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This setting will impact the modals and some of the widgets displayed on the screen, such as weather and notes." }, "settings": { "title": "Import Settings", "description": "Installing Mue on a new device? Feel free to import your old settings!", "tip": "You can export your old settings by navigating to the Advanced tab in your old Mue setup. Then you need to click the export button which will download the JSON file. You can upload this file here to carry across your settings and preferences from your previous Mue installation." }, "privacy": { "title": "Privacy Options", "description": "Enable settings to further protect your privacy with Mue.", "offline_mode_description": "Enabling offline mode will disable all requests to any service. This will result in online backgrounds, online quotes, marketplace, weather, quick links, change log and some about tab information to be disabled.", "links": { "title": "Links", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy" } }, "final": { "title": "Final step", "description": "Your Mue Tab experience is about to begin.", "changes": "Changes", "changes_description": "To change settings later click on the settings icon in the top right corner of your tab." } }, "buttons": { "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous", "close": "关闭" } }, "feedback": { "title": "给我们反馈", "question_one": "您使用本 Mue 版本感受如何?", "question_two": "您首次使用 Mue 时遇到过问题吗?", "question_three": "您会向朋友和同事推荐 Mue 吗?", "question_four": "您觉得下一个 Mue 版本需要什么改进?", "not_filled": "必须回答本问题", "success": "提交成功!", "submit": "提交" } }, "toasts": { "quote": "名言已复制", "notes": "Notes copied", "reset": "重置成功", "installed": "安装成功", "uninstalled": "卸载成功", "error": "发生了错误", "imported": "导入成功" } }