Normal selection algo

Signed-off-by: Mark Tolmacs <>
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Mark Tolmacs 2024-05-13 20:09:44 +02:00
parent e8f36dcb5c
commit bcab31360f
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 147 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
import { arePointsEqual, dot, normalize, pointToVector } from "../../math";
import {
} from "../../math";
import { LocalPoint, Point, Vector } from "../../types";
import { ExcalidrawArrowElement } from "../types";
import { Bounds, getElementBounds } from "../bounds";
import {
} from "../types";
import { Bounds, getElementBounds, getElementLineSegments } from "../bounds";
import Scene from "../../scene/Scene";
// ========================================
@ -31,26 +41,35 @@ export const calculatePoints = (
const firstPoint = arrow.points[0] as LocalPoint;
const boundingBoxes = getStartEndBounds(arrow);
const [startBox, endBox] = boundingBoxes;
const startCenter = startBox && getCenter(startBox);
const endCenter = endBox && getCenter(endBox);
const [startClosestSegment, endClosestSegment] =
getClosestStartEndLineSegments(arrow, firstPoint, target);
const startNormal =
startClosestSegment &&
getNormalVectorForSegment(arrow, startClosestSegment, firstPoint);
const endNormal =
endClosestSegment &&
getNormalVectorForSegment(arrow, endClosestSegment, target);
const startHeading = startNormal && getHeadingForBindDongle(startNormal);
const endHeading = endNormal && getHeadingForBindDongle(endNormal);
const points = [toWorldSpace(arrow, firstPoint)];
// if (startHeading) {
// const startDongle = toWorldSpace(
// arrow,
// addVectors(firstPoint, scaleVector(startHeading, 40)),
// );
// points.push(startDongle);
// }
if (startHeading) {
const startDongle = toWorldSpace(
addVectors(firstPoint, scaleVector(startHeading, -40)),
const endPoints = [];
// if (endHeading) {
// const endDongle = toWorldSpace(
// arrow,
// addVectors(target, scaleVector(endHeading, 40)),
// );
// endPoints.push(endDongle);
// }
if (endHeading) {
const endDongle = toWorldSpace(
addVectors(target, scaleVector(endHeading, -40)),
endPoints.push(toWorldSpace(arrow, target));
return calculateSegment(
@ -188,6 +207,114 @@ const getStartEndBounds = (
) as [Bounds | null, Bounds | null];
const getStartEndElements = (
arrow: ExcalidrawArrowElement,
): [NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null] => {
const scene = Scene.getScene(arrow);
if (!scene) {
return [null, null];
const elementsMap = scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap();
const startElement = arrow.startBinding
? elementsMap.get(arrow.startBinding.elementId) ?? null
: null;
const endElement = arrow.endBinding
? elementsMap.get(arrow.endBinding.elementId) ?? null
: null;
return [startElement, endElement];
const getStartEndLineSegments = (arrow: ExcalidrawArrowElement) => {
const scene = Scene.getScene(arrow);
if (!scene) {
return [null, null];
const elementsMap = scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap();
const [startElement, endElement] = getStartEndElements(arrow);
const startLineSegments =
startElement && getElementLineSegments(startElement, elementsMap);
const endLineSegments =
endElement && getElementLineSegments(endElement, elementsMap);
return [startLineSegments, endLineSegments];
const getClosestLineSegment = (segments: [Point, Point][], p: Point) => {
if (segments.length === 0) {
return null;
const [px, py] = p;
const distances =, idx) => {
const [x1, y1] = segment[0];
const [x2, y2] = segment[1];
// Get the closest point of the segment
const dx = Math.min(x1 - px, x2 - px);
const dy = Math.min(y1 - py, y2 - py);
return { distance: distance2d(dx, dy, px, py), idx };
distances.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance);
return segments[distances[0].idx];
const getClosestStartEndLineSegments = (
arrow: ExcalidrawArrowElement,
startPoint: Point,
endPoint: Point,
) => {
const [startLineSegments, endLineSegments] = getStartEndLineSegments(arrow);
const startClosestLineSegment =
startLineSegments && getClosestLineSegment(startLineSegments, startPoint);
const endClosestLineSegment =
endLineSegments && getClosestLineSegment(endLineSegments, endPoint);
return [startClosestLineSegment, endClosestLineSegment];
const getNormalVectorCandidatesForSegment = (
segment: [Point, Point],
): [Vector, Vector] => [
rotateVector(pointToVector(segment[0], segment[1]), Math.PI / 2),
rotateVector(pointToVector(segment[0], segment[1]), -1 * (Math.PI / 2)),
// Arrow end/start points to the center of the start/end shape = Target Vector
// Target Vector DOT Normal < 0 means the Normal POINTS OUTSIDE, because it's a convex shape
const getNormalVectorForSegment = (
element: ExcalidrawElement,
segment: [Point, Point],
p: Point,
): Vector => {
const scene = Scene.getScene(element);
if (!scene) {
console.error("No scene can be retrieved for element");
return [0, 0];
const elementsMap = scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap();
const [n1, n2] = getNormalVectorCandidatesForSegment(segment);
const center = getCenter(getElementBounds(element, elementsMap));
const centerToPointVector = pointToVector(p, center);
if (dot(centerToPointVector, n1) >= 0) {
return n1;
return n2;
const getHeadingForBindDongle = (normal: Vector) => vectorToHeading(normal);
const getAvoidanceBounds = (el: ExcalidrawArrowElement): (Bounds | null)[] => {
const scene = Scene.getScene(el);
if (!scene) {