package merge import ( "errors" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type MRMergeMethod int const ( MRMergeMethodMerge MRMergeMethod = iota MRMergeMethodSquash MRMergeMethodRebase ) type MergeOpts struct { MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds bool SquashBeforeMerge bool RebaseBeforeMerge bool RemoveSourceBranch bool SkipPrompts bool SquashMessage string MergeCommitMessage string SHA string MergeMethod MRMergeMethod } func NewCmdMerge(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command { opts := &MergeOpts{ MergeMethod: MRMergeMethodMerge, } mrMergeCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "merge { | }", Short: `Merge/Accept merge requests`, Long: ``, Aliases: []string{"accept"}, Example: heredoc.Doc(` glab mr merge 235 glab mr accept 235 glab mr merge # Finds open merge request from current branch `), Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { var err error c := f.IO.Color() if opts.SquashBeforeMerge && opts.RebaseBeforeMerge { return &cmdutils.FlagError{Err: errors.New("only one of --rebase, or --squash can be enabled")} } if !opts.SquashBeforeMerge && opts.SquashMessage != "" { return &cmdutils.FlagError{Err: errors.New("--squash-message can only be used with --squash")} } apiClient, err := f.HttpClient() if err != nil { return err } mr, repo, err := mrutils.MRFromArgs(f, args, "opened") if err != nil { return err } if err = mrutils.MRCheckErrors(mr, mrutils.MRCheckErrOptions{ WorkInProgress: true, Closed: true, Merged: true, Conflict: true, PipelineStatus: true, MergePrivilege: true, }); err != nil { return err } if !cmd.Flags().Changed("when-pipeline-succeeds") && f.IO.IsOutputTTY() && mr.Pipeline != nil && f.IO.PromptEnabled() && !opts.SkipPrompts { _ = prompt.Confirm(&opts.MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds, "Merge when pipeline succeeds?", true) } if f.IO.IsOutputTTY() && !opts.SkipPrompts { if !opts.SquashBeforeMerge && !opts.RebaseBeforeMerge && opts.MergeCommitMessage == "" { opts.MergeMethod, err = mergeMethodSurvey() if err != nil { return err } if opts.MergeMethod == MRMergeMethodSquash { opts.SquashBeforeMerge = true } else if opts.MergeMethod == MRMergeMethodRebase { opts.RebaseBeforeMerge = true } } if opts.MergeCommitMessage == "" && opts.SquashMessage == "" { action, err := confirmSurvey(opts.MergeMethod != MRMergeMethodRebase) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to prompt: %w", err) } if action == cmdutils.EditCommitMessageAction { var mergeMessage string editor, err := cmdutils.GetEditor(f.Config) if err != nil { return err } mergeMessage, err = surveyext.Edit(editor, "*.md", mr.Title, f.IO.In, f.IO.StdOut, f.IO.StdErr, nil) if err != nil { return err } if opts.SquashBeforeMerge { opts.SquashMessage = mergeMessage } else { opts.MergeCommitMessage = mergeMessage } action, err = confirmSurvey(false) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to confirm: %w", err) } } if action == cmdutils.CancelAction { fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdErr, "Cancelled.") return cmdutils.SilentError } } } mergeOpts := &gitlab.AcceptMergeRequestOptions{} if opts.MergeCommitMessage != "" { mergeOpts.MergeCommitMessage = gitlab.String(opts.MergeCommitMessage) } if opts.SquashMessage != "" { mergeOpts.SquashCommitMessage = gitlab.String(opts.SquashMessage) } if opts.SquashBeforeMerge { mergeOpts.Squash = gitlab.Bool(true) } if opts.RemoveSourceBranch { mergeOpts.ShouldRemoveSourceBranch = gitlab.Bool(true) } if opts.MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds && mr.Pipeline != nil { if mr.Pipeline.Status == "canceled" || mr.Pipeline.Status == "failed" { fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.FailedIcon(), "Pipeline Status:", mr.Pipeline.Status) fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.FailedIcon(), "Cannot perform merge action") return cmdutils.SilentError } mergeOpts.MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds = gitlab.Bool(true) } if opts.SHA != "" { mergeOpts.SHA = gitlab.String(opts.SHA) } if opts.RebaseBeforeMerge { err := mrutils.RebaseMR(f.IO, apiClient, repo, mr) if err != nil { return err } } f.IO.StartSpinner("Merging merge request !