
719 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"modals": {
"main": {
"addons": {
"added": "已添加",
"check_updates": "Check for updates",
"create": {
"create_type": "Create {type} Pack",
"descriptions": {
"photos": "Collection of photos relating to a topic.",
"quotes": "Collection of quotes relating to a topic.",
"settings": "Collection of settings to customise Mue."
"example": "Example",
"finish": {
"download": "下载插件",
"title": "完成"
"import_custom": "Import from custom settings.",
"information": "Information",
"information_subtitle": "For example: 1.2.3 (major update, minor update, patch update)",
"metadata": {
"description": "描述",
"example": "Download example",
"icon_url": "图标URL",
"name": "名称",
"screenshot_url": "示例图片URL"
"other_title": "创建插件",
"photos": {
"title": "添加照片"
"publishing": {
"button": "Learn more",
"subtitle": "Visit the Mue Knowledgebase on information on how to publish your newly created addon.",
"title": "Next step, Publishing..."
"quotes": {
"api": {
"author": "JSON 名言作者 (或留空)",
"name": "JSON 名言名称",
"title": "API",
"url": "名言 URL"
"local": {
"title": "本地"
"title": "添加名言"
"settings": {
"current": "导入当前设置",
"json": "上传 JSON文件"
"title": "创建",
"types": {
"photos": "Photo Pack",
"quotes": "Quotes Pack",
"settings": "Preset Settings Pack"
"empty": {
"description": "请访问插件市场来添加插件。",
"title": "这里空空如也"
"no_updates": "No updates available",
"sideload": {
"description": "Install a Mue addon not on the marketplace from your computer",
"errors": {
"invalid_photos": "Invalid photos object",
"invalid_quotes": "Invalid quotes object",
"no_author": "No author provided",
"no_name": "No name provided",
"no_type": "No type provided"
"failed": "Failed to sideload addon",
"title": "上传插件"
"sort": {
"a_z": "首字母 (A-Z)",
"newest": "安装过 (从新到旧)",
"oldest": "安装过 (从旧到新)",
"title": "排序",
"z_a": "首字母 (Z-A)"
"updates_available": "Updates available {amount}"
"error_boundary": {
"message": "无法载入该Mue组件",
"refresh": "刷新",
"report_error": "Send Error Report",
"sent": "Sent!",
"title": "错误"
"file_upload_error": "大小超过了 2MB",
"loading": "载入中...",
"marketplace": {
"add_all": "Add All To Mue",
"all": "All",
"by": "by {author}",
"cant_find": "Can't find what you're looking for?",
"collection": "Collection",
"collections": "Collections",
"explore_collection": "Explore Collection",
"knowledgebase_one": "Visit the",
"knowledgebase_three": "to create your own.",
"knowledgebase_two": "knowledgebase",
"learn_more": "Learn More",
"no_items": "本类别为空",
"offline": {
"description": "请连接到互联网。",
"title": "您目前似乎离线"
"photo_packs": "图片包",
"preset_settings": "预设设定",
"product": {
"author": "作者",
"buttons": {
"addtomue": "添加至 Mue",
"back": "Back",
"remove": "卸载",
"report": "Report",
"update_addon": "Update Add-on"
"description": "Description",
"explore": "Explore",
"information": "信息",
"last_updated": "更新日期",
"no_images": "No. Images",
"no_quotes": "No. Quotes",
"overview": "总览",
"part_of": "Part of",
"setting": "Setting",
"show_all": "Show All",
"show_less": "Show Less",
"show_more": "Show More",
"showing": "Showing",
"value": "Value",
"version": "版本"
"quote_packs": "名言包"
"navbar": {
"addons": "我的插件",
"marketplace": "插件市场",
"settings": "设置"
"settings": {
"additional_settings": "Additional Settings",
"buttons": {
