
530 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"tabname": "Nouvel Onglet",
"widgets": {
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2021-04-30 21:49:04 +00:00
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2021-08-28 17:56:59 +00:00
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"error_boundary": {
2021-04-16 11:19:07 +00:00
"title": "Erreur",
"message": "Failed to load this component of Mue",
2021-04-16 11:19:07 +00:00
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2021-04-16 11:19:07 +00:00
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2021-05-02 12:40:11 +00:00
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2021-05-02 12:40:11 +00:00
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2021-06-13 15:36:43 +00:00
"mute_video": "Mettre la vidéo en sourdine",
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2021-08-25 12:55:20 +00:00
"voice_search": "Recherche vocale",
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"extra_info": {
"title": "Informations supplémentaires",
"show_location": "Afficher l'emplacement",
"show_description": "Show description",
"cloudiness": "Cloudiness",
"humidity": "Humidité",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"wind_speed": "Vitesse du vent",
"wind_direction": "Wind direction",
"min_temp": "Température minimale",
"max_temp": "Température maximale",
"atmospheric_pressure": "Pression atmosphérique"
"quicklinks": {
"title": "Liens rapides",
"open_new": "Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet",
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2021-08-28 17:56:59 +00:00
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"offline_mode": "Mode hors-ligne",
"data": "Donnés",
"reset_modal": {
"title": "ATTENTION",
"question": "Voulez-vous réinitialiser Mue?",
"information": "Cela supprimera toutes les données. Si vous souhaitez conserver vos données et préférences, veuillez d'abord les exporter.",
"cancel": "Annuler"
"customisation": "Personnalisation",
"custom_css": "CSS personnalisé",
"custom_js": "JS personnalisé",
"tab_name": "Nom de l'onglet",
"timezone": {
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"automatic": "Automatic"
"experimental_warning": "Veuillez noter que l'équipe Mue ne peut pas fournir d'assistance si vous avez activé le mode expérimental. Veuillez d'abord le désactiver et voir si le problème persiste avant de contacter le support."
"stats": {
"title": "Stats",
2021-08-23 14:33:09 +00:00
"warning": "You need to enable usage data in order to use this feature. This data is only stored locally.",
"sections": {
"tabs_opened": "Tabs opened",
"backgrounds_favourited": "Backgrounds favourited",
"backgrounds_downloaded": "Backgrounds downloaded",
"quotes_favourited": "Quotes favourited",
"quicklinks_added": "Quicklinks added",
"settings_changed": "Settings changed",
"addons_installed": "Add-ons installed"
2021-08-23 14:33:09 +00:00
"usage": "Usage Stats"
"keybinds": {
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"recording": "Recording...",
"click_to_record": "Click to record",
"background": {
"favourite": "Favourite background",
"maximise": "Maximise background",
"download": "Download background",
"show_info": "Show background information"
"quote": {
"favourite": "Favourite quote",
"copy": "Copy quote",
"tweet": "Tweet quote"
"notes": {
"pin": "Pin notes",
"copy": "Copy notes"
"search": "Focus search",
"quicklinks": "Toggle add quick link",
"modal": "Toggle modal"
"experimental": {
"title": "Expérimental",
"warning": "These settings have not been fully tested/implemented and may not work correctly!",
"developer": "Developer"
"language": {
"title": "Langue",
"quote": "Citation langue"
"changelog": "Journal des modifications",
"about": {
"title": "à propos de",
"copyright": "Droits d'auteur",
"version": {
"title": "Version",
"checking_update": "Vérification de la mise à jour",
"update_available": "Mise à jour disponible",
"no_update": "Pas de mise a jour disponible",
2021-04-27 21:17:36 +00:00
"offline_mode": "Impossible de vérifier la mise à jour en mode hors ligne",
"error": {
"title": "Failed to get update information",
"description": "An error occured"
"contact_us": "Nous contacter",
"support_mue": "Soutenir Mue",
"resources_used": {
"title": "Ressources utilisées",
"bg_images": "Images d'arrière-plan hors ligne",
"welcome_img": "Image de bienvenue",
"pin_icon": "Icône de broche"
"contributors": "Collaborateurs",
"supporters": "Partisans",
"photographers": "Photographes"
"buttons": {
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"import": "Importer",
"export": "Exporter"
"marketplace": {
"photo_packs": "Packs Photos",
"quote_packs": "Packs Citations",
"preset_settings": "Paramètres prédéfinis",
"no_items": "Aucun article dans cette catégorie",
"product": {
"overview": "Aperçu",
"information": "Information",
"last_updated": "Dernière mise à jour",
"version": "Version",
"author": "Auteur",
"buttons": {
"addtomue": "Ajouter à Mue",
"remove": "Enlever"
"quote_warning": {
"title": "Warning",
"description": "This quote pack requests to external servers that may track you!"
