
65 lines
3.4 KiB

{{ define "activity_create_note" }}
{{ $actors := .actors }}
{{ $announcements := .announcements }}
{{ with $item := .item }}
{{ with $note := $item.create_note}}
<li class="media mb-3 border-top border-secondary pt-2">
<i class="fas fa-comment align-self-start fa-2x mr-3 text-secondary"></i>
<div class="media-body">
<img src="{{- $actors.Lookup "icon" $note.author -}}?size=14" alt="icon" />
{{ if $note.in_reply_to }}
<a href="{{ $note.author }}">
{{- $actors.Lookup "name" $note.author -}}
replied to
{{ if $note.in_reply_to_author }}
<a href="{{ $note.in_reply_to }}">
{{- $actors.Lookup "name" $note.in_reply_to_author -}}
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ $note.in_reply_to }}"><u>a note</u></a>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ $note.author }}">
{{- $actors.Lookup "name" $note.author -}}
</a> wrote
{{ end }}
on {{ datetime $note.published_at }}
{{- $note.content | toHTML -}}
<div class="card">
{{ if or $note.tags $note.mentions }}
<div class="card-body m-1 p-1">
{{ if $note.tags}}
{{ range $tag, $tagLink := $note.tags }}
<a href="{{ $tagLink }}">{{ $tag }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $note.mentions }}
{{ range $tag, $tagLink := $note.mentions }}
<a class="card-link" href="{{ $tagLink }}">{{ $tag }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="card-body m-1 p-1">
{{ if eq true (lookupBool $announcements $note.object_id false) }}
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm disabled"
data-object="{{ $note.object_id }}">Announced</a>
{{ else }}
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm announce"
data-object="{{ $note.object_id }}">Announce</a>
{{ end }}
{{- if $note.conversation -}}
<a href="{{ url "compose" }}?inReplyTo={{ urlEncode $note.object_id }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Reply</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}