"export": "导出",
"import": "导入",
"reset": "重置"
"enabled": "已启用",
"open_knowledgebase": "Open Knowledgebase",
"reminder": {
"message": "刷新页面后设置才会生效",
"title": "注意"
"sections": {
"about": {
"contact_us": "联系我们",
"contributors": "贡献者",
"copyright": "版权",
"form_button": "Form",
"no_supporters": "There are currently no Mue supporters",
"photographers": "背景摄影者",
"resources_used": {
"bg_images": "离线背景",
"title": "使用资源"
"support_donate": "Donate",
"support_mue": "支持 Mue",
"support_subtitle": "As Mue is entirely free, we rely on donations to cover the server bills and fund development",
"supporters": "支持者",
"title": "关于",
"version": {
"checking_update": "正在检查更新……",
"error": {
"description": "错误",
"title": "获取更新信息失败"
"no_update": "无可下载更新",
"offline_mode": "离线模式下不能检查更新",
"title": "版本",
"update_available": "可下载更新"
"advanced": {
"custom_css": "自定义 CSS",
"custom_css_subtitle": "Make Mue's styling customised to you with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).",
"custom_js": "自定义 JS",
"customisation": "自定义",
"data": "数据和设置",
"data_subtitle": "Choose whether to export your Mue settings to your computer, import an existing settings file, or reset your settings to their default values",
"experimental_warning": "请注意 Mue 团队无法提供实验性功能的支持。若您遇到问题,请先关闭实验性功能,再寻求帮助。",
"offline_mode": "启用离线模式",
"offline_subtitle": "When enabled, all requests to online services will be disabled.",
"reset_modal": {
"cancel": "取消",
"information": "本操作将删除所有数据。若您想保留数据及设置,请先将其导出。",
"question": "您想要重置 Mue 的所有设置吗?",
"title": "警告"
"tab_name": "新标签页名称",
"tab_name_subtitle": "Change the name of the tab that appears in your browser",
"timezone": {
"automatic": "自动",
"subtitle": "Choose a timezone from the list instead of the automatic default from your computer",
"title": "时区"
"title": "高级"
"appearance": {
"accessibility": {
"animations": "动画效果",
"description": "Accessibility settings for Mue",
"milliseconds": "毫秒",
"text_shadow": {
"new": "New",
"none": "None",
"old": "Old",
"title": "Widget text shadow"
"title": "无障碍设定",
"toast_duration": "窗口弹出时间长度",
"widget_zoom": "小部件缩放"
"font": {
"custom": "自定义字体",
"description": "Change the font used in Mue",
"google": "从 Google Fonts 导入",
"style": {
"italic": "意大利斜体",
"normal": "常规",
"oblique": "伪斜体",
"title": "字体样式"
"title": "字体",
"weight": {
"bold": "粗体",
"extra_bold": "加粗",
"extra_light": "细字",
"light": "较细",
"medium": "中等",
"normal": "一般",
"semi_bold": "较粗",
"thin": "极细",
"title": "字体粗细"
"navbar": {
"additional": "Modify navbar style and which buttons you want to display",
"hover": "Only display on hover",
"notes": "便签",
"refresh": "刷新键",
"refresh_options": {
"none": "不显示",
"page": "页面"
"refresh_subtitle": "Choose what is refreshed when you click the refresh button",
"title": "右上方功能键"
"style": {
"description": "Choose between the two styles, legacy (enabled for pre 7.0 users) and our slick modern styling.",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"new": "New",
"title": "Widget Style"
"theme": {
"auto": "自动选择",
"dark": "夜间主题",
"description": "Change the theme of the Mue widgets and modals",
"light": "日间主题",
"title": "主题"
"title": "外观"
"background": {
"api": "API Settings",
"api_subtitle": "Options for getting an image from an external service (API)",
"buttons": {
