
153 lines
4.5 KiB

package status
import (
type StatusOpts struct {
Hostname string
ShowToken bool
HttpClientOverride func(token, hostname string) (*api.Client, error) // used in tests to mock http client
IO *iostreams.IOStreams
Config func() (config.Config, error)
func NewCmdStatus(f *cmdutils.Factory, runE func(*StatusOpts) error) *cobra.Command {
opts := &StatusOpts{
IO: f.IO,
Config: f.Config,
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "status",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
Short: "View authentication status",
Long: heredoc.Doc(`Verifies and displays information about your authentication state.
This command tests the authentication states of all known GitLab instances in the config file and reports issues if any
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if runE != nil {
return runE(opts)
return statusRun(opts)
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.Hostname, "hostname", "h", "", "Check a specific instance's authentication status")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.ShowToken, "show-token", "t", false, "Display the auth token")
return cmd
func statusRun(opts *StatusOpts) error {
c := opts.IO.Color()
cfg, err := opts.Config()
if err != nil {
return err
stderr := opts.IO.StdErr
statusInfo := map[string][]string{}
instances, err := cfg.Hosts()
if len(instances) == 0 || err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No GitLab instance has been authenticated with glab. Run `%s` to authenticate.\n", c.Bold("glab auth login"))
if opts.Hostname != "" && !slices.Contains(instances, opts.Hostname) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %s not authenticated with glab. Run `%s %s` to authenticate", c.FailedIcon(), opts.Hostname, c.Bold("glab auth login --hostname"), c.Bold(opts.Hostname))
var failedAuth = false
for _, instance := range instances {
if opts.Hostname != "" && opts.Hostname != instance {
statusInfo[instance] = []string{}
addMsg := func(x string, ys ...interface{}) {
statusInfo[instance] = append(statusInfo[instance], fmt.Sprintf(x, ys...))
token, tokenSource, _ := cfg.GetWithSource(instance, "token", false)
apiClient, err := api.NewClientWithCfg(instance, cfg, false)
if opts.HttpClientOverride != nil {
apiClient, _ = opts.HttpClientOverride(token, instance)
if err == nil {
user, err := api.CurrentUser(apiClient.Lab())
if err != nil {
failedAuth = true
addMsg("%s %s: api call failed: %s", c.FailedIcon(), instance, err)
} else {
addMsg("%s Logged in to %s as %s (%s)", c.GreenCheck(), instance, c.Bold(user.Username), tokenSource)
} else {
failedAuth = true
addMsg("%s %s: failed to initialize api client: %s", c.FailedIcon(), instance, err)
proto, _ := cfg.Get(instance, "git_protocol")
if proto != "" {
addMsg("%s Git operations for %s configured to use %s protocol.",
c.GreenCheck(), instance, c.Bold(proto))
apiProto, _ := cfg.Get(instance, "api_protocol")
apiEndpoint := glinstance.APIEndpoint(instance, apiProto)
graphQLEndpoint := glinstance.GraphQLEndpoint(instance, apiProto)
if apiProto != "" {
addMsg("%s API calls for %s are made over %s protocol",
c.GreenCheck(), instance, c.Bold(apiProto))
addMsg("%s REST API Endpoint: %s",
c.GreenCheck(), c.Bold(apiEndpoint))
addMsg("%s GraphQL Endpoint: %s",
c.GreenCheck(), c.Bold(graphQLEndpoint))
if token != "" {
tokenDisplay := "**************************"
if opts.ShowToken {
tokenDisplay = token
addMsg("%s Token: %s", c.GreenCheck(), tokenDisplay)
if !api.IsValidToken(token) {
addMsg("%s Invalid token provided", c.WarnIcon())
} else {
addMsg("%s No token provided", c.FailedIcon())
if opts.Hostname != "" && failedAuth {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %s not authenticated with glab. Run `%s %s` to authenticate", c.FailedIcon(), opts.Hostname, c.Bold("glab auth login --hostname"), c.Bold(opts.Hostname))
for _, instance := range instances {
lines, ok := statusInfo[instance]
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c.Bold(instance))
for _, line := range lines {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", line)
if failedAuth {
return fmt.Errorf("\n%s could not authenticate to one or more of the configured GitLab instances", c.FailedIcon())
} else {
return nil