package _for import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func NewCmdFor(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command { var mrForCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "for", Short: `Create new merge request for an issue`, Long: ``, Aliases: []string{"new-for", "create-for", "for-issue"}, Example: heredoc.Doc(` glab mr for 34 # Create mr for issue 34 glab mr for 34 --wip # Create mr and mark as work in progress glab mr new-for 34 glab mr create-for 34 `), Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { var err error apiClient, err := f.HttpClient() if err != nil { return err } repo, err := f.BaseRepo() if err != nil { return err } issueID := utils.StringToInt(args[0]) issue, err := api.GetIssue(apiClient, repo.FullName(), issueID) if err != nil { return err } remotes, err := f.Remotes() if err != nil { return err } repoRemote, err := remotes.FindByRepo(repo.RepoOwner(), repo.RepoName()) if err != nil { return err } var targetBranch string if t, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("target-branch"); t != "" { targetBranch = strings.TrimSpace(t) } else { targetBranch, _ = git.GetDefaultBranch(repoRemote.Name) } sourceBranch := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", issue.IID, utils.ReplaceNonAlphaNumericChars(strings.ToLower(issue.Title), "-")) lb := &gitlab.CreateBranchOptions{ Branch: gitlab.String(sourceBranch), Ref: gitlab.String(targetBranch), } _, err = api.CreateBranch(apiClient, repo.FullName(), lb) if err != nil { for branchErr, branchCount := err, 1; branchErr != nil; branchCount++ { numberedBranch := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s-%d", issue.IID, strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(issue.Title), " ", "-"), branchCount) lb = &gitlab.CreateBranchOptions{ Branch: gitlab.String(numberedBranch), Ref: gitlab.String(targetBranch), } sourceBranch = numberedBranch _, branchErr = api.CreateBranch(apiClient, repo.FullName(), lb) fmt.Println(branchErr) } } var mergeTitle string mergeTitle = fmt.Sprintf("Resolve \"%s\"", issue.Title) isDraft, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("draft") isWIP, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("wip") if isDraft || isWIP { if isWIP { mergeTitle = "WIP: " + mergeTitle } else { mergeTitle = "Draft: " + mergeTitle } } mergeLabel, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("label") l := &gitlab.CreateMergeRequestOptions{} l.Title = gitlab.String(mergeTitle) l.Description = gitlab.String(fmt.Sprintf("Closes #%d", issue.IID)) l.Labels = &gitlab.Labels{mergeLabel} l.SourceBranch = gitlab.String(sourceBranch) l.TargetBranch = gitlab.String(targetBranch) if milestone, _ := cmd.Flags().GetInt("milestone"); milestone != -1 { l.MilestoneID = gitlab.Int(milestone) } if allowCol, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("allow-collaboration"); allowCol { l.AllowCollaboration = gitlab.Bool(true) } if removeSource, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("remove-source-branch"); removeSource { l.RemoveSourceBranch = gitlab.Bool(true) } if withLables, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("with-labels"); withLables { l.Labels = &issue.Labels } if a, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("assignee"); a != "" { arrIds := strings.Split(strings.Trim(a, "[] "), ",") var t2 []int for _, i := range arrIds { j := utils.StringToInt(i) t2 = append(t2, j) } l.AssigneeIDs = &t2 } mr, err := api.CreateMR(apiClient, repo.FullName(), l) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, mrutils.DisplayMR(f.IO.Color(), mr, f.IO.IsaTTY)) return nil }, } mrForCmd.Flags().BoolP("draft", "", true, "Mark merge request as a draft. Default is true") mrForCmd.Flags().BoolP("wip", "", false, "Mark merge request as a work in progress. Overrides --draft") mrForCmd.Flags().StringP("label", "l", "", "Add label by name. Multiple labels should be comma separated") mrForCmd.Flags().StringP("assignee", "a", "", "Assign merge request to people by their IDs. Multiple values should be comma separated ") mrForCmd.Flags().BoolP("allow-collaboration", "", false, "Allow commits from other members") mrForCmd.Flags().BoolP("remove-source-branch", "", false, "Remove Source Branch on merge") mrForCmd.Flags().IntP("milestone", "m", -1, "add milestone by for merge request") mrForCmd.Flags().StringP("target-branch", "b", "", "The target or base branch into which you want your code merged") mrForCmd.Flags().BoolP("with-labels", "", false, "Copy labels from issue to the merge request") mrForCmd.Deprecated = "use `glab mr create --related-issue `" return mrForCmd }