"download": "下载",
"favourite": "收藏",
"title": "显示顶部按钮",
"view": "仅显示背景"
"categories": "Categories",
"ddg_image_proxy": "使用 DuckDuckGo 图像代理",
"display": "Display",
"display_subtitle": "Change how background and photo information are loaded",
"effects": {
"blur": "模糊程度",
"brightness": "更改亮度",
"filters": {
"amount": "数值",
"contrast": "对比度",
"grayscale": "灰度",
"invert": "反色",
"saturate": "饱和度",
"sepia": "相片",
"title": "背景滤镜"
"subtitle": "Add effects to the background images",
"title": "背景特效"
"interval": {
"day": "每天",
"half_hour": "每半小时",
"hour": "每小时",
"minute": "每分钟",
"month": "每月",
"subtitle": "Change how often the background is updated",
"title": "更改频率"
"photo_information": "显示图片信息",
"show_map": "在图片信息内显示位置信息 (如果可用)",
"source": {
"add_background": "继续添加背景",
"add_colour": "添加颜色",
"add_url": "Add URL",
"api": "背景来源",
"custom_background": "自定义背景 (支持图片/视频)",
"custom_colour": "自定义背景颜色",
"custom_description": "Select images from your local computer",
"custom_title": "Custom Images",
"disabled": "已禁用",
"drop_to_upload": "Drop to upload",
"formats": "Available formats: {list}",
"loop_video": "循环播放",
"mute_video": "静音",
"quality": {
"datasaver": "省流模式",
"high": "高画质",
"normal": "普通画质",
"original": "原画",
"title": "画质"
"remove": "Remove Image",
"select": "Or Select",
"subtitle": "Select where to get background images from",
"title": "来源",
"upload": "选择"
"title": "背景",
"transition": "过渡动画",
"type": {
"api": "网络图像库API",
"custom_colour": "自定义纯色背景",
"custom_image": "自定义图像/视频",
"random_colour": "随机纯色背景",
"random_gradient": "随机渐变色背景",
"title": "来源"
"changelog": {
"by": "By {author}",
"title": "更新日志"
"date": {
"datenth": "添加th后缀",
"day_of_week": "星期n",
"long_format": "Long format",
"short_date": "简写日期",
"short_format": "简写格式",
"short_separator": {
"dash": "横杠",
"dots": "点",
"gaps": "空格",
"slashes": "斜杠",
"title": "简写分隔"
"title": "显示日期",
"type": {
"long": "显示全部",
"short": "显示简写",
"subtitle": "Whether to display the date in long form or short form"
"type_settings": "Display settings and format for the selected date type",
"week_number": "第n周"
"experimental": {
"developer": "开发者",
"title": "实验性功能",
"warning": "以下设置仍未完成编写或测试,可能无法正常运作!"
"greeting": {
"additional": "Settings for the greeting display",
"birthday": "生日",
"birthday_age": "显示年龄",
"birthday_date": "生日日期",
"birthday_subtitle": "Show a Happy Birthday message when it is your birthday",
"default": "常规问候",
"events": "节日问候",
"name": "您在问候中的名字",
"title": "问候"
"header": {
"enabled": "Choose whether or not to show this widget",
"more_info": "More info",
"report_issue": "Report Issue",
"size": "Slider to control how large the widget is"
"language": {
"quote": "名言语言",
"title": "语言"
"message": {
"add": "继续添加消息",
"add_some": "Go ahead and add some.",
"content": "Message Content",
"messages": "Messages",
"no_messages": "No messages",
"text": "文本",
"title": "消息"
"order": {
"title": "小部件顺序"
"quicklinks": {
"add_link": "Add Link",
"additional": "Additional settings for quick links display and functions",
"edit": "Edit",
"no_quicklinks": "No quicklinks",
"open_new": "在新标签页打开",
"options": {
"icon": "Icon",
"metro": "Metro",
"text_only": "Text Only"
"style": "Style",
"styling": "Quick Links Styling",
"styling_description": "Customise Quick Links appearance",