%d", mr.IID) // Store the IID of the merge request here before overriding the `mr` variable // inside the retry function, if the function fails at first the `mr` is replaced // with `nil` and will cause a crash on the second run mrIID := mr.IID err = retry.Do(func() error { var resp *gitlab.Response mr, resp, err = api.MergeMR(apiClient, repo.FullName(), mrIID, mergeOpts) if err != nil { // // `406` is the documented status code we will receive if the // branch cannot be merged, this will catch situations where // there are actually conflicts in the branch instead of just // the situation we want to workaround (GitLab thinking branch // is not mergeable right after a rebase), but we want to catch // situations where the user rebased via external sources like // the WebUI or running `glab rebase` before trying to merge if resp.StatusCode == 406 { return err } // Return an unrecoverable error if we are not rebasing OR if the // error isn't the one we are working around, this makes the retry // to quit instead of trying again return retry.Unrecoverable(err) } return err }, retry.Attempts(3), retry.Delay(time.Second*6)) if err != nil { return err } f.IO.StopSpinner("") isMerged := true if opts.MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds { if mr.Pipeline == nil { fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.WarnIcon(), "No pipeline running on", mr.SourceBranch) } else { switch mr.Pipeline.Status { case "success": fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.GreenCheck(), "Pipeline Succeeded") default: fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.WarnIcon(), "Pipeline Status:", mr.Pipeline.Status) if mr.State != "merged" { fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.GreenCheck(), "Will merge when pipeline succeeds") isMerged = false } } } } if isMerged { action := "Merged" switch opts.MergeMethod { case MRMergeMethodRebase: action = "Rebased and merged" case MRMergeMethodSquash: action = "Squashed and merged" } fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, c.GreenCheck(), action) } fmt.Fprintln(f.IO.StdOut, mrutils.DisplayMR(c, mr, f.IO.IsaTTY)) return nil }, } mrMergeCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.SHA, "sha", "", "", "Merge Commit sha") mrMergeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.RemoveSourceBranch, "remove-source-branch", "d", false, "Remove source branch on merge") mrMergeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds, "when-pipeline-succeeds", "", true, "Merge only when pipeline succeeds") mrMergeCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.MergeCommitMessage, "message", "m", "", "Custom merge commit message") mrMergeCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.SquashMessage, "squash-message", "", "", "Custom Squash commit message") mrMergeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.SquashBeforeMerge, "squash", "s", false, "Squash commits on merge") mrMergeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.RebaseBeforeMerge, "rebase", "r", false, "Rebase the commits onto the base branch") mrMergeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.SkipPrompts, "yes", "y", false, "Skip submission confirmation prompt") return mrMergeCmd } func mergeMethodSurvey() (MRMergeMethod, error) { type mergeOption struct { title string method MRMergeMethod } mergeOpts := []mergeOption{ {title: "Create a merge commit", method: MRMergeMethodMerge}, {title: "Rebase and merge", method: MRMergeMethodRebase}, {title: "Squash and merge", method: MRMergeMethodSquash}, } var surveyOpts []string for _, v := range mergeOpts { surveyOpts = append(surveyOpts, v.title) } mergeQuestion := &survey.Select{ Message: "What merge method would you like to use?", Options: surveyOpts, } var result int err := prompt.AskOne(mergeQuestion, &result) return mergeOpts[result].method, err } func confirmSurvey(allowEditMsg bool) (cmdutils.Action, error) { const ( submitLabel = "Submit" editCommitMsgLabel = "Edit commit message" cancelLabel = "Cancel" ) options := []string{submitLabel} if allowEditMsg { options = append(options, editCommitMsgLabel) } options = append(options, cancelLabel) var result string submit := &survey.Select{ Message: "What's next?", Options: options, } err := prompt.AskOne(submit, &result) if err != nil { return cmdutils.CancelAction, fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } switch result { case submitLabel: return cmdutils.SubmitAction, nil case editCommitMsgLabel: return cmdutils.EditCommitMessageAction, nil default: return cmdutils.CancelAction, nil } }