import variables from 'modules/variables'; import { PureComponent, createRef } from 'react'; import { MdContentCopy, MdStarBorder, MdStar, MdPerson, MdOpenInNew, MdIosShare, } from 'react-icons/md'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; //import Hotkeys from 'react-hot-keys'; import Tooltip from '../../helpers/tooltip/Tooltip'; import Modal from 'react-modal'; import ShareModal from '../../helpers/sharemodal/ShareModal'; import offline_quotes from './offline_quotes.json'; import Interval from 'modules/helpers/interval'; import EventBus from 'modules/helpers/eventbus'; import './quote.scss'; const getMessage = (text) => variables.language.getMessage(variables.languagecode, text); export default class Quote extends PureComponent { buttons = { share: ( ), copy: ( ), unfavourited: ( ), favourited: ( ), }; constructor() { super(); this.state = { quote: '', author: '', authorOccupation: '', favourited: this.useFavourite(), share: localStorage.getItem('quoteShareButton') === 'false' ? null : this.buttons.share, copy: localStorage.getItem('copyButton') === 'false' ? null : this.buttons.copy, quoteLanguage: '', type: localStorage.getItem('quoteType') || 'api', shareModal: false, }; this.quote = createRef(); this.quotediv = createRef(); this.quoteauthor = createRef(); } useFavourite() { if (localStorage.getItem('favouriteQuoteEnabled') === 'true') { return localStorage.getItem('favouriteQuote') ? this.buttons.favourited : this.buttons.unfavourited; } else { return null; } } doOffline() { // Get a random quote from our local JSON const quote = offline_quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * offline_quotes.length)]; this.setState({ quote: '"' + quote.quote + '"', author:, authorlink: this.getAuthorLink(, authorimg: '', }); } getAuthorLink(author) { return localStorage.getItem('authorLink') === 'false' || author === 'Unknown' ? null : `https://${variables.languagecode.split('_')[0]}${author .split(' ') .join('_')}`; } async getAuthorImg(author) { if (localStorage.getItem('authorImg') === 'false') { return { authorimg: null, authorimglicense: null, }; } const authorimgdata = await ( await fetch( `${author}&origin=*&prop=pageimages&format=json&pithumbsize=100`, ) ).json(); let authorimg, authorimglicense; try { authorimg = authorimgdata.query.pages[Object.keys(authorimgdata.query.pages)[0]].thumbnail.source; const authorimglicensedata = await ( await fetch( `${ authorimgdata.query.pages[Object.keys(authorimgdata.query.pages)[0]].pageimage }&origin=*&format=json`, ) ).json(); const license = authorimglicensedata.query.pages[Object.keys(authorimglicensedata.query.pages)[0]] .imageinfo[0].extmetadata.LicenseShortName; const photographer = authorimglicensedata.query.pages[Object.keys(authorimglicensedata.query.pages)[0]] .imageinfo[0].extmetadata.Attribution || 'Unknown'; authorimglicense = `© ${photographer.value}. ${license.value}`; if (license.value === 'Public domain') { authorimglicense = null; } else if (photographer.value === 'Unknown' || !photographer) { authorimglicense = null; authorimg = null; } } catch (e) { authorimg = null; authorimglicense = null; } if (author === 'Unknown') { authorimg = null; authorimglicense = null; } return { authorimg, authorimglicense, }; } async getQuote() { const offline = localStorage.getItem('offlineMode') === 'true'; const favouriteQuote = localStorage.getItem('favouriteQuote'); if (favouriteQuote) { let author = favouriteQuote.split(' - ')[1]; const authorimgdata = await this.getAuthorImg(author); return this.setState({ quote: favouriteQuote.split(' - ')[0], author, authorlink: this.getAuthorLink(author), authorimg: authorimgdata.authorimg, authorimglicense: authorimgdata.authorimglicense, }); } switch (this.state.type) { case 'custom': let customQuote; try { customQuote = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('customQuote')); } catch (e) { // move to new format customQuote = [ { quote: localStorage.getItem('customQuote'), author: localStorage.getItem('customQuoteAuthor'), }, ]; localStorage.setItem('customQuote', JSON.stringify(customQuote)); } // pick random customQuote = customQuote ? customQuote[Math.floor(Math.random() * customQuote.length)] : null; if ( customQuote && customQuote !== '' && customQuote !== 'undefined' && customQuote !== [''] ) { return this.setState({ quote: '"' + customQuote.quote + '"', author:, authorlink: this.getAuthorLink(, authorimg: await this.getAuthorImg(, }); } break; case 'quote_pack': if (offline) { return this.doOffline(); } const quotePackAPI = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('quoteAPI')); if (quotePackAPI) { try { const data = await (await fetch(quotePackAPI.url)).json(); const author = data[] ||; const installed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('installed')); // todo: make this actually get the correct quote pack, instead of the first available const info = installed.find((i) => i.type === 'quotes'); return this.setState({ quote: '"' + data[quotePackAPI.quote] + '"', author, authorimg: info.icon_url, }); } catch (e) { return this.doOffline(); } } let quotePack = localStorage.getItem('quote_packs'); if (quotePack !