import variables from 'modules/variables'; import { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { MdCloudUpload, MdAutoAwesome, MdLightMode, MdDarkMode } from 'react-icons/md'; import Radio from '../main/settings/Radio'; import Checkbox from '../main/settings/Checkbox'; import FileUpload from '../main/settings/FileUpload'; import { loadSettings } from 'modules/helpers/settings'; import { importSettings } from 'modules/helpers/settings/modals'; const languages = require('modules/languages.json'); const default_settings = require('modules/default_settings.json'); export default class WelcomeSections extends PureComponent { getMessage = (text) => variables.language.getMessage(variables.languagecode, text); constructor() { super(); this.state = { // themes autoClass: 'toggle auto active', lightClass: 'toggle lightTheme', darkClass: 'toggle darkTheme', // welcome welcomeImage: 0, // final importedSettings: [], }; this.changeWelcomeImg = this.changeWelcomeImg.bind(this); this.welcomeImages = 4; } changeTheme(type) { this.setState({ autoClass: type === 'auto' ? 'toggle auto active' : 'toggle auto', lightClass: type === 'light' ? 'toggle lightTheme active' : 'toggle lightTheme', darkClass: type === 'dark' ? 'toggle darkTheme active' : 'toggle darkTheme', }); localStorage.setItem('theme', type); loadSettings(true); } getSetting(name) { const value = localStorage.getItem(name).replace('false', 'Off').replace('true', 'On'); return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1); } importSettings(e) { importSettings(e); const settings = []; const data = JSON.parse(; Object.keys(data).forEach((setting) => { // language and theme already shown, the others are only used internally if ( setting === 'language' || setting === 'theme' || setting === 'firstRun' || setting === 'showWelcome' || setting === 'showReminder' ) { return; } const defaultSetting = default_settings.find((i) => === setting); if (defaultSetting !== undefined) { if (data[setting] === String(defaultSetting.value)) { return; } } settings.push({ name: setting, value: data[setting], }); }); this.setState({ importedSettings: settings, }); this.props.switchTab(5); } changeWelcomeImg() { let welcomeImage = this.state.welcomeImage; this.setState({ welcomeImage: ++welcomeImage % this.welcomeImages.length, }); this.timeout = setTimeout(this.changeWelcomeImg, 3000); } componentDidMount() { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.changeWelcomeImg, 3000); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } } // cancel welcome image timer if not on welcome tab componentDidUpdate() { if (this.props.currentTab !== 0) { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } } else if (!this.timeout) { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.changeWelcomeImg, 3000); } } render() { const intro = ( <> {this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.intro.title')}



Example Mue setup
); const chooseLanguage = ( <> {this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.language.title')}

{this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.language.description')}{' '} GitHub !

); const theme = ( <> {this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.theme.title')}


this.changeTheme('auto')}> {this.getMessage('')}
this.changeTheme('light')}> {this.getMessage('modals.main.settings.sections.appearance.theme.light')}
this.changeTheme('dark')}> {this.getMessage('modals.main.settings.sections.appearance.theme.dark')}



); const settings = ( <> {this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.settings.title')}


this.importSettings(e)} />



); const privacy = ( <> {this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.privacy.title')}






{this.getMessage('modals.welcome.sections.privacy.links.source_code')} ); const final = ( <> {this.getMessage('')}




this.props.switchTab(1)}> {this.getMessage('modals.main.settings.sections.language.title')}:{' '} {languages.find((i) => i.value === localStorage.getItem('language')).name}
this.props.switchTab(3)}> {this.getMessage('modals.main.settings.sections.appearance.theme.title')}:{' '} {this.getSetting('theme')}
{this.state.importedSettings.length !== 0 ? (
this.props.switchTab(2)}> {this.getMessage('', { amount: this.state.importedSettings.length, })}{' '} {this.state.importedSettings.length}
) : null}
); switch (this.props.currentTab) { case 1: return chooseLanguage; case 2: return settings; case 3: return theme; case 4: return privacy; case 5: return final; // 0 default: return intro; } } }