package login import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type LoginOptions struct { IO *iostreams.IOStreams Config func() (config.Config, error) Interactive bool Hostname string Token string } var opts *LoginOptions func NewCmdLogin(f *cmdutils.Factory) *cobra.Command { opts = &LoginOptions{ IO: f.IO, Config: f.Config, } var tokenStdin bool cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "login", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), Short: "Authenticate with a GitLab instance", Long: heredoc.Docf(` Authenticate with a GitLab instance. You can pass in a token on standard input by using %[1]s--stdin%[1]s. The minimum required scopes for the token are: %[1]sapi%[1]s, %[1]swrite_repository%[1]s. `, "`"), Example: heredoc.Docf(` # start interactive setup $ glab auth login # authenticate against %[1][1]s by reading the token from a file $ glab auth login --stdin < myaccesstoken.txt # authenticate with a self-hosted GitLab instance $ glab auth login --hostname `, "`"), RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if !opts.IO.PromptEnabled() && !tokenStdin && opts.Token == "" { return &cmdutils.FlagError{Err: errors.New("--stdin or --token required when not running interactively")} } if opts.Token != "" && tokenStdin { return &cmdutils.FlagError{Err: errors.New("specify one of --token or --stdin. You cannot use both flags at the same time")} } if tokenStdin { defer opts.IO.In.Close() token, err := ioutil.ReadAll(opts.IO.In) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read token from STDIN: %w", err) } opts.Token = strings.TrimSpace(string(token)) } if opts.IO.PromptEnabled() && opts.Token == "" && opts.IO.IsaTTY { opts.Interactive = true } if cmd.Flags().Changed("hostname") { if err := hostnameValidator(opts.Hostname); err != nil { return &cmdutils.FlagError{Err: fmt.Errorf("error parsing --hostname: %w", err)} } } if !opts.Interactive { if opts.Hostname == "" { opts.Hostname = glinstance.Default() } } return loginRun() }, } cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.Hostname, "hostname", "h", "", "The hostname of the GitLab instance to authenticate with") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.Token, "token", "t", "", "Your GitLab access token") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&tokenStdin, "stdin", false, "Read token from standard input") return cmd } func loginRun() error { c := opts.IO.Color() cfg, err := opts.Config() if err != nil { return err } if opts.Token != "" { if opts.Hostname == "" { return errors.New("empty hostname would leak oauth_token") } err := cfg.Set(opts.Hostname, "token", opts.Token) if err != nil { return err } return cfg.Write() } hostname := opts.Hostname apiHostname := opts.Hostname defaultHostname := glinstance.OverridableDefault() isSelfHosted := false if hostname == "" { var hostType int err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Select{ Message: "What GitLab instance do you want to log into?", Options: []string{ defaultHostname, "GitLab Self-hosted Instance", }, }, &hostType) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } isSelfHosted = hostType == 1 hostname = defaultHostname apiHostname = hostname if isSelfHosted { err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{ Message: "GitLab hostname:", }, &hostname, survey.WithValidator(hostnameValidator)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } err = survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{ Message: "API hostname:", Help: "For instances with different hostname for the API endpoint", Default: hostname, }, &apiHostname, survey.WithValidator(hostnameValidator)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } } } fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "- Logging into %s\n", hostname) if token := config.GetFromEnv("token"); token != "" { fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "%s you have GITLAB_TOKEN or OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable set. Unset if you don't want to use it for glab\n", c.Yellow("!WARNING:")) } existingToken, _, _ := cfg.GetWithSource(hostname, "token", false) if existingToken != "" && opts.Interactive { apiClient, err := cmdutils.LabClientFunc(hostname, cfg, false) if err != nil { return err } user, err := api.CurrentUser(apiClient) if err == nil { username := user.Username var keepGoing bool err = survey.AskOne(&survey.Confirm{ Message: fmt.Sprintf( "You're already logged into %s as %s. Do you want to re-authenticate?", hostname, username), Default: false, }, &keepGoing) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } if !keepGoing { return nil } } } fmt.Fprintln(opts.IO.StdErr) fmt.Fprintln(opts.IO.StdErr, heredoc.Doc(getAccessTokenTip(hostname))) var token string err = survey.AskOne(&survey.Password{ Message: "Paste your authentication token:", }, &token, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } if hostname == "" { return errors.New("empty hostname would leak token") } err = cfg.Set(hostname, "token", token) if err != nil { return err } err = cfg.Set(hostname, "api_host", apiHostname) if err != nil { return err } gitProtocol := "https" apiProtocol := "https" glabExecutable := "glab" if exe, err := os.Executable(); err == nil { glabExecutable = exe } credentialFlow := &authutils.GitCredentialFlow{Executable: glabExecutable} if opts.Interactive { err = survey.AskOne(&survey.Select{ Message: "Choose default git protocol", Options: []string{ "SSH", "HTTPS", "HTTP", }, Default: "HTTPS", }, &gitProtocol) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } gitProtocol = strings.ToLower(gitProtocol) if opts.Interactive && gitProtocol != "ssh" { if err := credentialFlow.Prompt(hostname, gitProtocol); err != nil { return err } } if isSelfHosted { err = survey.AskOne(&survey.Select{ Message: "Choose host API protocol", Options: []string{ "HTTPS", "HTTP", }, Default: "HTTPS", }, &apiProtocol) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not prompt: %w", err) } apiProtocol = strings.ToLower(apiProtocol) } fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "- glab config set -h %s git_protocol %s\n", hostname, gitProtocol) err = cfg.Set(hostname, "git_protocol", gitProtocol) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "%s Configured git protocol\n", c.GreenCheck()) fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "- glab config set -h %s api_protocol %s\n", hostname, apiProtocol) err = cfg.Set(hostname, "api_protocol", apiProtocol) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "%s Configured API protocol\n", c.GreenCheck()) } apiClient, err := cmdutils.LabClientFunc(hostname, cfg, false) if err != nil { return err } user, err := api.CurrentUser(apiClient) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error using api: %w", err) } username := user.Username err = cfg.Set(hostname, "user", username) if err != nil { return err } err = cfg.Write() if err != nil { return err } if credentialFlow.ShouldSetup() { err := credentialFlow.Setup(hostname, gitProtocol, username, token) if err != nil { return err } } fmt.Fprintf(opts.IO.StdErr, "%s Logged in as %s\n", c.GreenCheck(), c.Bold(username)) return nil } func hostnameValidator(v interface{}) error { val := fmt.Sprint(v) if len(strings.TrimSpace(val)) < 1 { return errors.New("a value is required") } re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])(:[0-9]+)?(/[a-z0-9]*)*$`) if !re.MatchString(val) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid hostname %q", val) } return nil } func getAccessTokenTip(hostname string) string { glHostname := hostname if glHostname == "" { glHostname = glinstance.OverridableDefault() } return fmt.Sprintf(` Tip: you can generate a Personal Access Token here https://%s/-/profile/personal_access_tokens The minimum required scopes are 'api' and 'write_repository'.`, glHostname) }