"text_only": "仅显示标题",
"title": "快捷方式",
"tooltip": "光标停留时下方显示标题"
"quote": {
"add": "继续添加名言",
"additional": "Other settings to customise the style of the quote widget",
"author": "Author",
"author_img": "Show author image",
"author_link": "出处链接",
"buttons": {
"copy": "显示复制按钮",
"favourite": "显示收藏按钮",
"subtitle": "Choose which buttons to show on the quote",
"title": "下方按钮",
"tweet": "显示发推按钮"
"custom": "自定义名言",
"custom_author": "自定义出处",
"custom_buttons": "Buttons",
"custom_subtitle": "Set your own custom quotes",
"no_quotes": "No quotes",
"source_subtitle": "Choose where to get quotes from",
"title": "名言警句"
"search": {
"additional": "Additional options for search widget display and functionality",
"autocomplete": "搜索联想",
"autocomplete_provider": "联想功能提供引擎",
"autocomplete_provider_subtitle": "Search engine to use for autocomplete dropdown results",
"custom": "自定义搜索链接",
"dropdown": "搜索框左侧显示搜索引擎选择框",
"focus": "Focus on tab open",
"search_engine": "搜索引擎",
"search_engine_subtitle": "Choose search engine to use in the search bar",
"title": "搜索栏",
"voice_search": "语音搜索"
"stats": {
"achievements": "Achievements",
"sections": {
"addons_installed": "添加的插件",
"backgrounds_downloaded": "下载过背景",
"backgrounds_favourited": "收藏的背景",
"quicklinks_added": "添加的快捷方式",
"quotes_favourited": "收藏的名言警句",
"settings_changed": "更改的设置",
"tabs_opened": "页面打开次数"
"title": "统计",
"unlocked": "{count} Unlocked",
"usage": "启用统计"
"time": {
"analogue": {
"hour_hand": "时针",
"hour_marks": "时钟刻度",
"minute_hand": "分针",
"minute_marks": "分钟刻度",
"round_clock": "Rounded background",
"second_hand": "秒针",
"subtitle": "Change how the analogue clock looks",
"title": "模拟时钟"
"digital": {
"seconds": "显示秒",
"subtitle": "Change how the digital clock looks",
"title": "数字时钟",
"twelvehour": "使用 12 小时制",
"twentyfourhour": "使用 24 小时制",
"zero": "加零补足两位数字"
"format": "格式",
"percentage_complete": "今天过去了%几",
"title": "时间",
"type": "类型",
"type_subtitle": "Choose whether to display the time in digital format, analogue format, or a percentage completion of the day",
"vertical_clock": {
"change_hour_colour": "Change hour text colour",
"change_minute_colour": "Change minute text colour",
"title": "Vertical Clock"
"weather": {
"auto": "自动定位",
"custom_settings": "Custom Settings",
"extra_info": {
"atmospheric_pressure": "大气压",
"cloudiness": "云量",
"humidity": "湿度",
"max_temp": "最高温度",
"min_temp": "最低温度",
"show_description": "显示描述",
"show_location": "显示位置",
"title": "更多信息",
"visibility": "能见度",
"weather_description": "Weather description",
"wind_direction": "风向",
"wind_speed": "风速"
"location": "位置",
"options": {
"basic": "Basic",
"custom": "Custom",
"expanded": "Expanded",
"standard": "Standard"
"temp_format": {
"celsius": "摄氏度",
"fahrenheit": "华氏度",
"kelvin": "开尔文",
"title": "温度单位"
"title": "天气",
"widget_type": "Widget Type"
"title": "选项"
"share": {
"copy_link": "Copy link",
"email": "Email"
"update": {
"error": {
"description": "无法连接到服务器",
"title": "错误"
"offline": {
"description": "不能从官网获取更新日志",
"title": "离线模式已启用"
"title": "更新日志"
"welcome": {
"buttons": {
"close": "关闭",
"next": "下一步",
"preview": "Preview",
"previous": "上一步"
"preview": {
"continue": "Continue setup",
"description": "You are currently in preview mode. Settings will be reset on closing this tab."
