/bin .envrc # man pages /share/man/man1 # changelog file generated during release /CHANGELOG.md # GLab local config dir .glab-cli /test/testdata/.glab-cli # Test binary, built with `go test -c` *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out # IntelliJ .idea # vim *.sw* *.vim # test _test # VsCode .vscode/ .devcontainer # Dist binaries created at build with make rt /dist # The testdata-* copies created by the unit tests must be ignored or the tests # will encounter write errors as Git attempts to add the dirs to its index. test/testdata-* # macOS .DS_Store # vim *.swp coverage* vendor log.txt.glab-cli .git # projectionist.vim .projections.json # prevent .zip files from being accidentally added *.zip *.tar *.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 # gotestsum test log test-output.log # commitlint node_modules scripts/commit-lint/node_modules/