# Enterprise Example Images These docs contain examples and guides for how to setup your images to utilize the Multi Editor Support built into Coder Enterprise. Each directory in [`images/`](./images) contains examples for how to setup your images with different IDEs. See our [documentation at our Enterprise Hub](https://enterprise.coder.com/docs/multi-editor) for additional information about supported editors and known issues. ## Image Minimums All of the images provided in this repo include the following utilities to ensure they work well with all of Coder Enterprise's features, and to provide a solid out-of-the-box developer experience: - git - bash - curl & wget - htop - man - vim - sudo - python3 & pip3 - gcc & gcc-c++ & make ## Images on Docker Hub Each of these images is also published to Docker Hub under the `codercom/enterprise-[name]` repository. For example, `intellij` is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/codercom/enterprise-intellij. The tag is taken from the file extension of the Dockerfile. For example, `intellij/Dockerfile.ubuntu` is under the `ubuntu` tag. ## Contributing See our [contributing guide](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).