"offline": {
"title": "Hors ligne",
"description": "Veuillez vous connecter à Internet."
"addons": {
"added": "Ajoutées",
"empty": {
"title": "C'est vide par ici",
"description": "Dirigez vous vers le marché pour ajouter des options"
2021-05-02 13:45:34 +00:00
"sideload": "Charger",
"sort": {
"title": "Sort",
"newest": "Installed (Newest)",
"oldest": "Installed (Oldest)",
"a_z": "Alphabetical (A-Z)",
"z_a": "Alphabetical (Z-A)"
"create": {
"title": "Create",
"other_title": "Create Add-on",
"metadata": {
"name": "Name",
"icon_url": "Icon URL",
"screenshot_url": "Screenshot URL",
"description": "Description"
"finish": {
"title": "Finish",
"download": "Download Add-on"
"settings": {
"current": "Import current setup",
"json": "Upload JSON"
"photos": {
"title": "Add Photos"
"quotes": {
"title": "Add Quotes"
2021-05-02 13:45:34 +00:00
"update": {
"title": "Mettre à jour",
"offline": {
"title": "Hors",
"description": "Vous ne pouvez pas obtenir de mise à jour si vous êtes hors ligne"
"error": {
"title": "Erreur",
"description": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur"
"welcome": {
"tip": "Quick Tip",
"sections": {
"intro": {
"title": "Bienvenue en Mue Tab",
"description": "Merci d'avoir installé Mue, nous espérons que vous apprécierez votre temps avec notre extension."
"language": {
"title": "Choose your language",
"description": "Mue can be displayed the languages listed below. You can also add new translations on our"
"theme": {
"title": "Select a theme",
"description": "Mue is available in both light and dark theme, or this can be automatically set depending on your system theme.",
"tip": "Using the Auto settings will use the theme on your computer. This setting will impact the modals and some of the widgets displayed on the screen, such as weather and notes."
"settings": {
"title": "Import Settings",
"description": "Installing Mue on a new device? Feel free to import your old settings!",
"tip": "You can export your old settings by navigating to the Advanced tab in your old Mue setup. Then you need to click the export button which will download the JSON file. You can upload this file here to carry across your settings and preferences from your previous Mue installation."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy Options",
"description": "Enable settings to further protect your privacy with Mue.",
"offline_mode_description": "Enabling offline mode will disable all requests to any service. This will result in online backgrounds, online quotes, marketplace, weather, quick links, change log and some about tab information to be disabled.",
"ddg_proxy_description": "You can make image requests go through DuckDuckGo if you wish. By default, API requests go through our open source servers and image requests go through the original server. Turning this off for quick links will get the icons from Google instead of DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo proxy is always enabled for the Marketplace.",
"links": {
"title": "Links",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"source_code": "Source Code"
"final": {
"title": "Final step",
"description": "Your Mue Tab experience is about to begin.",
"changes": "Changes",
"changes_description": "To change settings later click on the settings icon in the top right corner of your tab.",
"imported": "Imported",
"settings": "settings"
"buttons": {
"next": "Next",
"previous": "Previous",
"close": "Fermer"
"feedback": {
"title": "Give us feedback",
"question_one": "How would you rate your experience of this Mue build?",
"question_two": "What bugs did you encounter in your use of Mue?",
"question_three": "How likely would you be to recommend this version of Mue to a friend or colleague?",
"question_four": "What do you want adding to the next Mue build?",
"not_filled": "Question box must be filled",
"success": "Sent successfully!",
"submit": "Submit"
"toasts": {
"quote": "Citation copiée",
"notes": "Remarques copiée",
"reset": "Réinitialisé avec succès",
"installed": "Installé avec succès",
2021-04-16 11:19:07 +00:00
"uninstalled": "Enlevé avec succès",
"error": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé",
2021-04-16 11:19:07 +00:00
"imported": "Importé avec succès"
2020-10-14 12:03:42 +00:00