Merge branch 'otovar/add-cli-design-guidelines' into 'main'

docs: Add feature design guidelines

See merge request

Merged-by: Amy Qualls <>
Approved-by: Kai Armstrong <>
Approved-by: Amy Qualls <>
Reviewed-by: Jay McCure <>
Co-authored-by: Jay McCure <>
Co-authored-by: Oscar Tovar <>
This commit is contained in:
Amy Qualls 2023-09-15 20:07:35 +00:00
commit 7aee063751
1 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -67,6 +67,57 @@ Integration tests use the `_Integration` test suffix and use the `_integration_t
`GITLAB_TOKEN` must be a
[personal access token](
### Designing a new feature
[Design Command-Line Tools People Love presentation](
by Carolyn Van Slyck provides some great guidance on things to consider when implementing
a CLI tool. We recommend the entire presentation, but the following points are especially
important in the context of the GitLab CLI.
#### Grammar
GitLab CLI commands use a noun-first, verb-second grammatical structure, like
`glab ci list`. Also, these verbs are shared by various commands, and have
expected behavior as a result:
- `create` - Used when creating a singular object. For example, `glab mr create`
creates a new merge request.
- `list` - Used by commands that output more than one object at a time. For example,
`glab ci list` returns a list of all running pipelines.
- `get` - Used by commands that output a singular object at a time. For example,
`glab ci get --pipeline-id 1` returns the pipeline with the specified ID.
- `update` - Used by commands that update one object at a time. For example,
`glab mr update 1 --title "new title"` updates the title of the merge request with ID `1`.
- `delete` - Used when deleting one or more objects at time. For example, `glab ci delete 1,2,3`
deletes the pipelines with IDs `1`, `2`, and `3`.
Features generally have some or all of these commands. However, some features do not
map well to the listed commands. In situations like these, it's okay to create or
use separate verbs that make the most sense for the feature.
#### Precedent
When designing a feature, consider the existing ecosystem. It may be helpful to ask,
_"What's the most popular CLI tool in this domain?"_. The answer can help you decide
the terminology used, a preference for a flag instead of a positional argument, and
many more things. For example:
- When working on a Kubernetes-related feature, `kubectl` design patterns
might play a big role designing feature's command set.
- When working on GitLab-specific features, use the current documentation and
command list for design patterns.
Considering the context of use helps create a unifying experience that feels natural
to users who work with other tooling in the same domain space.
#### Human-readable output
Design with human readable output as the default. The
[`go-humanize`]( module helps transform
various types into a human-friendly version. See the module's documentation for
a complete listing of the transformations supported.
### Submitting a merge request
1. Create a new branch: `git checkout -b my-branch-name`