== null) { quotePack = JSON.parse(quotePack); if (quotePack) { const data = quotePack[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotePack.length)]; const installed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('installed')); // todo: make this actually get the correct quote pack, instead of the first available const info = installed.find((i) => i.type === 'quotes'); return this.setState({ quote: '"' + data.quote + '"', author:, authorlink: this.getAuthorLink(, authorimg: info.icon_url, }); } else { return this.doOffline(); } } break; case 'api': if (offline) { return this.doOffline(); } // First we try and get a quote from the API... try { const quotelanguage = localStorage.getItem('quotelanguage'); const data = await ( await fetch(variables.constants.API_URL + '/quotes/random?language=' + quotelanguage) ).json(); // If we hit the ratelimit, we fall back to local quotes if (data.statusCode === 429) { return this.doOffline(); } const authorimgdata = await this.getAuthorImg(; const object = { quote: '"' + data.quote + '"', author:, authorlink: this.getAuthorLink(, authorimg: authorimgdata.authorimg, authorimglicense: authorimgdata.authorimglicense, quoteLanguage: quotelanguage, authorOccupation: data.author_occupation, }; this.setState(object); localStorage.setItem('currentQuote', JSON.stringify(object)); } catch (e) { // ...and if that fails we load one locally this.doOffline(); } break; default: break; } } copyQuote() { variables.stats.postEvent('feature', 'Quote copied'); navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${this.state.quote} - ${}`); toast(getMessage('toasts.quote')); } tweetQuote() { variables.stats.postEvent('feature', 'Quote tweet'); window .open( `${this.state.quote} - ${} on @getmue`, '_blank', ) .focus(); } favourite() { if (localStorage.getItem('favouriteQuote')) { localStorage.removeItem('favouriteQuote'); this.setState({ favourited: this.buttons.unfavourited, }); } else { localStorage.setItem('favouriteQuote', this.state.quote + ' - ' +; this.setState({ favourited: this.buttons.favourited, }); } variables.stats.postEvent('feature', 'Quote favourite'); } init() { this.setZoom(); const quoteType = localStorage.getItem('quoteType'); if ( this.state.type !== quoteType || localStorage.getItem('quotelanguage') !== this.state.quoteLanguage || (quoteType === 'custom' && this.state.quote !== localStorage.getItem('customQuote')) || (quoteType === 'custom' && !== localStorage.getItem('customQuoteAuthor')) ) { this.getQuote(); } } setZoom() { const zoomQuote = Number((localStorage.getItem('zoomQuote') || 100) / 100); = `${0.8 * zoomQuote}em`; = `${0.9 * zoomQuote}em`; } componentDidMount() { EventBus.on('refresh', (data) => { if (data === 'quote') { if (localStorage.getItem('quote') === 'false') { return ( = 'none'); } = 'block'; this.init(); // buttons hot reload this.setState({ favourited: this.useFavourite(), share: localStorage.getItem('quoteShareButton') === 'false' ? null : this.buttons.share, copy: localStorage.getItem('copyButton') === 'false' ? null : this.buttons.copy, }); } // uninstall quote pack reverts the quote to what you had previously if (data === 'marketplacequoteuninstall') { this.init(); } if (data === 'quoterefresh') { this.getQuote(); } }); const interval = localStorage.getItem('quotechange'); if (interval && interval !== 'refresh' && localStorage.getItem('quoteType') === 'api') { Interval( () => { this.setZoom(); this.getQuote(); }, Number(interval), 'quote', ); try { this.setState(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentQuote'))); } catch (e) { this.setZoom(); this.getQuote(); } } else { // don't bother with the checks if we're loading for the first time this.setZoom(); this.getQuote(); } } componentWillUnmount() {'refresh'); } render() { return (
this.setState({ shareModal: false })} > this.setState({ shareModal: false })} /> {this.state.quote} {localStorage.getItem('widgetStyle') === 'legacy' ? ( <>


{this.state.copy} {this.state.share} {this.state.favourited}
) : ( <>
{this.state.authorimg === undefined || this.state.authorimg ? '' : }
{ !== '' ? (
{} {this.state.authorOccupation !== 'Unknown' ? ( {this.state.authorOccupation} ) : null} {this.state.authorimglicense ? this.state.authorimglicense.replace(' undefined. ', ' ') : null}
) : (
{/* these are placeholders for skeleton and as such don't need translating */} loading loading
{this.state.authorOccupation !== 'Unknown' && this.state.authorlink !== '' ? ( {' '} ) : null} {this.state.copy} {this.state.share} {this.state.favourited}
)} {/*variables.keybinds.favouriteQuote && variables.keybinds.favouriteQuote !== '' ? this.favourite()} /> : null*/} {/*variables.keybinds.tweetQuote && variables.keybinds.tweetQuote !== '' ? this.tweetQuote()} /> : null*/} {/*variables.keybinds.copyQuote && variables.keybinds.copyQuote !== '' ? this.copyQuote()} /> : null*/}
); } }