import variables from 'config/variables'; import { PureComponent, createRef } from 'react'; import { MdSearch, MdMic, MdScreenSearchDesktop } from 'react-icons/md'; import { BsGoogle } from 'react-icons/bs'; import { SiDuckduckgo, SiMicrosoftbing, SiYahoo, SiBaidu } from 'react-icons/si'; import { FaYandex } from 'react-icons/fa'; import { Tooltip } from 'components/Elements'; import { Autocomplete as AutocompleteInput } from './components/autocomplete'; import EventBus from 'utils/eventbus'; import './search.scss'; import searchEngines from './search_engines.json'; export default class Search extends PureComponent { constructor() { super(); this.state = { url: '', query: '', microphone: null, suggestions: [], searchDropdown: false, classList: localStorage.getItem('widgetStyle') === 'legacy' ? 'searchIcons old' : 'searchIcons', }; this.micIcon = createRef(); } startSpeechRecognition = () => { const voiceSearch = new window.webkitSpeechRecognition(); voiceSearch.start(); this.micIcon.current.classList.add('micActive'); const searchText = document.getElementById('searchtext'); voiceSearch.onresult = (event) => { searchText.value = event.results[0][0].transcript; }; voiceSearch.onend = () => { this.micIcon.current.classList.remove('micActive'); if (searchText.value === '') { return; } setTimeout(() => { variables.stats.postEvent('feature', 'Voice search'); window.location.href = this.state.url + `?${this.state.query}=` + searchText.value; }, 1000); }; }; searchButton = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const value = || document.getElementById('searchtext').value || 'mue fast'; variables.stats.postEvent('feature', 'Search'); window.location.href = this.state.url + `?${this.state.query}=` + value; }; async getSuggestions(input) { window.setResults = (results) => { window.searchResults = results; }; const results = await (await fetch(`${input}`)).json(); try { this.setState({ suggestions: results.suggestions.splice(0, 3), }); } catch (e) { // ignore error if empty } } init() { let url, microphone; let query = 'q'; const setting = localStorage.getItem('searchEngine'); const info = searchEngines.find((i) => i.settingsName === setting); if (info !== undefined) { url = info.url; if (info.query) { query = info.query; } } if (setting === 'custom') { const custom = localStorage.getItem('customSearchEngine'); if (custom !== null) { url = custom; } } if (localStorage.getItem('voiceSearch') === 'true') { microphone = ( ); } this.setState({ url, query, microphone, currentSearch: info ? : 'Custom', }); } /** * If the user selects a search engine from the dropdown menu, the function will set the state of the * search engine to the selected search engine. * @param {string} name - The name of the search engine * @param {boolean} custom - If the search engine is custom */ setSearch(name, custom) { let url; let query = 'q'; const info = searchEngines.find((i) => === name); if (info !== undefined) { url = info.url; if (info.query) { query = info.query; } } if (custom) { const customSetting = localStorage.getItem('customSearchEngine'); if (customSetting !== null) { url = customSetting; } else { url = this.state.url; } } else { localStorage.setItem('searchEngine', info.settingsName); } this.setState({ url, query, currentSearch: name, searchDropdown: false, }); } componentDidMount() { EventBus.on('refresh', (data) => { if (data === 'search') { this.init(); } }); this.init(); if (localStorage.getItem('searchFocus') === 'true') { const element = document.getElementById('searchtext'); if (element) { element.focus(); } } } componentWillUnmount() {'refresh'); } /** * Gets the icon for the search engine dropdown. * @param {string} name - The name of the search engine. * @returns A React component. */ getSearchDropdownicon(name) { switch (name) { case 'Google': return ; case 'DuckDuckGo': return ; case 'Bing': return ; case 'Yahoo': case 'Yahoo! JAPAN': return ; case 'Яндекс': return ; case '百度': return ; default: return ; } } render() { const customText = variables .getMessage('') .split(' ')[0]; return (
{localStorage.getItem('searchDropdown') === 'true' ? ( ) : ( '' )} {this.state.microphone}
this.getSuggestions(e)} onClick={this.searchButton} />
{localStorage.getItem('searchDropdown') === 'true' && this.state.searchDropdown === true && (
{{ name }, key) => { return ( this.setSearch(name)} key={key} > {name} ); })} this.setSearch(customText, 'custom')} > {customText}
); } }