"sections": {
"final": {
"changes": "更改的设置",
"changes_description": "如果需要进一步设置,点击右上角的设置图标即可弹出完整设置对话框。如果显示不正常,刷新即可。",
"description": "马上即可开始使用 Mue",
"imported": "导入{amount}设置",
"title": "最后一步"
"intro": {
"description": "感谢您的安装。祝您使用愉快。",
"notices": {
"discord_description": "Talk with the Mue community and developers",
"discord_join": "Join",
"discord_title": "Join our Discord",
"github_description": "Report bugs, add features or donate",
"github_open": "Open",
"github_title": "Contribute on GitHub"
"title": "欢迎使用 Mue 新标签插件"
"language": {
"description": "Mue 支持以下语言。你也可以在这里添加新的翻译",
"title": "更改语言"
"privacy": {
"ddg_proxy_description": "你可以选择通过 DuckDuckGo 代理获取图像来保护您的信息。默认情况下Mue的服务API会请求我们的开源服务器图像请求会使用源服务器。关闭快捷方式图标代理将会访问Google而非DuckDuckGo来获取快捷方式的图标。插件商店默认始终使用 DuckDuckGo 的代理",
"description": "进行一些设置来和 Mue 更好的保护您的隐私",
"links": {
"privacy_policy": "隐私政策",
"source_code": "源代码",
"title": "链接"
"offline_mode_description": "启用离线模式将会关闭所有服务的网络访问。该选项会关闭所有在线背景图片、在线名言警句、插件市场、天气、快捷方式、更新历史和一些关于信息的网络访问。",
"title": "隐私设置"
"settings": {
"description": "在新设备上安装 Mue? 可以直接导入之前的设置!",
"tip": "您可以通过在之前设备上点击右上角的设置,打开高级选项卡,然后点击导出按钮,浏览器将自动下载一个 json 文件。你可以在上面点击导入按钮导入该 json 文件来导入你之前的设置和偏好。",
"title": "导入设置"
"style": {
"description": "Mue currently offers the choice between the legacy styling and the newly released modern styling.",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"modern": "Modern",
"title": "Choose a style"
"theme": {
"description": "Mue 支持日间和夜间主题,或者设置为自动选择,主题将跟随系统主题自动切换",
"tip": "使用自动选择将使用您的电脑的主题。这个设置也会影响设置界面和一些小组件的主题,比如天气和便签。",
"title": "选择一个主题"
"tip": "快速提示"
"tabname": "新标签页",
"toasts": {
"error": "发生错误",
"imported": "导入成功",
"installed": "安装成功",
"link_copied": "Link copied",
"no_storage": "Not enough storage",
"notes": "便签已复制",
"quote": "名言已复制",
"reset": "重置成功",
"uninstalled": "卸载成功",
"updated": "Successfully updated"
"widgets": {
"background": {
"camera": "Camera",
"category": "Category",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"credit": "图像作者:",
"download": "下载",
"downloads": "下载",
"exclude": "Don't show again",
"exclude_confirm": "Are you sure you don't want to see this image again?\nNote: if you don't like \"{category}\" images, you can deselect the category in the background source settings.",
"information": "信息",
"likes": "Likes",
"location": "Location",
"pexels": "@ Pexels",
"resolution": "Resolution",
"source": "Source",
"unsplash": "@ Unsplash",
"views": "Views"
"date": {
"week": "周"
"greeting": {
"afternoon": "下午好",
"birthday": "生日快乐",
"christmas": "圣诞节快乐",
"evening": "晚上好",
"halloween": "万圣节快乐",
"morning": "早上好",
"newyear": "新年快乐"
"navbar": {
"notes": {
"placeholder": "请键入内容",
"title": "便签"
"todo": {
"add": "Add",
"no_todos": "No Todos",
"pin": "Pin",
"title": "Todo"
"tooltips": {
"refresh": "刷新"
"quicklinks": {
"add": "添加",
"icon": "图标 (可选)",
"name": "名称",
"name_error": "请输入名称",
"new": "新快捷方式",
"url": "链接",
"url_error": "请输入链接"
"quote": {
"copy": "Copy",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"link_tooltip": "Open on Wikipedia",
"share": "Share",
"unfavourite": "Unfavourite"
"search": "搜索",
"weather": {
"extra_information": "Extra Information",
"feels_like": "Feels like {amount}",
"meters": "{amount}米",
"not_found": "未找到"