineIDs []int
if len(args) == 1 {
pipelineIDs, err = parseRawPipelineIDs(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
return runDeletion(pipelineIDs, dryRunMode, f.IO.StdOut, c, apiClient, repo)
paginate, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(FlagPaginate)
pipelineIDs, err = listPipelineIDs(apiClient, repo.FullName(), paginate, optsFromFlags(cmd.Flags()))
if err != nil {
return err
return runDeletion(pipelineIDs, dryRunMode, f.IO.StdOut, c, apiClient, repo)
return pipelineDeleteCmd
func SetupCommandFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
flags.BoolP(FlagDryRun, "", false, "Simulate process, but do not delete anything")
flags.StringP(FlagStatus, "s", "", fmt.Sprintf("Delete pipelines by status: {%s}", strings.Join(pipelineStatuses, "|")))
flags.String(FlagSource, "", fmt.Sprintf("Filter pipelines by source: {%s}", strings.Join(pipelineSources, "|")))
flags.Duration(FlagOlderThan, 0, "Filter pipelines older than the given duration. Valid units: {h|m|s|ms|us|ns}")
flags.BoolP(FlagPaginate, "", false, "Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of projects before cloning. Respects --per-page")
flags.IntP(FlagPage, "", 0, "Page number")
flags.IntP(FlagPerPage, "", 0, "Number of items to list per page")
func optsFromFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) *gitlab.ListProjectPipelinesOptions {
opts := &gitlab.ListProjectPipelinesOptions{}
page, _ := flags.GetInt(FlagPage)
perPage, _ := flags.GetInt(FlagPerPage)
if perPage != 0 {
opts.PerPage = perPage
if page != 0 {
opts.Page = page
source, _ := flags.GetString(FlagSource)
status, _ := flags.GetString(FlagStatus)
olderThanDuration, _ := flags.GetDuration(FlagOlderThan)
if source != "" {
opts.Source = gitlab.String(source)
if status != "" {
opts.Status = gitlab.BuildState(gitlab.BuildStateValue(status))
if olderThanDuration != 0 {
opts.UpdatedBefore = gitlab.Time(time.Now().Add(-olderThanDuration))
return opts
func parseRawPipelineIDs(rawPipelineIDs string) ([]int, error) {
var inputPipelineIDs []int
for _, stringID := range strings.Split(rawPipelineIDs, ",") {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(stringID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputPipelineIDs = append(inputPipelineIDs, id)
return inputPipelineIDs, nil
func runDeletion(pipelineIDs []int, dryRunMode bool, w io.Writer, c *iostreams.ColorPalette, apiClient *gitlab.Client, repo glrepo.Interface) error {
for _, id := range pipelineIDs {
if dryRunMode {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s Pipeline #%d will be deleted\n", c.DotWarnIcon(), id)
err := api.DeletePipeline(apiClient, repo.FullName(), id)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s Pipeline #%d deleted successfully\n", c.RedCheck(), id)
return nil
func listPipelineIDs(apiClient *gitlab.Client, repoName string, paginate bool, opts *gitlab.ListProjectPipelinesOptions) ([]int, error) {
var pipelineIDs []int
hasRemaining := true
for hasRemaining {
pipes, resp, err := apiClient.Pipelines.ListProjectPipelines(repoName, opts)
if err != nil {
return pipelineIDs, err
for _, item := range pipes {
pipelineIDs = append(pipelineIDs, item.ID)
opts.Page = resp.NextPage
hasRemaining = paginate && resp.CurrentPage != resp.TotalPages
return pipelineIDs, nil